
Pervert reincarnate to MHA

................................................................................................................. Being a perverted, anime otaku hakuto died in the most pathetic way. "pffft! he died while jacking off!" a person who found him dead on his room laughed During his funeral people were laughing at him as well. His family tried to endure their laughter as this was supposed to be a sad occasion. soon he got reincarnated into deku's body, but he was not completely reincarnated........ "huh?" ................................................................................................................. fanfic on my hero academia where mc reincarnated as deku... read till chapters 10, since I don't want to spoil the story in the synopsis. there is gonna be so much drama, so for those who doesn't like the mc getting beaten up don't try to read. warning: English is not my first language, so for those who can't stand wrong grammars....sorry I guess. Also if you are impatient and don’t like character developments don’t read this. The mc is pretty dumb at the start and cringe. Please write a review that is fair...if my geammar is bad don’t leave a one star.

Shamelezzz · Komik
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36 Chs

Skill explanation (0.19)

Gambling skill: this is the most questioned one so here is the explanation, since I fucked it up and accidentally made it op.....

So when he gambles he would 90% win. But with a fight, he will have a good luck of winning, but not 90% chance of winning. The gambling skill, increases his over all luck and his gambling skill. Well when he is gambling in business wise it might take effect as well....(I'm sorry for fucking this up)

Training skill: this is a skill that the mc can use to train. At the moment, he can only stay there for a month. Due to the special perk of the training room he doesn't need to sleep, eat, and he never gets tired inside of it. Resulting in him basically be able to train for 2 months inside due to him not needing sleep. Whenever he gets injured it would be healed up, but this depends on how big the damage is. For example when he fell down from the top of the building. He would certainly die right there and then if he doesn't have that bouncy thing to rescue himself.

Massage skill: from what we know, it has the power to heal tiredness and it can be leveled up by his own work. He won't be able to level it up with skill points, since it needs practical training.

The red ones: it can make the receiver of the massage feel good. It can heal(unknown) Sorry the healing of this is still unknown, but J will reveal it later on.

The crimson red one: still unknown.....

The green ones: this can heal fatigue, pain, and tiredness of that body part. Resulting in the receiver of the massage to be composed after a massage. The green ones will disappear one by one, every time he massage that part (not like one press and done). To use it he needs to find the one green like switch to reveal the tiredness of that body part that he wants to massage.

(the heal part is not like he can heal anything from that body part, of course there is a limit to it....I was gonna reveal this in the next chapter, but if I don't write it now you guys will asks me about it)

Well....that's all I think tell me if I forgot something I will add it in the bottom.
