
Chapter 11 - How We Develop

The two went on their way. From the main gates, they went straight ahead to the main school building, a vast castle which housed the business offices of the University, professors' dorms, and faculties for the 3 major Divisions, namely Military and Sports Division, Science and Technology Division, and the Magic and Arts Division. They turned to the left then, on a clockwise direction, where the main Military grounds lay. Most of the University's west side was for this division, including training grounds and sports fields which lie under the Military division. This includes horse tracks, soccer fields, basketball courts, Olympic size pools, gymnasiums and the likes. The West Dormitory was a large western style building used as barracks for the students with rooms housing as many as 60 students each.

They could see 2 of them from a distance, side by side to separate the male from female soldiers.

To the north was the Science Department's main building, a massive building housing several laboratories for different fields of research. There is also a huge botanical garden and several animal barns and corals including a marine facility with large aquariums containing creatures Dorin have only seen in books. He used the rest of his film there. There was also a wild preserve at the back of the main Science building opening to the forest where several animal species, mostly endangered, were kept at large.

Next to the Science department's building was a high tower-- The Technology building. It was a very modern building, 18 floors high that contrasted with the rest of the surrounding. Several odd looking vehicles were parked in front, one of which had its hood open and was being fixed by a group of students. The 2 dorms were also modern high-rise condominium style buildings.

The two now head to the east, where Dorin immediately found the steep roof of the old Victorian dormitory jutting from the tops of the trees.

"It seems we've gone all the way around the campus," mused Dorin, "But I haven't seen the main building for the Magic Department yet."

[Actually, we just went around the main school building which is at the center of the University grounds.] Wrote Sebastian. [The rest of the university stretches out from there. The Magic Department's main building is in the forest. Magic needs the energy of nature to profess itself, thus the need to be surrounded by nature.]

"I see... so the main building is hidden in the woods?"

[Past the woods, deep in the forest. It's an old castle once inhabited by an old family of mages. If you look closely, you can see the turrets in the east.]

Dorin looked closer and sure enough, he sees the roof of the castle. Shiny green tiles reflecting the sun.

[It's also hidden so that non-magic students won't be able to reach it easily. They need to pass the arts buildings first which are scattered in the woods, then several enchantments are placed to lead them to the main road, back to their respective departments. Only bonafide magic students can go there, to keep the other students safe.]

"Oh." Dorin frowned, "I know what you mean, I once had a mishap with a commoner who accidentally came near me while I was cutting firewood. Good thing mother was there to re-attach his arm after it got severed..."

Seb tried to imagine how that could have happen and just shrugged the thought away. [So, where would you like to eat lunch?] he asked instead.

"Anywhere near would be fine." Dorin replied. "I'm already famished with all that walking!"

[Let's go back to the dorms then.] he wrote.

The phone rang as Dorin and Seb were eating, the former on his 2nd plate. Margarette called telling the two that she was on her way to visit.

"Our morning exercises just finished," she told them, "I have nothing to do for the rest of the day, so I decided to head over there to accompany you guys."

[She's bored and have nowhere else to go.] wrote Seb. Dorin read it to the phone, causing an irate Mar to berate Sebastian. She came later wearing the same uniform, sat beside Dorin who was on his 2nd dessert, and ignored Seb completely.

"So, how was your 1st day in Photography Camp?" she asked Dorin.

"It was amazing!" Dorin exclaimed, "There was this circular device that showed images around the room, and it didn't have a thaum of magic on it! Josiah and Anastasia were also very nice, they explain stuff really well. We already have a photography session and we're going to be developing the photos next!" said Dorin excitedly, "Would you like to come along?"

"Well, I really have nothing planned for the rest of the day, so if it isn't a bother..." Mar was saying.

[No.] wrote Seb. [Only participants can join activities.]

"It's not like I'll be getting in the way! Maybe I can hang around for a bit?"

"Yes, perhaps she can stay at the back and watch the lecture or something?" defended Dorin.

[Suit yourself.]

"That's exactly what I plan to do." replied Mar. She took some money from her pocket and handed it to Dorin, "Dorin, do you mind buying me something to drink? My throat's a bit parched."

"Sure!" Dorin stood up and went to the counter. As soon as he was out of earshot, Mar leaned towards Seb and snarled.

"Why are you sending me away?" she demanded.

[I'm not. I simply stated the truth.]

"Here you go, Margarette, is this juice okay?" Dorin placed the drink in front of Mar and sat back down beside Seb.

"Thank you." Mar opened the can of soda and took a long drink.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask," Dorin happily said, "how long have you guys been acquainted?" his two companions looked at each other. "I mean, you two come from different divisions and don't look anything like the other, so what do you two hold in common?" he asked.

"Our parents were good friends." Mar replied. "My mother and Seb's father have known each other since they were children, and attended the same art class here in University." she added, "They opened an art gallery together and we used to stay there all the time during weekends."

"Used to?" Dorin asked.

