
The Night Girl Part 1

When you eagerly desire to do everything perfectly then all that happens is a totally shit. Last week I was supposed to get promotion but just because I left my office light open, my dumb boss cancelled my promotion and the next day when I was having my breakfast at the restaurant then I forgot to bring my wallet. This life sucks very much. After all of the things I suffered, I went to my bed after the breakfast. I thought I would take a small nap and would get up to go to the office but guess what, I went into deep sleep and when I woke up I saw it was dark outside. I checked my phone and it was switched off. I'm sure you can relate the feeling. I took my wallet and went to the bar to have a drink. But the thing that happened next was very strange. After getting drunk I was on my way back to home and I saw a girl who was alone on the streets and when I had a look around then I came to know that it was just two of us on that steet and the whole place was like an abandoned town. I went near to her and said "Hi" when she turned back and when I saw her, I froze for a moment. I was just having a strange feeling. She asked me what I was doing there all alone. I asked her the same and further said that it isn't safe out here alone. We started to talk while walking and she seemed nice to my. For me I was feeling like I was having a good time in my messed up life. After few couple of minutes later she told me that her house is near and she can walk alone and she thanked me for walking with her. I said all ok and came back to my home. It was only few hours left till the sunrise so I decided to do my office work and the next morning I went to my office. The day was bad as the old days. And when I was travelling in the metro on my way back then I saw her again. Like before I came in front of her and passed a smile. Before I was about to say something she said "Hi". I asked her that she remembered me. She said that even if I was drunk yesterday, she had a really good time with me. I said that the pleasure is all mine. After reaching her house she asked me to come in and when I went to her house I saw that her house was very clean and then I thought that I should clean my house too. Just after that I saw she took two glass of wine and the fridge was near me so I opened the fridge and I saw that the fridge was full of red wine bottles. When I was about to pick a bottle then she freaked out and told me that she would serve. There was something strange, but I neglected all that and let her serve. We spent a good time but just after my last drink I felt like I was loosing my consciousness and I found myself on my home next morning. I tried to remember but it was like I was blacked out. I went to see her after cleaning myself but she wasn't at her home that time so I went to my office instead. I didn't saw her for two days but on the third day I met her when I was shopping just after I came back from my office, I asked her about that night. I asked her that did she brought me home after I collapsed. She said that we both enjoyed the drink that night and after sometime I left to my home. I got the feeling that she was lying and when I thought deeply I can say that whenever we met it's always in the night but I never saw her during the day. She told me that she works in the hospital and she leaves home early in the morning and come back at the night. We again went to her house and she said that she'll be right back after changing her clothes. In the meantime I thought I could use a drink but when I took the bottle of wine from the fridge, the wine seemed more thick than an original wine but when I tasted it then I realised that it wasn't wine. It was blood. I put the bottle back and placed everything as it was before she came. I said that I had some work so I left from there. I was still thinking that why someone would keep blood in a bottle of wine. The next day I went to that hospital just to see her but shockingly the staff said that there is no girl as you've asked, work here. I didn't knew what was happening so I went back to her house at night to clear the confusion between us. But I saw that a body was lying at her house and beside the body she was sitting and her eyes were full black and her canine teeth was much larger than any human. She was looking like a monster. I ran from there but she already saw me and was behind me.