
Test Of Generosity Part Thirteen

A large floating barge with a medium sized hut built on top of it floated gently in the calm waters of a small section of river that was situated within the borders of the Empire. Within this medium sized hut was the delegate of the Empire as overseer, the Kingdom, and the Dukedom. They were gathered to bring peace between the Kingdom and the Dukedom before a full blown war broke out. 

The delegate for the Dukedom was their First Prince and first in line to become the next Duke, Prince Henry. On the Kingdom side was Alicia as the main speaker and Prince Chris. The Overseer from the Empire stood up and announced the start of the meeting. "We will now commence the meeting. We will start with the Kingdom who was on the side to be invaded but also annexed part of Dukedom's lands. Miss Alicia if you will."