
Jesus & the future queen

I am one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Beginning and the End. I am God of all Gods. I know you have been asking and finding answers. Here it is. I am the Truth and the Life. I am who you seek and now you have found Me. Eat and Drink and you will be filled with peace, love, mercy and forgiveness. Drink my blood and be cleansed. Eat my body and be replenished. You will be made strong and indestructible but you will need to give up something to follow me.

Sacrifice is what I ask of you and not alms, compassion and not forgiveness. Love is what I need. I yearn for love. I ask for your love, Jesus opened his arms so wide that the blood and water gushed from his heart. They scattered towards me and splattered onto my face which I drank. From then on I felt an unimaginable strength and my eyes were opened, forgiven from my past towards my future. Here I saw everything about Jesus and what he bore to save the world, to save me.