
Chapter 3-Prologue 3: Tatyana diaries

100 years in the divine realm with Luna

Over the past 100 years, me and Luna have continued to grow closer and closer. Who would have thought that my soul mate would one day pop up on a chair in front of me. Such an amazing one to.

During these past 100 years, Luna started to train. One day when I went to look for her, I came across her in the training field. A huge field spanning almost 5 acres across, which is quite small considering the power of the one it belongs to. It has everything you could need for training, weapons, armour, targets, simulations, It's the perfect training ground and I should know considering I built it myself.

That's right, praise me mortals fufufu.

Anyway~ I came across her covered in sweat and holding a sword, looking divine as always, and when I asked her why she was training she said "Well, my soul mate is a 'young' yet extremely beautiful Goddess at the origin level, I got to protect my future wifey from those thieving hoes"

I honestly did not know whether to burst out laughing or shower her in kisses at how adorable she was... so I did both.

After that I helped her train and it became a routine for both of us to wake up before sunset and train whilst enjoying each other's presence. Afterwards we would enjoy breakfast together before going about our day, sometimes we would go on dates, sometimes I would work and she would annoy the maids. She tries to supress it around me but, I can tell that the stronger her soul grows the more mischievous she becomes.

5000 years in the divine realm with Luna

Luna broke through to the 4th tier on the day representing her 3000th year here. This means she finally has access to her first element and she chose fire. When I asked her why, she said it fits her last name "vermillion" and I agree so, as well as CQC training and weapon training, I also help her control her flames.

Nothing really eventful happened over the last few hundred years. Luna continues to prank people, even taking it out of the estate and on the neighbours, something the maids are thankful for since they no longer need to fear sleeping.

We just trained, and got to know more about one another. Though one conversation during training was interesting.


"Hah, hah, hah, H-how? How can I still not even force you to try after 300 years?" Luna questioned whilst panting causing me to look at her in amusement. "Hahahahaha, you do know I have been around for millions of years right. You're about a billion years too early for me to take you seriously." I mocked with a victory grin whilst spinning me nun-chucks around just to taunt her.

"How are you so good at fighting though?" This caused me to gain a slightly nostalgic look in my eyes, thinking about the past, which she saw. I walked over to a nearby tree and sat down, leaning against it and looking at her, who was now sat on the ground with her elbows on her knees.

"I reincarnated once." I confessed causing her to look at me in shock. "Huh? you mean you died and had wishes?" she asked with curiosity, causing me to chuckle. "A wish, actually. I don't really remember my first life but I remember I had just enough points for one wish. I didn't get to customise my appearance or even choose my world, since that is only available to those who have 3 wishes or above.

My world was chosen randomly and my appearance through luck." I said causing her to recognise how lucky she truly was to have 4 wishes. "W-What did you wish for?" she asked and it took me a few seconds to reply. "Absolute combat" I stated, causing her eyes to widen. "I thought about it long and hard. I figured I didn't actually need anything else. I didn't know what world I would be going to, or what I would look like, I only knew I had to prepare for the unknown and absolute combat was the only thing that would allow me to survive. Thankfully it was the perfect choice"

"What about the world you went to? she asked after a few seconds of contemplation, causing me to lean backwards and stare at the beautiful rising sun.

"I was a princess, an unwanted concubine's child. Me and my mother lived in our own little house with 1 maid to look after us, yet we were forgotten by the outside world. My mother was one of the kindest people I have ever met and I loved her. She didn't even want to marry the emperor, but here kingdom was on the verge of collapse.

The emperor sought my mother's beauty to add to his ever growing-collection and her parents had no choice but to agree. He used her once or twice and then forgot about her, just like the rest of his concubines. He didn't even know I existed, nor did her care.

She still loved me, even after everything she went through. She raised me with care, taught me to read and right... she showed me what it meant to be loved. One day, on my ninth birthday, my mother left the house, she never said what for, only that she loved me and would be back soon with a soft smile on her face.

That was the last time I saw her alive... I hadn't heard from her for a few hours so I got worried and went to look. I wasn't worried because of my absolute combat yet, when I arrived... she was dead.

A corpse riddle with cuts and bruises holding onto a small silver box.

It turns out, that the reason she left was to buy me a gift for my ninth birthday but on her way there she accidentally met the emperor and one of his new concubines. A snobbish bitch who thought she ruled the world because she was one of his something dozen concubines. When she saw my mother, she was overcome with jealousy due to her appearance. My mother was only 27 years old and still as beautiful, if not more beautiful, than before, add her motherly aura on top of that and she was simply stunning.

