
Deep Winter War: Shapeshifter Vorn

Hoot's old face creased in a wide grin. "You look a bit better off than you did last time you were here."

Nix nodded in agreement. He glanced toward the middle of the lake where the floating city of Bachoni was located. Although the settlement wasn't within visual range, the glow of an anomaly hovered where he knew it to be. "Might have to rebuild the town when all this is done."

"It was an ugly place anyways." Hoot's old eyes glanced at the expanded anomaly that was clearly visible in the distance. "That light started expanding a few hours ago. Was that your doing?"

"Probably." Nix stared at the veil of light that extended upward toward the clouds and spanned the entire width of Lake Bachoni. "We'll rebuild everything that the Ice Goddess destroyed."

"Hmm." Hoot watched as the Inferno Leader activated his Archon bloodline and shot into the air without speaking further.

/Alpha: Pon: The curse is broken?