
Phoenix In DXD

A woman awoke to find herself sitting on a comfy chair in an office of some sorts and in front of a woman proclaiming herself a goddess. cliché af. granted some wishes?. sure why not! character customisation? coolio. The condition? bent over the table by a goddess and unable to walk after pissing her off? My bad. Finding out the all powerful Goddess is your soul mate? WTF! and so begins the story of a woman reborn anew as the phoenix of life, lust, and chaos in a new world full of demons, angels and dragons. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning: The MC is raped in the second chapter by the first love interest Tatyana, if you don't like it just skip the second chap or don't read. sorry. mc is overpowered (obviously) since she is a phoenix. She will be on par with if not above both the dragon gods. It will probably be harem, but only 3 people. Tatyana, Ophis and Alice.

Chaotic_Phoenix · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 2-Prologue 2: Luna Diaries (R18+)

Warning - MENTIONS of child abuse and ATTEMPTED rape. Nothing happens to the MC!

Luna's diary POV

The day after I decided to stay, me and Tatyana performed a compatibility test for our souls. This was to determined how compatible our souls where. There are 9 ranks apparently and each rank determines how fast your soul grows and how fast you can absorb your partners energy.

To do this, we used a device where we both pour our soul energy into opposing ends and then the machine will combine the energies to determine how compatible they are. Once it has combined, the device will glow a certain colour. A certain colour represents a certain compatibility rating and the colours are as followed:

10% compatibility = Basic/Red = 1/100

20% compatibility = Elementary/Orange = 1/10,000

30% compatibility = intermediate/Yellow = 1/1,000,000

40% compatibility = High Intermediate/Green = 1/100,000,000

50% compatibility = Advanced/blue = 1/10,000,000,000 - SOUL MATES

60% compatibility = Masters/Indigo = 1/100,000,000,000

70% compatibility = Fated/violet = 1/10,000,000,000,000,000

80% compatibility =Destined/White = 100,000,000,000,000,000,000

90% compatibility = Divine Fated/Silver = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

100% compatibility = Divine Destined/Gold =?????????????????????????????????????????"

To say Tatyana was shocked would be an understatement. Everyone was. The device blasted a giant golden beam into the sky, parting the clouds and golden confetti rained from the sky. Divine destined. Our souls were perfectly made for each other and it only made me feel that my decision to stay was perfect.

Tatyana took a full 30 minutes to come down from her shock and she tacked by into a hug with tears in her eyes. She rained kisses all over my face, telling me how happy she was, whilst I was a laughing at how childish yet endearing, she was. Soon after, everyone was congratulating us since Tatyana is well known in the divine realm after being so young yet so powerful and now that she has found a divine destined, her status has risen even more.

A party was thrown and everyone celebrated, it wasn't until early hours next morning that we got home and I threw myself on my bed and slept. Tatyana was fine since she is a tier 8 goddess but I am unfortunately just a mortal and could barely handle the wine since it was made for gods.

1 Month in the divine realm.

During these months, me and Tatyana have gone on several dates and just continued to get used to each other's presence. We find out each other's likes and dislikes but we never went on to the more personal stuff since she is an ancient goddess and I am unfortunately not ready to speak of my past. It is not the worst thing to speak of but it's not something I wish to tell someone a month after meeting them... I'm sorry.

I do like Tatyana. That is something I realised. Not romantically... not yet, but I do enjoy her presence and I know she feels the same way. She is like a best friend, someone who always puts a smile on your face without you realising, someone who is willing to embarrass herself just to make you laugh. The type of person you can truly put your trust into and expect her to guard it like a national treasure.

I wonder what's holding me back?

6 months in the divine realm

I just broke through to tier two in the soul realm and Tatyana was shocked since it usually takes a few years to break through. Being divine destined is truly an ultimate blessing.

Another thing I realised was that I gained feelings... Of course, I did. she is literally perfect, her looks, her personality, everything she does seems so perfect in my eyes.

she noticed the conflicting feelings I had and decided to take me to one of her favourite places in the divine realm. It's a mountain with a flat peak, it overlooks the city we live in and when she took me at night, the scenery was breath-taking. Stars littered the entire sky, several moons orbited the sky at fast speeds, nebulas were present and even shooting stars.

She sat me down on a blanket that was surrounded by blue, red and even white roses, with me leaning on her shoulders and God, did she smell amazing, I still remember it to this day. The natural vanilla scent that wrapped you in a warm embrace.

