
Bigger is better

[Bone Fortress: Sandcrab Precinct, 0700 hours Ice Faction: 12,733, Undead 10]

The Salamander skeleton glowed with beautiful orange flames, given it's close proximity to Skeleton Nix's emerald green fire, dark brown flames smoldered between them. Although they sat quietly together on the rocks, the relationship between them was obvious.

Edi watched from just outside of her tent. She welcomed another fire elemental to their cause. Pon and Rhy had politely stopped her from approaching while the two were talking privately. After quite some time had passed, Nix finally waved her over.

"Welcome to the Bone Fortress; I'm Edi."

Shae was in salamander form, although no one really commented on it. "Well met, I'm Shae. We didn't get a chance to talk earlier before Nix made me go back."

Skeleton Nix didn't comment, but it was obvious that he found her protest amusing. Sharl and Nezbit were settled into the choke-point while Alfie, Rhy, and Sasi were all scouting.