
persona 5 x loose spirit one with their soul

(this is my personal crossover persona is my favorite rpg series and I I'm gonna enjoy this) max has been assigned on a case about mental shut downs and psychotic break down while finding how to deal with this he runs into helpfull partners along with his own group they will find out who is causing the breakdowns and bring him to exorcist corp for questioning. (this story contains spoilers for loose spirit. people that like loose spirit leaves if you want but you probably won't listen. oh and the loose spirit characters are not getting personas) oh and another thing this is not canon to the loose spirit story

Blue_Boy_2656 · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

getting ready and an old friend

It's currently after school and the group is in Max's house waiting for something and they also ordered food and wait.

Ryuji: dude how much are we gonna wait.

Max: in a minute it's should arrive at any time

Ann: you said you ordered equipment right? what kind?

Max: weapons.medical supplies and a few other things.

The group was surprised that max has connections

Ryuji: dude are you rich and it's or something

Max: nah I jus-

The door rang and max got up

Max: I'll get it must be my package.

Max left the room and the group started talking

Morgana: it's kinda wierd that he has all of these connections he is hiding something

Ann: I think that's kinda obvious what do you think it's because he clearly doesn't know much about the metaverse and the guy faces monster like creatures.

Ann: actually while I was getting closer to you at the day that I met max in person you guys were talking about spirits I thought you were talking about some anime but I guess that wasn't it huh?

Ren: right he never explained.

They told Ann on how spirits are made and the difference in the lost soul's and the pure souls.

Ann: I see no wonder I've been seeing wierd creatures at first I thought they were hurting other but they seem to be watching out for them.

Ren: now that I think about this whole thing must something that a few people knows we just happened to get dragged in to this scenario.

Ryuji: yeah and In a wierd way max kinda saved us. Morgana: why do you say that?

Ryuji: well if max wasn't here we probably would have died by a lost soul because we can't use our personas in the real world.

Ann: honestly if spiritual beings are living among us I would rather have power to defend myself than one that I can only use In some other dimension

Ryuji: agreed

Max went to the door and opened it and the moment he did.

Peter: surprise!!

Peter charged at max and hugged him like he hasn't seen him in years

Peter: how's it going its been a few weeks since I seen you I missed you man!.

Max: same here you beautiful bastard you got my order?

Peter: yup. Also you have guests?

Max: yeah I'm planning to reveal the exo corporation to actually make part of the organization.

Peter: dude your mission is to be under cover remember.

Max: I know but these have massive potential and I can't teach them every thing but look this whole thing might be bigger then we thought.

Peter: why do you say that?

Max: I don't got the details on what's going on but I think I'm making some progress.

Peter: if you are sure man I know you always think with your head and not your sword or fist.

Peter and max grabbed the box filled with equipment and brought it to the room.

Ryuji: who is the guy?

Peter: hey there I'm Peter I'm a friend of max here I kinda finished my work and I just moved to this complex.

Ann: you are friends with max does that mea-

Ryuji: don't say it you airhead

Ann: who are you calling an airhead:

Peter: it's fine fine I'm also a spiritual energy user.

Peter demonstrates by releasing his aura and they all could tell like max. Peter was experienced.

Ryuji: woah your is red

Peter: yeah it's kinda ironic but yeah So who are you guys?

They all introduced themself.

Peter: it's a pleasure to meet you all now can you catch me up to what's going on max told me something about a castle?

They all explained the metaverse and how kamoshida drove someone to commit suicide

Peter: I see so this bastard does need to be knocked off his pedestal.

Ann: I he does.

Max Enter the room and he had weapons tied up in a sheet and he put it on the bed.

Max: alright choose your fancy

The group of students were surprised at some bizarre looking weapons and I'd they didn't know Mac they wou have though he sold it from a museum.

Ryuji:dude some of these weapons look complicated like what is this single handle supposed to do?

Max:put lightning in it and find out.

Ryuji was confused but he put his lightning and a lightning whip appeared out of the handle.

Ryuji: woah.

Ann: mine.

Ann snatched the weapon from ryuji he would have told her give it back whips aren't his style. As for Ann she put her fire and the weapon took many shapes from a bat to a sword Ann decided on this one.

Ann: hey max you don't mind if I keep it?

Max: it's your but do me a favor and be careful.

Ann: will do

While on was testing out here weapons ryuji picked a kanabo and it felt a bit heavy but ryuji lifted up and checked it.

Max: that kanabo is made out of a special metal that can absorb shocks and has a feedback like effects basically if a shadow or spirit hits it you can hit them back with ten times the force also if you want you can inbue it with your lightning.

Ryuji: was seeing this weapon as a beautiful treasure and he made his choice.

Ryuji: mine

Peter: well who dosent want to bash a monster in the head from time to time?

Max the turn his attention to Ren who looked like he was having a hard time choosing but Ren was looking at the daggers. Max decided to help him out.

Max: hey Ren you want help?

Ren: sure honestly these weapons are really interesting I'm just wondering what to choose I'm not a sword kinda guy I'm more into daggers short but affective.

Peter: a fellow dagger lover. welp as a dagger user my suggestion should be this one this dagger when you slice the opponent it will absorb some of its energy and when you focus your in this bad boy you can absorb it.

Ren though that this dagger effect were pretty good.

Ren: yeah this one will do.

Max: alright now to show you the medicine we are gonna use look.

Max pulled out a small bag from his pocket and he opened the bag to reveal a ball thar looks like candy.

Morgana: does are the medicine?

Max: Ren here try it if you don't believe me you can doubt me.

Ren knew that max wouldn't have something like this with out a reason he decided to trust Max's judgment and he put the candy ball in his mouth it tasted sweet and it was soft as a gummy bears but when he swallowed it he felt as if his tiredness was gone and he felt like his stamina was back on top.

Ren: holy I feel like my tiredness is gone.

Ryuji/ann/morgana: it actually worked!!?

Peter: looks can be designing my friends here try it if you still have doubts. The three grabbed a one and swallowed it and like Ren they feel like there tiredness was gone.

Ryuji: holy dude I don't feel tired anymore.

Max: yeah that's the effect of these things we call it recov short for recovery these things have the ability to replenish someone's stamina and recover muscles strain that's why you feel like you were never tired now to hide your weapons use this.

Max pulled out rings with colors yellow black and pink

Ann: what with these rings?

Max: you guys want people to see you with weapons?

Ryuji: is that what these rings are for to hide our weapons?

Max: exactly Morgana here gets a pass because I think his weapon is bound to his soul like Peter

Peter: story for another time.

Max: now put you energy in the ring and put your weapons inside.

They all did as told and when there weapons got close it was like it was growing small and it was sucked in and the could fell the weapons inside the rings

Ann: so how do we get it out?

Max: just put your palm close to the ring it's a hand command.

They did just that and there weapons were in their hands again this is gonna be useful.

Max: now tomorrow is the big day you guys better be ready. Tomorrow a king was about to be put down