
Fortifying Glory

Nix arrived at Jenzi platform a few minutes before 0700. All seven members of the Gladis Hub were waiting for him. He offered them membership in Inferno.

Darsi seemed surprised by the offer. "What brought this on Nix?" She liked calling him Trip-Seven, but she didn't want to antagonize him further.

"It's for ease of travel. By joining Inferno, you will receive a Guild portal icon on your hud. That means you can leave the Gladis Hub unassisted."

Darsi smiled at him, "I can make us all 'return to binding point' bracers. They aren't complicated at all. As long as our binding point is the Hub, we'll be able to go back and forth easily."

Nix nodded, "that's what I'm thinking also." He held out his hand and Darsi grabbed it. A few moments later he dropped them off at the Gladis Hub and then returned to Glory Island.

He covered a yawn when he stepped off the Glory platform.

/Guildchat: Nix: Going to check out the Sea-World now.