
After Party

The events of the past few days seemed to catch up with Nix all at once, he put his head down on his pillow for an instant and 3 hours disappeared. When he woke up his hud was buzzing with messages. He glanced through them quickly.

[Whisper: Del Tali to Nix] I need to talk to you. Could you meet me sometime very soon?

"No... maybe in a week or two."

[Whisper: Raine Xai to Nix] Could I schedule a meeting with you? I would like to know more about this Izzin Empire.

"Er... I'm tempted to arrange to meet both of you at the same place and then not show up. Could be entertaining."

[Whisper: Bula Feren to Nix] You bastard! Come to Phai City and meet me if you have any balls left!

"The hell is Bula?"

[Whisper: Kedric Red to Nix] Perhaps the death of someone you care about will get your attention.

Nix scowled at the message "A threat? This I will answer."

[Whisper: Nix to Kedric] Let's be clear, f*ck with me and I'll turn you, along with everyone you know into ash.