
Source Of Hate Part One

Alicia cleared her throat and had Loeri bring the ghouls head up so everyone could see him. "First let me introduce Mr. ghoul here."

"I have a name." The ghoul said in a disgruntled tone. Only to be smacked by Loeri after, quickly shutting him up.

"He is the only living existence that we know of that is left from the time of the Subterranean race. He is the reason why I called Royal Father here. Now I did not just call you all here based on his words alone." Alicia pulled out a letter that was left behind by the subterranean that she was in the process of helping with their dying wish. "This letter describes the happenings during the time the darkness had engulfed the subterranean race." 

Alicia went on to explain everything that they knew. After hearing everything King Augustus went into deep thought. "I see. So the reason you contacted me was due to the entity of which was even able to cause trouble for the fallen god?"