
Another Jailbreak (part one)

The cell block was completely empty except for two prisoners. The dark gray stones of the cells was lit by a single torch next to the barred door. Once a day the guards would give food and water to the inmates before leaving.

The old woman smiled at the albino shackled in the cell across the hall. Like her, both of her wrists were attached to the stone wall by two feet of heavy linked chain that ended in iron wrist shackles. A second chain attached to her waist anchored her to the floor.

"Sorry, Chiba." The Albino obviously blamed herself for their capture.

Three weeks earlier the white-haired envoy had been asked by Breach Commander Mtui to go on a reconnaissance mission to the Nether region known as the 'Lake of Blood.' Beta had requested that Chiba be allowed to accompany her and Commander Mtui had readily agreed; things had not gone well.