We sat there in silence just watching the stars for a few minutes before she asked me what was wrong. "I don't know what demons are plaguing your mind little kitten but tell me please and I promise I will kick their ass." she said and that earned her a chuckle. Making me realise my insecurities were for naught, that she will listen to me and tell me everything is fine... so I told her...about my past.

How I was an orphan who was abandoned by my parents due to me being the object of a love affair, how my mother comes from a powerful family and was forced to marry someone she didn't love, causing her to sleep with her childhood friend and give birth to me just to spite her family. Then abandon me after she was made to choose between us.

How due to my appearance, the caretakers of the orphanage would always look at me, a child, with lust, causing my heart to go cold at a young age. How the other children would be jealous of said appearance and beat me for it as the adults just watched, hoping I would beg them for help. How I learned how to read people and judge them because I wanted to protect my innocence. How on my 12th birthday, one of the older men of the Orphanage could no longer hold back his lust and drugged the cake I had, hoping to attempted to rape me. Thankfully one of the women who worked there saw this and helped me escape by... taking my place.

After leaving the orphanage I made my way to a gang called the frozen Lillie's. A female only gang who dabbles in drugs, casinos and illegal businesses... I had no choice. After arriving I told them I wanted to join, hoped for protection, causing them to laugh before they also beat me. They through me out but I tried again, I had no choice, I was desperate. 3 Times I tried to join, and 3 times I was beaten before finally, the boss herself showed up and when I made eye contact with her, I was stunned...

Pink eyes.

The same eyes as mine stared at me as I lay on the ground, covered in dirt, blood and bruises. She walked past me, almost like I didn't exist causing me to lower my head in defeat before I heard "Follow me" In a commanding voice. I looked up to see her still walking away before I quickly tried to get up, limping after her. She brought me to her office and then asked me a bunch of questions, like why I wanted to join and what are my origins and I told the truth.

She accepted me. Sent me to a dorm filled with others like me, some older and some the same age. That's where I met my first friend Asteri. It means star in Greek, she was named as such because of the star shaped birth mark in the centre of her eyebrows. Time slowly went by and I spent my time training how to fight, fighting others where I often got my ass handed to me, going to school, and sometimes helping the gang with their things. I had a debt to repay after all.

One day when I was 15, Asteri asked me a question. Am I a virgin. I answered honestly and she asked if I wanted to sleep with her. She said "It's better to give it to your best friend, than to someone you may break up with at any time" and I agreed. To me it was just sex.

I didn't know it meant more for her.

On my sixteenth birthday, something unexpected happened. The head of the gang, the pink eyed woman, named me her successor, shocking not only me but everyone else. I couldn't help but wonder why? I barely interact with the woman and often get beaten by others, but then I remembered my eyes and had a really bad premonition.

I confronted her... I asked her why me and how we were related and she told the truth in her own fucked up way. "I birthed you." She said as if it wasn't as surprise, as if her daughter wasn't literally 10 minutes down the road at an orphanage whilst she is here, raising random kids. Like she didn't have the money to raise her own daughter, like she didn't watch me get beaten on a daily basis.

It turns out that after she abandoned me and was forced to marry that man, she became an alcoholic and an addict, causing her to be abandoned. Eventually she rallied together a few of her friends and created the gang, but she never once cared for me... so I left. I ran away from the gang, from it all... from Asteri.

A few years later, when I was 21, I returned as the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company. I used whatever means I could to climb to the top and it succeeded, so I decided to return to my home town and find Asteri, however when I returned to the gang and asked about it. They said she was dead.

After I ran away, she tried to follow me. She was in love with me and wanted to be with me through thick and thin, but she could never find me. 3 days later her body was found floating down the river at the edge of the town... with 6 bullet wounds. One for each limb, one for the stomach and one for the heart.

I was devastated, my only friend had died because of me, because she loved me and yet I thought it was nothing but sex, because she wanted to be with me through everything... and yet I was too selfish to care about her as I wallowed in self-pity and left everything behind.

Her death hit me hard. I became depressed and started to drink, started sleeping around with any women who I deemed worthy, I couldn't even look at a man thanks to what happened at the orphanage, but all in all... I fell.

The only reason I was granted wishes was because I had spent my money to build new Orphanages around the world. No child deservers to go through what I did and so I decided to do something about it, I got my revenge on the one who tried to assault me and refurbished the entire orphanage, yet neither could bring me to smile.

