
Clan Krayven

[Reference Info for the next few chapters]

Chelestias: Also referred to as the Che. The miners of the Core'dium, these fur-covered creatures have special senses that enable them to sense precious metals hidden in the core.

Drahk'Dhassi: These Core'dium dhassi have evolved to live underground. They are an albino race of nomads that wander the core, hunting, and gathering.


Nix waved to get Zinu's attention and waited while she walked toward them. The young woman's features, for the most part, were indistinguishable. Her skin and hair were liberally smeared with reddish mud. Nix knew from experience that the mud had strong anti-magic properties and made it necessary to fight the Krayven Clansmen using general melee and ranged damage.

[Whisper: Halla to Nix] I want you to open up portal travel between Free Trader City and Inferno City.