Because she had been focused on the gift, she had gotten me, she did not see them, nor greet them and the concubine saw this as a chance. So, she called her out for it. Saying she is disrespectful and thinks she is above the emperor, putting a frown on the emperor's face.

She tried to apologise, several times, even going as far as to kowtow but they weren't letting her of without 'punishment'. So, they whipped her. 20 times for something as stupid as not greeting them.

After it was done, she tried to get up and leave but obviously the concubine would not allow that. Nobody knows the reason. All we know was that she whispered something to the emperor and then picked up the whip once more.

Jealousy? Pettiness? A bitch? All of the above? she didn't stop even when mother pleaded and begged, telling them she had a child to raise and it only made the whipping harsher when the concubine realised the woman was once a concubine like her.

When I arrived, she was already dead. I froze from shock and tears began to fall from my eyes. Even with absolute combats calming ability, I was overcome with rage. No one could react as I practically teleported in front of the concubine and ripped every strand of hair from her skull. She began to scream with agony before I then broke every bone in her body. She fainted from the pain several times and woke up every time I broke another bone.

The emperor ordered his guards to apprehend me but I killed everyone that came close. Soon I had enough and scarred her face, ruining the thing she was most proud of and then left her. I didn't plan on killing her. Not until later.

After that I turned towards my mother. Not realising the tears began to fall faster. When I arrived next to her, she still had a grip on the silver box in her hands. Protecting it like it meant the world. I picked her up and then began to walk away, even when the emperor ordered me to freeze or when the guards tried to apprehend me. I just released my intimidating aura (from absolute combat) and most of them froze.

I left the empire, with my mother and buried her in a forest a few hundred miles from there.I didn't open the box until I was 13. I couldn't bring myself to because I knew what it was. When I opened it, I saw a beautifully crafted silver necklace with a pink rose in the centre and underneath was a letter.

"My baby, I know you hate that nickname miss 'I'm too old to be a baby' but I just want to let you know how much I love and appreciate you. You are the only thing that keeps me going, your laugh and your smile are what allows me to wake up in the morning. I love you little princess and happy birthday, I look forward to the years to come...Love from mother"

After I read the letter, I broke down again. I was still overcome with rage and took my anger out on the monsters that tried to attack me and I kept only until I collapsed from exhaustion.

The world was quite amazing though. It was massive in size and had a world level system available to everyone. I continued to travel the around, killing any monsters in my way and levelling up.

You were assigned a class at level 50 and the chance to evolve your race at level 1000. I was born a human and evolved into a high human when I was 22 with the class of Goddess of war, making me a prodigy sought by everyone... including the empire.

I won't go into detail about what happened since it's not important but I returned to the empire and the emperor didn't recognise me. The pretentious prick kept on flirting with me and I had to use every ounce of willpower to not throw up. Then I outed him at my 'welcoming party' and killed him before doing the same with all his other concubines and everyone related to him by blood. I knew some where innocent but I couldn't bring myself to care, they stole my mother so I stole their life.

After that I took over. I became the empress and the empire thrived becoming a powerhouse no one dared to mess with. After a couple thousand years, 30 or so I believe, I levelled up to 10,000 qualifying me to enter the divine realm and so I did. When I arrived, my soul was at the 5th level and a few million years later, you have me"

After I finished my story, I felt Luna's arms wrap around me, pulling me into her as she buried face in my neck and I could tell she was sad. I hugged her back and we both just sat in each other's embrace for what felt like hours.

"How do you have an affinity for souls and life then?" she asked after she stopped crying. Well, I was born with the concept of souls and life magic was actually the only magic I could use when I was a mortal believe it or not. I also spent most of my life in nature since I loved to travel."

Flashback end*-sorry if its rushed.

35,000 in the divine realm with Luna.

Luna broke through into the 5th tier and I asked whether or not she would like to awaken a second element or focus on fire and she chose the latter. So, we continued train every day and she continued to get better, stronger, faster. Honestly, her progress was amazing, anyone could see that but she still wasn't a match for anyone with absolute combat.

The more powerful her soul became though, the more anxious I become.

She realised, obviously. She has always been good at reading people and I kept changing the subject, trying to distract her and even though she knew, thankfully she let it go. I wonder how she will react when she finds out... I hope she's ok.

300,000 years in the divine realm with Luna.

During the past two hundred thousand years, she focused on her elemental mastery. She fully mastered all the basic elements and also ice, lightening, metal and Magma through combining the basic elements. The other hundred thousand years she focused on the law of electromagnetism, giving her abilities like flight, telekinesis and much more.

It was time to tell her... she broke through to the 6th tier and I figured it was time to tell her the truth.


