
Bonded Demon (part one)

Semmi tiptoed out of the open barracks. There were a dozen beds in the large room they were staying in. Wind was still gone, and a large black Orion took up Nix's bed. The recruits were staying in the same room but closer to the door.

She found him in the common area, with three rat-puppets in front of him. "You're reputation for sleeping all the time is undeserved."

Nix smiled at the blonde officer. "I do like to sleep in... However, I get a lot done in the late evening hours." He scooted over when she plopped down beside him. "You and Pon feel like a Virtuna excursion?"

"Really? Sure! Who's coming?"

Nix shrugged slightly. "Perhaps Gideon, Darsi, Wind, and maybe a friend of mine from the outside."

"Didn't realize you had friends outside of Colonial. You never talk about them." Semmi picked up one of the rings that Nix had already finished. "You're placing Emperor level rat in these rings? That's not like you."

Nix gave her a deadpan look. "Really?"