
A Quiet Afternoon


Author's Reminder: A few characters that haven't been seen in a while are in this chapter. Halla, Boomer, and Yuli. Halla and his son are both Che (Ferret-men from the Core), Yuli is the Drahk cousin of Beta.


1300 hours the following day. Goralpri City

Nix should have been surprised when Beta and Commander Mtui stepped through a newly created breach in Goralpri, but he wasn't. The albino rogue seemed to have no difficulty keeping tabs on him. Nix greeted the pair with a smile. "You're trespassing."

Mtui nodded in agreement. "Seems like you have some work to do here."

Beta looked around at the overgrown city, Nix had joined it to the others, but the gating platform was not yet active. "What a mess. Was this placed in a jungle?"