
Easy Days

Nix clicked the second to last tile down on the table, his yellow eyes filled with humor. "That would be 'last domino' gentlemen."

"Shit..." Pon glanced down at his dominoes, he wasn't even close to going out. "Guess I'm drawing." He picked up a tile and placed it in his holder. "Pass. My luck is crap."

Wind nodded in agreement and sat a tile down. "Last domino."

"Nice try, but too little, too late." Nix placed his last tile on the table. "We have a winna."

Pon leaned back on the cushioned chair. "I use to be good at this game."

"You guys going to eat lunch?" Hyai's voice called from downstairs.

Nix looked at the other two before answering. "Yes!"

"Can't say no to Hyai's cooking." Pon frowned when he said it. "Semmi burns everything, and I'm worthless in the kitchen."

Wind nodded in agreement. "She does, you'd think she was a fire mage."