
Love, Friendship, Betrayal 2

I remember Jardin-Ur when we were little, he is so brave that he wanted to save Egypt from enemies especially from the Hittites and the Nubes. I used to lay down the ground as we talk the break away with him after we practice new moves for battle using axes, short swords and javelin. He is a cute young boy who had a crush with Nunnapura. I felt sad when Nunna fell for me instead of him. Yet, it didn’t tarnish our friendship. However, now, it’s different. Is he still the person loving and faithful to me when we were children? I can’t accept the fact that since he became general everything changed. I don’t think so, Jardin-Ur is still the same boy I used to fight and practice with in the battlegrounds. Spia came up to me since we were all resting for the night. It’s been days since our travel to Cairo. Spia was holding a cup of tea and she handed me one. I was a bit cold, though, it’s hotter and dry in the afternoons but colder during the night near the Nile.