
Dragon Quest

"An impressive bit of work, without a doubt." Nix studied the large barrel that had been converted into a barbeque; Pon the magnificent would be on cooking duty as soon as the loot was ironed out.

Jun Li gestured to the four new faces that were present. "That's Muncie from the Bandit camp; he was part of their 'forced labor' group. I believe you already know Lu, Circa and Molls."

Nix nodded, he'd already been briefed. As soon as Jun Li found out about the animator, she had Ducky question him using her abilities. He passed the Water Witches enhanced questioning techniques with flying colors. "Necroskeletal animation, it's basically a Necromancer without the sorcery."

"He admits that it isn't likely he'll be able to use the black dragon we killed at the mountain pass."

Jun Li nudged Nix with her foot. "Deidra just arrived through a breach."