
Ashobel Endangered (part one)

"The hell is that on your head Morti?" Nix shook his head in an effort to clear the cobwebs. A quick look around told him that he was sleeping on the small table that Hyai kept in the kitchen of the Emerald Salamander Inn.

Morti sat in the doorway entrance to the dining room. The swinging double doors barely accommodated his mass.

"It's a helmet," Morti replied.

The helmet in question was a basic steel helm that someone had attached a three-foot chinstrap to. It was buckled securely under the Titan cub's chin. It looked like a soup bowl when compared to the enormity of the head on which it sat.

"I see. Where did you get it?"

"I bought it from one of the vendors at the Embassy Bazaar. It's been custom-fitted just for me."

Nix nodded, he wouldn't purposefully hurt the cub's feelings. "Looks really great, hope you got a good deal."

Morti nodded his big head. "It was free, apparently it's good luck to give gifts to bears."