1 year later when I turned 22 is when truck-kun killed me, and I didn't even bother putting up a fight, not that I could. Obviously, I am still upset about Asteri's death but I realised I cannot afford to let it destroy. I can only move on and hope she found happiness, someone who will love her the same way she loved me.

After I finished my flashback, I didn't hear anything for a few moments causing me to get anxious, but then I looked up to see tears in Tatyana's eyes. She didn't look at me in pity, but with sadness before she hugged me tightly. We both just laid there, hugging under the night sky, one of my favourite memories as sometimes a silent comfort is better than a verbal one.

9 Months in the divine realm

I fell for her. Well, I'm pretty sure I did after I told her my past, like a breakthrough in my feelings. I confessed my feelings to her over dinner and she gave me the brightest smile, teeth and all, which caused me to fall for her all over again. She also said she likes me... unfortunately she didn't quite love me yet but she said she had romantic feelings. It didn't discourage me though, if anything my determination to make her fall for me went super Saiyan and beyond. You could practically see the golden aura rolling off me as I declared I would make her fall for me whilst she looked on with both, anticipation and amusement.

1 year in the divine realm.

I tried everything I could to get her to fall for me. I made her breakfast when she woke and greeted her with my best smile. I wore my best outfits trying to seduce her, sometimes 'accidentally' having a wardrobe malfunction causing her to groan and me to laugh before giving her a smirk. I could tell it was working because sometimes she would stare at me in a slight daze, like I was the only one in her vision, causing my heart to race. Other times she would practically undress me with her eyes, looking at me with the same gaze a wolf would to a sheep, causing me legs to tremble due to my submissive nature around her. She tries to hide the 'tent' in her pants, thinking I don't know, even though I do. I mean on the first day here I was sat on her lap, naked might I add, and it's kinda hard not to notice something poking your thigh but it's funny watching her squirm. Submissive around her I may be, but I am still a sadist.

Eventually she confessed that she felt the same way but it was more of an admittance of defeat that made me laugh and smirk victoriously.


Me and Tatyana are currently watching the 6254th episode of One piece on her tv, "reunion with the red-haired pirates'. We were both leaning on one another, my head on her should since I am smaller and her head on top of my head. All of a sudden, she confessed, completely catching me off guard.

"You win" she said causing me to "Huh?" in confusion. She chuckled for a moment before continuing "I love you Luna, I truly do. For the first time in my entire life, I have fallen for someone and that person is you. I love your laugh, your smile, your mischievous personality and how your eyes shine when they are excited. I could list more and more things but we would be here for a while." she chuckled. "I want to spend the rest of eternity with you by my side, because there is never a moment that is dull with you." she then grabbed me by the chin and give me a kiss. Not a lustful one or a passive one, but a passionate kiss, filled with pure love and I'm pretty sure I melted on the couch.

Flashback end*

We decided to hold off on sex for the time being since we knew our relationship would change when we took that step. For now, we just wanted to enjoy our pure relationship, side by side, enjoying each other's presence.

11 Years in the divine realm.

It has been 10 years since Tatyana and I have confessed to one another and I continue to grow happier by the day. I broke through the 3rd tier making my soul that of a demi-god. However, something... peculiar happened just after we got together that worried me though.


"Hey kitten, remember when you looked into your soul and saw your soul energy? What colours where they?" she asked with curiosity in her eyes. Causing me to think back to my first day here. "Hmm. There were 3 colours" I replied causing her eyes to widen ever so slightly. "The first was an emerald green, the second was a pure silver and the last was a bright pink. Kind of ironic right, silver for my hair, pink for my eyes and I don't actually know what the green colour is from." As I was looking towards Tatyana, I noticed that her eyes flashed with both sadness and anxiety at the mention of the pink colour.

"What's wrong, why is the pink colour bad?" I asked prompting her to smile softly, "It's nothing babe, I was just shocked you had 3 concepts in your soul even though you're a mortal." She replied, clearly lying and I don't know why but I could feel it. "You lie." I said, causing her to avert her eyes. "Please tell me what is wrong. Is it evil? Will it harm me? Will it harm you?" I began sending out question of question, since I had no idea what this pink colour represented, but the sadness in her eyes filled me with anxiety.

"Luna!" she said in a calm voice. "Do you trust me?" She asked causing me to nod without hesitation. "I promise you now, that it is not bad. It is not harmful to you or me alright? so please stop worrying." she explained and began to caress my cheek prompting me to nod once more.

"Let me explain them. The colours will represent your concepts. One of them you will be born with, everyone has at least one concept in their soul but it can only be awakened at rank 7. One of them you will gain through your personality, a concept representing you and the last you will have gotten from me, through our link.

