
Eidengal Gates

[You have died. There is no death penalty between levels 125 and 127]

Nix hovered over his corpse, choosing not to recover while he waited for Tess to target him.

"Ready for some serious Healer love?"

[You've been offered a Ressurection by Tess. Do you accept?]


"Something wrong, Nix?" Fajii's cool hand rested on his on the back of his neck.

Quest Updated

Quest Line: The Lost City

Part V: The Gates of Eidengal

Part VI The Armory

Part VII Temple of the Flame

Part VIII Temple of Wood

Part IX Temple of Metal

Part X The Elemental Origin

Quest: The Gates of Eidengal

Objective: The Entrance to the

the city has been locked for centuries.

During those years, the Key has passed

through the hands of many powerful

beings. Search out and destroy the

strongest of these.

[High-level creatures will drop the Key randomly]

Nix read the messages as they scrolled across his hud. "No, it's nothing to worry about."