

It is a weird life. I never wished to be queen. I just want to be a regular person, a normal girl who lives with her parents and her friends. I can’t even go out or stay with my friends without a body guard or Yuya pestering me or nosing around about my activities. It’s not a happy life but it has its perks. I thanked Aunt Hydra for her time and since she needs to meet with Aunt Mina somewhere, I asked her to tell mother that I’ll be at a friend’s house and will be coming home a little late that usual. I want to be alone for a while. I wonder who owns that small hut outside the Palace Fort? Maybe I can stay there for a bit. Aha!!!, a tiny store and eatery! Nice!

What is your order?, the tiny man said in his low and cold voice.

Ah, beer and that biscuit please!