
Desert Winter

Nix removed a boxed lunch from the fridge and ate while he considered his options. He didn't want to risk losing the Titan puppets to degradation due to long-term inhabitance. Both Nihlus and Sindi were working hard on Inferno's behalf as they attempted to revitalize the Titan bloodline within the Everspire Clans. "Shit... All the fucking freebies."

Nix exited the Turtle House and followed the sound of splashing. The turtle pond that came with the home was occupied by Soup, Ducky, and a stray Vilas. "Fey been around?"

Ducky nodded and pointed south of their position, where the silver drakon could be seen gliding through the clouds.

[Whisper: Nix to Fey] Could you come to see me for a moment? I'm at the Turtle House.

[Whisper: Fey to Nix] On my way.

The sound of Ducky laughing made Nix turn back toward the water; Soup was trying to ride an uncooperative Vilas. "Nix! We need to get Soup a saddle!"