"Seb's father passed away 4 years ago in a car accident." Mar continued, "They decided to sell the gallery after that."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Dorin looked at Seb who simply sat there, drinking some juice. Finally, he held his pen, wrote on his slate and showed it to Dorin.

[We won't make it back to camp if we don't hurry.]

Again they ran, all 3 of them. They made it just in time, Anastasia was about to close the door to the log cabin when they arrived.

"Are you listed in the club activities too?" she asked Margarette when she noticed the new comer.

"I am here to observe." said Mar, "I am 1st Lieutenant Margarette Gunnar from the Military Department."

"I'm not sure..." Anastasia began to say, but Mar had already entered the.

She looked back at the girl by the doorway. "There is no need to worry. I will be as inconspicuous as I can. You would hardly notice I am here." She said as she sat at the back of the room with her legs crossed. The rest of the class looked at her, murmuring, some of the students who came from the military division even saluted to the young lieutenant who saluted back in her seat.

"It's okay, Anastasia, it's about time we begin." Josiah called from the front. "Now, please follow me to the back room."

Anastasia approached them and handed each student a box of materials.

"Has everyone received a kit?" Josiah calls from the front.

He then proceeded to show the class how to remove the film from the camera, how to wind it into the real, and how to develop the film.

"I bet I can do that in 2 minutes flat." Margarette was suddenly beside Dorin and Seb as they were working on their films.

[You said we wouldn't know you were here?] wrote Seb sarcastically.

"I was bored. I can disassemble a rifle and put it back together in 20 seconds." Mar bragged, "I bet I can remove that film in 2 minutes or less."

"Riffle? Is that a kind of camera?" Asked Dorin, his hands moving inside the black developing bag. His friends stared at him.

[It's a gun.] wrote Seb who had just finished his photo reel.

"A gun?" the other asked again.

"It is a long cylindrical weapon made of steel used in the military and in law enforcement." said Mar.

"Oh, it's a kind of sword then?" Dorin nodded knowingly. "My mother used to teach us sword fighting but I've never seen one that could be disassembled before... is it another kind of modern contraption?"

"Well, in a way... it's a sword that makes use of black powder to launch metal slugs into distant targets..." Mar tried to explain.

[Just give him a book about it.] wrote Seb, [Or better yet, take him to the firing range sometime.]

"Brilliant idea!" Mar hit her fist on the palm of her hand just as Anastasia came up from behind her.

"Umm... have you guys got the hang of it?" she asked the small group. "Josiah would like to continue the lecture..."

The three looked at the speaker in front of the room. He was glaring at them. "Oh, sorry," Dorin apologized standing up. He bowed slightly and said "Please excuse us for the delay. We are ready to move on with the lecture." he said. Josiah seemed to be taken a back.

"Yes..." he said after a pause, "So, to continue, I now want you to take your film rolls and wind them in the reel as you just practiced..."

"I'll go back to the back of the room..." Mar whispered as she slipped away.

[Stay seated this time.] Margarette glared at Seb.

Josiah called their attention again after the class finished developing their film.

"This is the end of our lesson for today." he called from the front. "Tomorrow at 8 am sharp we will proceed to print our negatives in sensitized paper. You can leave as soon as your negatives dry," he added, "Choose 4 pictures for printing tomorrow..."

"Also, as part of our exercise in shutter speed, we have a small assignment for you..." Anastasia said smiling, "Tonight, we want you to take pictures in the dark. There will be a full moon tonight, so go ahead and be creative. You can take pictures of the night sky, the busy night market, the highway, anything that shows light and darkness..."

"We will also be developing that tomorrow with your first roll," said Josiah, "You can experiment all you want, just make sure you develop the film before you come to class and choose the negatives for printing."

"So we can leave as soon as they dry..." mumbled Dorin.

"Do we really need to wait two hours?" Mar asked.

"No time..." said Dorin, "You still have to take me to the shooting ranges..."

[We need to get them dried first. Taking them out while wet might get them dusty. Dirt or dust will show on the final photos.]

"All we need is to get them dry, right?"

Seb was still writing when he felt a warm breeze pass through the film hanging on top of their table. [You! No indiscriminate use of magic!] he wrote, but it was too late.

Dorin was already inspecting the rolls which seem to have dried up in no time. He looked around to see if there was anyone who noticed the small act of magic done by his companion, but everyone else were too busy with their own work.

"There, now we can leave..." Dorin said with a grin.

"Wait a minute," Mar piped in, "You want to go to the firing range now?"

"Why yes, I would like to see this riffle you mentioned, perhaps we can have a duel if there's enough time." said Dorin. "I still have kitchen duty."

"Kitchen duty?" asked Mar, confused.

"He had an accident in the kitchen this morning, now he has kitchen duty." wrote Seb. He has also cut his film and was placing the last strip in the sleeves.

"Well, there's a firing range near by..." she thought for a while, wrinkling her brows, "we can go there if you like..."