
A bit of Warmth

Nix rolled over on the warm stone, slowly sitting up as he gathered his wits. He was on a spawning platform, similar to the one he'd encountered at the Gladis Hub. Standing up, he removed his outer coat.

"I see you are awake. May I help you, sir?" a feminine voice spoke from behind him. She wore light blue robes, and her black hair hung down her back in a long braid.

"I'm Nix. Somehow, I've lost my way. Could you tell me a bit about the area?"

She bowed slightly. "Well met, Nix. I am Cyan, the temple cleric here. This is the Temple of Shi, the Ice Spirit of Cyphix City. Here, let me download the local shops and businesses to your HUD."

Nix felt his bracelet vibrate. He tapped it once, and the heads-up display (HUD) appeared. Cycling through the menus, he noted that none were grayed out this time. Clicking on the map she had sent him, he said, "I need to earn some money so I can find a place to sleep. Any suggestions?"

"You have yellow eyes, like the sun," she remarked, ignoring his question. Reaching into her pocket, she handed him a token. "This is a welcome token. Newcomers to the city receive one."

"Oh... thank you." He rolled the token over in his hands before glancing up at her. "What do I do with it?"

Her laughter was light, like a summer breeze. "Give it to any innkeeper. It will pay for three days of food and lodging."

"Can you recommend an inn? I'd like somewhere quiet with good food."

"Try the Kindled Spirit Inn. Tell them Cyan sent you."

After thanking her, Nix left the temple. Outside, it was cold, but nowhere near the deadly temperatures he'd endured before. He slipped on his overcoat and descended the steps.

He had assumed Cyphix was a small city, but that wasn't the case. The roads were paved with brown stone that gripped his shoes as he walked. The shops, built from red brick, were separated by narrow alleyways. As a former arsonist, he noted that Cyphix was unlikely to burn easily.

Passing several weapons and armor shops on his way to the Kindled Spirit, he saw no signs of a tailor shop. Carefully, he began to plan: first, secure a room and eat; then, access his HUD to learn everything he could about Colonial. Virtual gaming hadn't interested him while he wreaked havoc in New York, but now, knowledge was essential.

The Kindled Spirit was a wooden building, the only one on its block. Its faintly European architecture featured numerous windows and pointed roofs. Pushing open the heavy door, Nix felt an immediate sense of comfort. The warmth inside and the aroma of barbecue and baked goods enveloped him. A middle-aged woman with a friendly smile greeted him.

"Greetings, sir! Welcome to the Kindled Spirit. I'm Hyai, the owner. What can I do for you today?" Hyai was broad-shouldered, with faded red hair and freckles. Her ample chest defied gravity, straining against the buttons of her white shirt. She wore an ankle-length blue skirt.

He handed her the token Cyan had given him. "Cyan sent me. I'd like a room and something to eat."

She nodded, smiling warmly. "We're serving lunch—bear stew or fried cod."

"I'll take the stew, and whatever comes with it."

"It comes with a pint, a loaf of bread, and a smile."

Her words brought a small smile to his face, likely his first in a long time. "Sounds perfect. Thank you."

Nix chose a table near the fireplace. The warmth against his back and the crackling flames were comforting. There were no other customers in sight.

Opening his HUD, he brought up the gaming menu and read the introduction carefully.

In Colonial, embark on an adventure spanning seven continents. Relive the age of pirates and seafaring. Not a fan of piracy? Begin your journey as a powerful magic wielder capable of leveling entire cities.

Cities are connected by portals, accessible for a small fee once you reach level 20. Until then, explore freely. You won't need to choose a faction until level 10.

Colonial features two factions: Sea Farers and Terrans. Each offers melee, ranged, or magic skills with unique strengths and weaknesses. Choose wisely.

There are no preset adventure classes in Colonial. If you wish to become a swordsman, train with the sword. Factions allow training in one primary weapon and one secondary weapon. Secondary skills operate at 60% of the primary weapon's effectiveness. Choosing the path of magic replaces your primary weapon with a Path of Study.

Satisfied for now, Nix closed the HUD. His stomach growled as the enticing smells of the inn reminded him of how long it had been since he'd enjoyed a proper meal.

Weapons in Colonial


Sword [All Types]HammerWhipHalberd [Includes all Spears]Dagger [If the dagger is both primary and secondary, there are no penalties.]


RifleBowPistol [If the gun is both primary and secondary, there are no penalties.]Javelin

Paths of Magic:

Death Magic: This path primarily focuses on raising corpses from the dead and using them as companions. High-level Death Mages are very rare due to their weakness in the lower and mid-levels.