I had just invited Luna to sit in the living room on the sofa. It's an extremely comfortable place with an open log fire, a giant glass window, two large sofas and a beige coloured carpet. As she sat, down she must have noticed the serious aura I had because she visibly tensed.

"W-What's wrong Tatyana, are you ok?" she asked with hesitation and anxiety in her eyes which only made this harder. "Just listen to me alright love" I said causing her to slowly nod, though she didn't relax.

"I don't really know how to go about saying this, so I'm going to just outright say it and I want you to listen with no interruptions ok?" I asked once more and getting another even more tense nod.

"The concept of lust" I stated causing her eyes to widen with realisation. "The stronger your soul gets, the stronger your concepts will get. When you reach the 7th tier, your concepts will awaken and will influence you to a certain degree. The lust concept is self-explanatory. You will become hornier more often and will also start to gain soul energy through sex. This means that the more you have sex, the stronger you get and the more replenished you get, on the contrary, the person you sleep with will became more and more tired as time goes by and will no longer be able to continue whilst you will feel better than ever and still be raring to go.

You will still feel satisfaction from the session, but still have the energy to go on unless someone can handle you. Right now, I can handle you perfectly fine since I am 3 tiers above you, but I am sure you also noticed that the stronger your soul gets, the more often you want to have sex and the longer it takes for me to 'defeat' you. Eventually when you reach the 9th tier, or even the 8th tier, I will no longer be capable of handling you on my own, you will probably drain me with ease and began to fell less and less satisfied." I stated with sadness in my eyes and she was trembling with tears in her eyes at what I was about to say next.

"D-Don't say it Tatyana, PLEASE don't say it!" she begged.

"You need a harem, my love. At least 3-5 people who are capable of hand-"

"NOOO" she screamed, cutting me of. "I only need you. I don't need anyone else and If you can't handle sex then we won't have it. Simple right." She said with desperation as the tears rolled down her cheeks and I felt my heart break at the sight.

I stood up and brought her into my lap as she hugged me tight. "Hey, hey it's fine alright, it's nothing bad, it just means I have to share you with a few people alright? It's nothing bad I promise."

"How can you say that. How can you be fine with me basically cheating on you?" She questioned as she gripped my collar tighter, her head still buried in my chest. "I'll admit I am sad, Luna. You are my soul mate; we were supposed to spend eternity together as the perfect couple. Divine destined. That's why I was sad when I found out about your concepts, but what can I do? I can either give up on you and leave the person who I love the most, the one I would rather die for than see her hurt, or I can share you with a few people who we both agree on, people I can get along with as friends.

And you are not cheating Luna, I would rather share you with a few people than lose you or see you suffer. Do you really think someone with the lust concept can forgo sex? It will eat you up from the inside and eventually you will go mad from lust." I explained with a soothing tone, as much as it hurts, I would rather share her than lose her. I can't lose her, she's too precious and means too much to me.

"You knew?" she asked causing me to look at her with confusion. "You knew you would have to do this when you find out thousands of years ago and you still continued to be with me. WHY? WHY DIND'T YOU JUST LEAVE? WHY STAY WITH ME EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW YOU COUDNT HAVE ME FOR YOURSELF?" She screamed with tears streaming down her face once more. She was now straddling my lap and looking me directly in the eyes.

Slowly I brought both hands up to her cheeks and wiped away the tears from both eyes. I then gave her the best smile I could possibly give and slowly whispered with love evident in my eyes. "Because I love you more than life itself and I would rather share even a piece of you with others than lose the entirety of you. Remember Luna, you are my divine destined and I will continue to love you for eternity, you will always belong to me, the same way I belong to you."

She once more buried her face in my neck as she began to loudly sob whilst declaring "ALWAYS, I WILL ALWAYS BE YOURS TATYANA AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS TO EVEN THINK ABOUT BEING WITH ANYONE ELSE. IM SO SORRY. PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME." she begged and my eyes widened before me grip tightened.

"NEVER, don't say that. I won't leave Luna, not now or ever, I love you too much to leave." gently I began to rock my legs as I rubbed her back. After I few minutes the sobs had stopped and as I looked down, I saw she had fallen asleep. Gently I picked her up and brought her to our room before placing her on the bed and as I left to get a drink of water, I felt her hands still gripping my shirt causing me to chuckle at her cuteness.

I used my abilities to summon a drink before I laid next to her and she unconsciously shifted closer to me in her sleep and buried her face in my neck. "Goodnight little Luna, you truly don't realise how precious you are" I said before placing a kiss on her forehead and drifted off into the land of dreams.

I didn't cry when writing this. stupid onion ninja's. I apologise if Tatyana's story was not the best.

Next chap will be the final prologue before she reincarnates and I will introduce Allice. Thankyou for reading.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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