
Pervert's Diary

Dropped. The novel didn't gain traction because I abandoned it for a long time.

Perverted_Fella · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Surprises and Secrets Among Siblings


Suddenly, the figure spins around, and a breathtaking girl, about my height with a petite figure, appears before me.

"Alex!" Anya calls out as she sees me and starts sprinting in my direction. She's around thirteen, a skilled magician. She looks like a younger version of Mom, with green eyes and long, thick, blonde hair.

As she nears, she jumps into my arms, causing both of us to tumble onto the grass and roll a bit. So now, I find myself on top of her.

After embracing each other for a while, we disentangle ourselves and remain lying on the grass.

"I missed you, Alex. You hardly come to see me since Arya left. And whenever I come to check on you, you're usually not around," Anya murmurs while gazing at the sky.

Hearing her words, I look at her, still awestruck by her beautiful voice and everything about her. Anya is just unique compared to the rest of us; she's the epitome of cuteness. Even when she's angry, she manages to look incredibly adorable.

"Don't take it that way. What do you mean by 'after Arya left'?" I ask, my eyes fixed on the sky.

"Alex, don't you like me?" Anya asks.

"What do you mean?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you think I don't know about you and Arya?" Anya says, winking mischievously.

Now I'm screwed...

[Fufufu, master is truly intriguing.]

"Anya, I don't know what you're talking about..." I reply, feigning cluelessness.

"I don't mind receiving the same kind of affection Arya gets from you."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I love both of you as my sisters, nothing more," I retort with a smug expression.

"Sigh. There was this day—the day Arya was about to leave. I saw what you guys did."


"Both of you started kissing, and you even went further, touching Arya in ways that made her react strangely. I...I want that kind of affection too—"

"O-Okay, fine... I understand what you're saying," I say, running my hand through my hair and gritting my teeth.

"You do...?"

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, Anya. I love you too. However, I can't show you that kind of affection unless you understand it."

"Huh... Why do I need to understand? It's just normal sibling love, right?" Anya asks innocently.

Sigh... Why is my sister so naive? I'm not sure if I should tell her or not...

Despite being exceptionally talented and knowledgeable at thirteen, Anya has no knowledge about sex or relationships. She's incredibly innocent and clueless.

[Master, I think you should tell her. Based on your memories, I learned that Anya isn't much of a talker. So if you tell her the truth, I doubt she'll go around blabbering about it.]

I see... that actually makes sense. But why the heck are you always poking around in my memories? It's weird.

[Alright, next time I'll ask for permission before accessing your memories. Even though I have all your memories stored, I can't access them freely due to restrictions imposed by the tower, my creator.]

Good, I'm glad to hear that. And finally, since I got you, this is the first time you've actually had a decent idea.

[My IQ is above 10,000 while yours is below.]

Inwardly sighing, I steal a glance at Anya from the corner of my eye and sigh once again.

"Anya, you want to know about me and Arya's relationship, right?"


"Then, we'll have to spar. Spar with me as if you're trying to defeat me. Don't worry, I'll be fine," I assure her.

"What? I can't spar like that. It goes against Mom's rules, and I don't want to hurt my little brother," Anya says, shaking her head.

"I promise I'll be fine. I'm already awakened, and I'd also love to learn some spells from you," I coax her.

"Really? But Mom said I shouldn't teach you any spells yet," Anya replies, shaking her head once more.

"Yeah, Mom was concerned that having both a quirk and the ability to use magic might overwhelm me in some way. However, she has overcome that doubt," I say, shrugging.

"Fine, I trust you. But let's hope nothing goes wrong. Since we've made a deal, why don't you tell me about you and Arya?" Anya finally agrees.


"Arya and I are in a relationship," I confess in a hushed tone.

"Huh... What kind of relationship?" Anya asks, her eyes filled with intense curiosity.

Observing Anya's intrigued expression, I inwardly sigh once again. It seems I have no choice but to tell her.

"We're secret lovers. We have a husband-wife type of relationship," I explain, trying to simplify my words for her.

"Whaaaah~!" Anya gasps, covering her mouth in surprise. She wears an expression of utter shock.

"Do you understand now?" I ask.

Anya simply nods, still wearing a shocked expression. She remains silent, occasionally stealing glances at me.

I also stay quiet, giving her time to process my confession. Maybe she knows more about relationships than I thought.

"Brother, since when did you and Arya start being together?" Anya suddenly asks, her face devoid of emotion.

"It's been over a year since we started dating. It happened in a way that I can't quite explain. It all began when Arya confessed to me. Let's not delve deeper," I say, avoiding further details.

"I see... I guess I have my answers now. I still don't know what kind of feelings I have towards you, but I believe it's just normal sibling affection," Anya explains.

"I see..."


Suddenly, Anya springs up, causing a gust of wind to blow against my face. She starts running around the field in a zigzag pattern.

"The spar has begun! I won't hold back!" Anya shouts, launching a small fireball towards me.

Seeing how things are unfolding, it seems like a warm-up.

Leaping to the side, I dodge the fireball, which lands harmlessly on the grass. Surprisingly, the grass remains unscathed.

I suppose these grass have anti-magic properties.

System, release my aura to the maximum capacity of my body.

[Affirmative, master. I will release one percent of your aura. You may experience intense pain, but your body won't be harmed.]


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