
Chained Lightning

The iridescent Salamander walked down the rows of her peppers, her sleek head raised slightly as her nostrils flared. Shae loved the sweet scent of the plant nearly as much as the taste.

[Whisper: Ducky to Shae] Nix has been exposed to something bad. Come to Loki!

Shae disappeared from her garden and reappeared next to her mate a moment later. The appearance of Shae in her natural form caused everyone to take a step back. Nix lay on the sand next to Chiba and Fajii. The Aquarion was still semi-conscious, but the other two were not. Small black veins were visible under Nix's and Fajii's skin, oddly enough Chiba's skin seemed unaffected.

The Salamander touched his forehead, her eyes closed while she explored with her senses. "Nether contamination, mixed with something else. What happened here?"

Semmi's bright blue eyes shone with emotion. "We were fighting next to this basin of liquid Nether. Chiba and Nix were exposed during the fight."