

"The damn sorcerer is fleeing! Catch the motherfucker, shoot him with thousand arrows, kill the whoreson"

Fleche Noir ran faster reinforcing his legs supplying his whole-body strength to his knees, calf muscles, heel, feet and his toes. He was gasping harder while sweating into the rhythm of his body movement. His face was pale due to over usage of his force. Still he was running with his bear feet. His heel got pricked, but he didn't feel the pain cause his anxiety and intimidation subdued the pain. His inner soul was screaming asking some favor. His protection has deserted him. One an only thing he was having was his deadly scared yet brave face

Red knight and his soldiers surrounded him pointing thousands of arrows at him. He covered his scared with light smirk. "Thousand arrows against to a one guy, what an unfairness, your sovereign is coldhearted unreasonable merciless" he asserted directly

"Keep your mouth shut, Damn Sorcerer, your game is over, you are the merciless damn bastard who put thousands of innocent lives in danger" Chief Knight the leader of knights declared

Fleche Noir looked at crowd with fierce face. "What a poor knowledge you are holding inside your muddy brain, I feel sad towards to the citizen's taxes those are wasted on you, I feel pity on the time that was wasted on enlighten you, you can't pay the debts of royal money those spent on you because you are nothing but a shit" he said

Chief knight Shadrick Noel smirked lightly. "Fleche… Oh! Fleche, You are amusing us, acting like innocent brave hero in front of your death even you are the main reason to the all tragedy even you who is not in actual, who is the biggest beat in the world acting innocent is utmost ridiculous" He angrily roared unsheathing his sword. He screamed and ran toward to Fleche "I behead your bastard sorcerer "He voice became loud as it was echoing in the middle of the way to jungle.

Fleche gasped and he pulled his conch shell and blew it making a weirdest sound ever. All soldiers including Chief Knight. He resumed the running faster making no one can catch him. Soldiers were keeping chasing him. The attacked him but he protected himself with martial arts he has learnt in previous four years. He kicked, punched shoved the soldier and ran towards to the jungle. He reached to a cliff of mountain where was a cascade was flowing. The soldiers pursued him to there. He closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff hiding in the cascade. Soldiers gritted teeth and fisted

Chief Shadrick arrived to there, He looked at his soldiers. "Comrades, our mission is over, He is unable to survive in this huge water reservoir, what we wanted to do Is already cleared, let's celebrate it with a big ceremony" he said

"Hurray"..... Soldiers shouted


4 years ago


18 years old Fleche Noir woke up with rapid breathing and sweating, He narrowed his brows with widened eyes, mouth agape and with clenching his whole face. A middle-aged maid came to him. She put her hand on his shoulder in an encouragement manner. "Young Master, you again might have a nightmare" She said. He shook his head. Absolutely, He saw bunch of demons are revolving around him asking a self-liberation. He constantly had been having such kind a nightmare from his childhood, yet he didn't figure out why was it only coming to him