Your green colour, represents the concept of life, you inherited this from me. The energy I gave you will have been absorbed by your soul, giving you the concept of life. The silver one is the one representing you - The concept of chaos. It was clearly inherited due to your mischievous personality. Finally, the pink one, this is the one you were born with and can only be born with. The concept of lust. Lust is a concept that cannot be acquired, you can only acquire it the same day your soul is born." she explained and I thought it was fitting since chaos really did fit me and Tatyana did suit the concept of life, the concept of lust was... unexpected, but it isn't something I will complain over. How wrong I was.

Flashback end*

We also had our first time. It was amazing. I don't really know any other word to describe it, it just felt so right, like we connected at such a deep level.

Flashback - R18 - skip if you want, it has no relevance.

It has been 3 months since Tatyana has confessed to me and we both knew what was about to happen. Today we went on another one of our dates. A beautiful dinner in a luxury hotel. The top floor that has a glass view allowing you to see everything below and look down at the city.

The divine realm is really no different than the earth if I'm honest. You just have to remove all of the pollution and the harmful things humans use and you have something truly beautiful.

After we finished our romantic little dinner, I looked up and a shiver went down my spine at what I saw. Tatyana was staring at me with eyes lidded with lust. I could still the love behind them, but the overwhelming lust in her eyes was all I could focus. I knew she had been holding back all this time, 3 months after we had gotten together and yet we still hadn't taken the final step. Looks like that's about to change. Especially because, knowing I am the reason behind that lust turns me on.

Seeing me staring at her only made the lust grow and when she saw me give a smile and a nod, she practically shot out of her chair and swept me up into a princess carry. Thankfully this is a private room otherwise, I'm sure a whole lot of people would be shocked. As she began to walk towards our room with me in her arms, she began to plant slow loving kisses all over my face and neck, trying to reassure me that I would be fine, this made me giggle and kiss her back, causing her to groan.

As we made it back to our room, she kicked the door shut with her foot and then fell onto the bed with me beneath her. Trapping me in place. She began to kiss me on the lips, not a passionate one this time, but one with need and desire, causing me to let slip a moan. Her kisses only intensified as the seconds went on, especially since neither of us have to breath due to us being souls.

Soon, she broke away from the kiss leaving me panting with my eyes out of focus, not from lack of air but due to the intensity, and then she began to make her way down my neck, leaving hickeys, marking me as hers. Slowly, her hands lifted my dress from the bottom upwards and I lifted my hips to give better access. As it was lifted, I was left in just my underwear, a perfect body left covered only by black laced lingerie. This caused her self-control to waver before she began to fondle my breasts, massaging them and re-shaping them however she pleases, as I try to hold back my moans.

She didn't seem to like that as she then removed my bra and attached her lips to the rose buds on my mountains of flesh, sucking, licking, biting, doing whatever she can to make me release my moans and soon I gave in. The more I moaned the more she attacked, clearly encouraged to try harder. After a few minutes of hearing my moans and placing hickeys all around my neck, she slowly began to make her way down. leaving kiss marks all over my abs, my pelvis and then placing her mouth over my secret garden, covered only with me underwear, but still leaking something that caused Tatyana's eyes to grow darker.

Slowly, she brought her face closer to my lower lips and placed her tongue on it through my underwear, before she placed a long yet slow lick all the way up, causing me to shudder and release a loud moan. Clearly encouraged once more but unable to hold back, she pushed aside the fabric stopping her from accessing desert, before diving in and licking every inch of my folds. I began to moan and squirm before wrapping my legs around Tatyana's head, trying to bring her closer and began to grind myself on her face which she didn't seem to mind.

This continued for a few minutes as I kept releasing juices and she kept slurping them up like they were some sort of divine nectar, but I was brought over the edge when I felt her tongue penetrate me and begin to explore my insides. This caused me to let out a high-pitched moan as my legs tightened around her head and I came, directly in her mouth as she drank every drop.

As I fell back on the bed, panting slightly I looked up to see Tatyana removing her own pure white, dress that goes well with her hair and eyes, revealing her pure white underwear. Underwear that gives you a tiny peek at what lies underneath, causing my own eyes to cloud with lust.

When I looked down below her waist, I could see the bulge in her underwear and noticed how eager it was to break free... so I let it. I slowly got onto my hands and knees and began to slowly crawl towards her, swaying my hips and putting on a show, causing the bulge to twitch in anticipation. When I was directly in front of her, I placed my hands on the side of her underwear whilst lovingly kissing her stomach and began to slide them down.

