
Pervert's Diary

Dropped. The novel didn't gain traction because I abandoned it for a long time.

Perverted_Fella · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Whispers of Fate

Within a vast and endless expanse, numerous ethereal figures, ranging from humanoid shapes to monstrous forms, inhabit the space. Their bodies emit a radiant, white translucent light, each gleaming brighter than the other for unknown reasons. These entities are none other than the gods themselves, gathered together in a number surpassing two million, if not more.

These gods rarely convene in such a manner; it has been centuries since their last assembly. However, today, they have assembled for a momentous meeting of great significance. Within this space, absolute silence reigns, allowing one to hear even the faintest sound, such as a pin dropping. The gazes of these gods are fixed in the same direction, as though observing something they dare not miss a single detail of.

Before them lies a colossal platform, upon which two entities stand. These two gods are among the most powerful beings in the universe, revered by every god within this realm. Their bodies emit a blinding divine energy, overwhelming the weaker gods and forcing some to kneel under the immense pressure exerted by these two gods.

"Ye, ancient ones! If this persists, there is a fear that some gods may not endure," one of the gods near the platform cries out in agony. He carefully chooses his words, swallowing nervously after speaking.

Upon hearing the pained cries of the lesser gods, the two powerful beings release a sigh and reduce the intensity of their radiating pressure. The divine energy surrounding their forms obscures their faces, rendering their appearances anonymous.

"We have gathered here for a singular reason..." the god on the left begins, his voice resonating through the space. The other god at his side remains motionless, fixated on the gods below like an ominous reaper.

"First and foremost, I extend my gratitude to those of you from other realms who have come to our aid in vanquishing the threat to our very existence. This threat is a vampire who has evolved into an unknown entity, defying the laws of our universe. Our research indicates that he is the descendant of the first vampire, Dracula, also known as the protoss. He is the first of his kind, born out of the bloodshed during the galaxy wars eons ago.

Dracula transcended the realm of godslayers, becoming a protoss. He posed a dire threat to our existence, yet was effortlessly vanquished by his trusted butler after we struck a deal. In the aftermath, he ascended as a blood god, having cunningly slain the protoss.

However, after several millennia, one of his descendants emerged as a god slayer, only to be subdued by the blood god and cast into eternal slumber. Nevertheless, this cycle did not cease there, as the son of the aforementioned god slayer also inherited the power of the protoss, becoming a god slayer himself. We discovered that this vampire shares the same blood as the protoss, as if the protoss had been reborn without the memories of his past life..." The god pauses momentarily, observing the reaction of the other gods. To his surprise, they remain silent, eager to uncover the truth in its entirety.

He continues...

"However, this time, the protoss reincarnation possesses the ability to harness celestial energy, a power exclusive to the gods. Furthermore, he can manipulate every form of energy present in our universe. Adding to his overwhelming capabilities, he possessed a grimoire at a certain stage, allowing him to adopt any ability he had ever encountered. Additionally, his Mana blood cells are limitless. He is an enigmatic monstrosity that defies explanation. None among us could defeat him, not even the mightiest of gods

"Through various sources, we have learned that there is a traitor among us—a god who has aligned with an entity that poses a threat to our existence. Not only did she form an alliance with this threat, but she also bore his children," the god bellows angrily, glancing towards the second god by his side. The anger in his voice is palpable, akin to losing a long-held love.

Nodding in agreement, the second god snaps his fingers. In an instant, a large vortex materializes above, from which a sizeable cage emerges along with a massive box thrice the size of a coffin. The box pulsates with an immense and potent energy, causing some gods to tremble on their knees and seats.

As the vortex dissipates, the god takes control of the box and the cage, gently placing them on the platform. Inside the cage resides a breathtakingly beautiful woman, capable of captivating any man's attention. However, she wears tattered garments and bears visible wounds—golden blood seeps from numerous bruises and cuts on her body. Undoubtedly, she is a goddess, stripped of her ethereal form and divine energy.

The box, resembling an intricately designed coffin adorned with runes, is none other than the coffin containing their greatest threat: Jake Mystro.

Upon witnessing the woman within the cage, the first god clenches his fists and approaches the enclosure, his eyes scanning the gods below.

