
Flame Temple

[Direct Contact: Leva]

Nix waited for a few seconds until a life-sized holo of the former dark chancellor appeared in front of him.

Leva bowed deeply while offering him a fanged smile. "How may I be of service, Nix?"

"Do you know what an Arcturis'Fraiza is?"

Leva shook her head. "Sorry, no."

"It's a leech that grows forever until something kills it." Nix paused for a moment while considering the best options. I need as many people as can be spared. Eidengal is covered in fresh meat."

Leva's dark eyes showed her interest. "Is this a primal creature?"

Nix nodded. "Yes, start processing the meat for transport to wherever it's needed. Prepare containers for blood. Also on the outside of its body are bone quills. Save those for me."

Leva nodded as Nix spoke. "We'll head out within two hours. Will you be in Eidengal?"

"Alpha is on another mission here, but we'll speak again once it's completed." Nix closed the comm before turning back toward the King.