Soon, her erect member swung free, standing proudly at 10" in length, but I was in a daze and didn't notice the size as the scent had hit me like Truck-Kun. I was brought out of my trance, when I heard a groan from Tatyana and her say "Kitten, my self control is wavering here" causing me to let out a chuckle and slowly wrap my small hands around her titan of a member.

I felt it twitch in my hands, before I slowly leaned forward and placed soft loving kisses on the tip and around the sides, earning me a groan. Then I began to pump my hands back and forth for around 30 seconds until the first few drops of pre-cum slipped showed up.

After I saw this, I decided it was time, so I opened my mouth as wide a I could and wrapped my lips around the girthy cock causing Tatyana to nearly buck her hips. I was wearing red lip stick today so every kiss left a mark and it only caused Tatyana grow more and more turned on. I began to swirl my tongue around the tip, tasting the heavenly pre-cum which made me grow wetter and wetter. Tatyana is the goddess of life and so her semen is filled with huge amounts of life energy, which my soul clearly finds euphoria in find out.

I began to move my head forward, trying to take as much of her cock down my throat as possible and was pleasantly surprised to find my nose making contact with her pelvis, making Tatyana to buck her hips and let out a hearty moan. "You're are a soul Luna, you don't need oxygen or have a gag reflex, you are not bound by a biological body anymore." She explained whilst panting, before I felt her hands on my head, causing me to try and look up at her, with her sword still impaling my throat but when I looked up, I saw the eyes of a predator staring at pray.

"S-Sorry Luna, but I can't hold back." She said whilst making eyes contact causing me to let out a tiny nod, before she removed her dick from my throat and impaled it balls deep once more. She began to swing her hips faster than what I thought possible and I let out a throaty moan at her good it felt for her to scrape the entirety of the insides of my throat. This then cause her to moan and began thrusting faster due to the vibrations of my throat. (Even though she doesn't have a voice box fufufu)

After I realised this, I began to let out a constant hum, making her groan and thrust rougher. A few minutes later, I felt her twitch and grow inside my throat slightly, letting me know she was close. Soon, she buried herself balls deep one last time before letting out stream after stream of cum, directly into my soul. I quickly began to absorb this, and the feeling of her pulsing shaft in my throat and then feeling of my soul growing brought me directly to orgasm causing me to moan once more and her to buck her hips with a groan.

After a few minutes when she had finished cumming, she pulled out with a 'pop' and I notice she still had that primal look and her erection still stood strong. She lifted me up, using my ass as a grip and threw me onto the bed and got into missionary position. "Are you ready little kitten?" She asked gently and began to rub her erection on my pussy causing me to moan. "mmm" I replied with a soft smile and a nod of my head causing her to slowly begin entering me.

Thankfully, my soul did not have a hymen, or a womb, so she hilted her sword in me with one slow thrust and I screamed with euphoria. I don't know why but it felt sooooo good. So perfect and so right. Like I felt complete being connected with her and I knew she felt the same way, if her twitching member and throaty moan was anything to go by. Soon she began to thrust, pulling her entire 10" out and slamming them back in, the only thing you could hear in the room were my screams of pleasure, Tatyana's groans and the slapping of her balls on my clit.

She was big. I knew that when I saw it, but she is completely stretching me beyond what I thought possible. Every corner and every crevasse of my cave, she explored, scraping all the right spots at speeds that made her hips look like a blur. I had my legs wrapped around her hips and she soon leaned forward before inserting her tongue inside my moaning mouth, exploring every inch of both my holes before she grunted and slammed into me with one last rough thrust, depositing her seed in the core of my soul. I felt my vision turn white and looked around only to see king kai himself before a few moments later I returned to Tatyana's abyss black eyes looking at me with an amount of love I never thought possible before she gave me a passionate kiss once more.

"That was amazing, you're so perfect Luna, I love you so much." "I love you to, Tatyana" Was my reply to her confession before I suddenly felt her twitch once more. "Ready for round 2?" she asked with a predatory grin causing my eyes to open wide. "Wait, wait I'm still sensiti-OHH~" I never had a chance to finish my sentence as she began to thrust once more, starting round two of many that night.

Sorry If it wasn't to your liking. I will introduce Alice in the next chap...probably. The Luna diaries will continue. Thankyou for reading.

After I have finished re-writing one of more chapters, I am going to delete the other 3-4 and let these take its place.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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