"This is the esteemed goddess of Lust. She was once the lover of the protoss, yet the council granted her forgiveness for her transgressions based on her status. However, she aided the protoss' reincarnation, granting him the sealed goddess of the fairies in the form of a system that swiftly augmented his power. But it did not end there—she concealed the existence of the protoss' reincarnation from the council and bore three demigod children with him. Today, the council has decreed that Lust shall face punishment for her treason!" the god bellows, pacing around Lust's cage.

"The council has decided to banish her to the retribution cliff for eternity or until the council deems otherwise. Lust, do you have any final words?" the god asks, bringing his face closer to the cage.

"I do not regret my actions, nor do I fear your so-called punishment. I have but one question: Are my children safe?" Lust asks, her gaze lowered, tears of gold streaming down her face.

A grin forms on the god's face...

"You should know me, as the god of jealousy. I shall not spare those pests you call your children. You belong to me, Lust. When the time comes, I shall collect you from the retribution cliff. And as for your beloved, he shall be gone forever. So, get over him swiftly," the god states, revealing a grayish face with jagged, sharp teeth.

"You despicable creature! What have you done? I would rather cease to exist than be with you. He will come for you!" Lust utters in a low voice, her tears glistening golden.

"We shall see," Spencer, the god of jealousy, retorts with a wide grin, exposing his menacing teeth. He rises to his feet, observing the gods below with a solemn expression.

However, the other gods are dissatisfied with the council's decision.

"Can't we simply kill the wretched woman?!"

"Yes, let us end her life and annihilate her soul, preventing her from reincarnating!"

"We should use her as our plaything until she perishes! That arrogant woman!"

Unable to tolerate the gods' outbursts any longer, Spencer emits an aura that silences them.

"Silence!" Spencer's voice booms, his aura quelling the gods' unruly outbursts. "How dare you challenge the council's decision? Have you forgotten that there is a ticking time bomb in our midst?"

"Our last encounter with him, using the sacred ether gear, forced him into a deep slumber. If not for that gear, we would all be doomed. However, even in his slumber, the aura emanating from his coffin is monstrous. Who knows if he will awaken if we touch any of his women, including Lust? The mere act of killing one of his wives triggered his wrath," Spencer explains, causing the gods to swallow hard, a gulp of fear passing through their ranks.

"Pass your judgment on her," Spencer commands the second god at his side, who nods in response.

With a snap of his fingers, Wright, the god of darkness, begins sending Lust to the retribution cliff, guiding her cage through the opened portal. As Lust disappears, Spencer gazes at the assembled gods with a serious expression.

"We cannot kill the reincarnation of the Protoss. Even if we were to slay him, he would simply be reborn, growing stronger with each subsequent incarnation. The council has reached a decision—to banish him to a distant plane, a galaxy far removed from our own. In doing so, we aim to resolve this problem once and for all. However, we require a tremendous amount of divine energy, a resource we currently lack. That is why I need your assistance. Sacrifice yourselves and rid this world of all its threats," Spencer declares, a grin slowly forming on his face.

The gods begin conversing amongst themselves, attempting to comprehend Spencer's intentions. Yet, by the time they decipher his words, it is too late.

"Run! These bastards have lured us here!" many gods roar, their voices echoing through the space as they scramble to flee. However, their efforts prove futile.

Wright materializes a large staff in his hand, thrusting it into the ground of the platform.


A blinding light envelops the entire space as the bodies of the gods begin to deteriorate.

"Do not fret! You are gods! You shall enter the cycle of reincarnation! We shall meet again in the future, muahahaha!" Spencer's laughter resounds, his amusement contrasting with the gods' cries of agony.

"You wretched beings! I refuse to enter the cycle of reincarnation!"

"I despise you, gods! You foul creatures!"

"Arrgh! Spencer, in my next life, I shall make you beg for mercy!" The gods curse and spew profanities, momentarily forgetting their own divine nature.

As their bodies disintegrate, their divine energy coalesces into a vast cloud above. Wright utters another incantation, directing the entirety of the divine energy into the large coffin on the platform.

As the divine energy seeps into the coffin, it begins to glow with a fiery red hue.

"Run for your life!" Wright bellows, creating a portal and hastily disappearing into it, leaving behind his staff. Spencer, too, wastes no time, leaping into the portal.


With Spencer and Wright's escape, a massive explosion rocks the surroundings, shattering the coffin into countless fragments. Once the chaos subsides, a red sphere enveloped in a white aura emerges from the space, hurtling away at incredible speed. The red sphere struggles to break free from the encompassing white aura but is ultimately overpowered.