
Assaulting the Keep

Fajii was leaning against the side of the craft when Pon and Nix arrived a few minutes later. The Aquarion smiled at the two Fire Mages. "We're going to fuck shit up?"

Nix bit down on a smile. "Well said. That's exactly what we're going to do."

Wind and Semmi arrived from the opposite direction; both had been taking part in the battle for Tribunal.

/Alpha: Nix: Thanks for coming.

/Alpha: Semmi: Looking forward to stepping into the keep.

/Alpha: Sasi: We're here too.

The two ravagers darted toward them, circling the group once before perching on the sidewall of the craft.

/Alpha: Nix: I'll summon Shae.

/Alpha: Fajii: Is Shae coming?

/Alpha: Nix: No. She's delivering some aquatic gear for us.

Nix summoned Shae a moment later, relieving her of her package before wrapping her up in a hug. "How's Hyai and Min?"

"Both good." Shae glanced at the craft behind them. "Be careful; I don't trust that thing."

/Alpha: Nix: Gear up, we're heading out.