Water Magic: Water Mages can heal, buff, and use water-based attack spells. With the right support skills, they may also utilize ice-based attacks. Ice Magic isn't a standalone path but rather a hybrid of Air and Water Magic. Fire creatures have a natural fear of water and incur penalties while operating in water-dominated environments. [See Fire Magic]

Fire Magic: Fire Mages are the most powerful damage dealers in Colonial. Their strength directly correlates to the type of fire they can wield. Mage fire works in water environments, but using it underwater drains the mana pool at a higher rate and reduces damage output. Water creatures are naturally vulnerable to fire, suffering penalties in fire-based habitats. [See Water Magic]

Healing Magic: The pure path of healing is the strongest support class in the game. Clerics possess the tools to keep individuals and groups alive in any environment. They excel with the best healing abilities, buffs, and crowd control spells, making them essential for raids.

Wind Magic: Wind Mages are rare in Colonial, serving as a strong support class. They can significantly boost Fire, Water, and Ranged attacks. At higher levels, Wind Mages gain the ability to fly short distances. They have no natural nemesis.

Colonial also includes various support skills, ranging from stealth to first aid. Players can learn up to three support skills, but their combined rating cannot exceed 10.

For Example: Combat Medic = 6, Stun = 3, Swim = 1.

Some support skills are rare and difficult to acquire, while others are readily available. Support skills can be reset at any time.

Colonial is an open-world game where you can craft every aspect of your adventure. While there is a main faction quest, be mindful that choosing a faction may make certain cities hostile toward you.

At level 10, players can opt to become Lifestyle players. Lifestyle players are non-combatants, unaffiliated with factions, and focus on crafting and trade.

"Reading up a bit? That's a good idea." Hyai returned with a tray and set it down in front of Nix.

"Thank you." He grabbed the mug, which was larger than any pint he'd ever seen. Taking a sip, he coughed lightly. It was sweet and fizzy but not unpleasant.

"Anything else, Mr. Nix?"

"Some company, if you don't mind. Traveling can get lonely." Nix smiled at her and sampled the stew. It was well-seasoned, and the meat melted in his mouth. Sighing contentedly, he continued eating.

Hyai nodded and sat across from him. She was easy to talk to, a widow with one daughter who had married and moved away. Hyai had been running the inn alone for nearly a decade. Though she knew a little fire magic, she insisted she wasn't a mage.

After discussing local events and businesses, Nix pushed his tray aside. He appreciated her warmth—perhaps it was her fire magic, given his experience with fire.

Standing to collect his tray, she asked, "Anything else, Nix?" She'd started calling him by his first name halfway through their conversation.

"A hot bath would be nice. Maybe some more company." He smiled so she wouldn't misunderstand.

Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away. "This isn't that sort of establishment, Nix."

He laughed. "I do like a warm woman, but if you're against it, I'll settle for the bath."

She handed him a key with a wooden tag labeled Bath. "It's at the top of the stairs. There's a closet nearby with towels."

"Thank you, Hyai."

Ten minutes later, Nix sank into steaming water, a luxury he hadn't imagined during the past few nights. The bathroom was just big enough to hold the large porcelain tub. A full-length mirror hung on the back of the door.

Fully content, he felt himself drifting off until a soft knock startled him. Hyai opened the door, holding a folded towel.

"I brought a towel." Her pretty face reddened, making the freckles on her nose stand out. "I'm flattered, Nix. It's been a while since a man looked at me like that."

Sitting up, Nix watched her set the towel down and quickly leave. "Nonsense. You're a beautiful woman."

Later, standing in front of the mirror, he dried himself with the towel. His reflection stared back from the fogged glass. "How did I end up here?"

"You seem very tired, Nix," Hyai remarked as he exited the bathroom. She carried a basket of fresh linens.

He chuckled. "Just a bit. A warm bed feels like a distant dream."

"Shall I wake you for dinner?"

Nix shook his head. "I'll sleep instead. Tomorrow, I need to get a better feel for Colonial."

"The city library might be a good place to start. They have maps and cultural information you can upload to your HUD."

He watched her walk away, her manner comforting. A few minutes later, Nix climbed into the warm bed in his room. "I need to find work, figure out this world's geography, and make some plans."

Yawning, he closed his eyes. "Thanks, Glory," he murmured softly.

I added some maps into an auxiliary chapter. You can find them posted in the chapter comments there.

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