

Do-yun suffers to find the meaning of his life after the loss of his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Ha-eun suffers to find herself worthy of life after being branded as a curse by her family. Going through life, they struggle to escape from their misery. Permitting themselves the gift of death, they run into each other and comfort themselves. Going forward, will they ever permit themselves to move on from their past life?

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6 Chs

The Promised Pain

"It was sunny in the morning," I extended my hand from the shelter to feel the rain against my skin.


[I had checked the weather forecast in the morning, and it predicted sunny throughout the day. This unexpected rain shower has spoiled our first date.]


While I was contemplating my thoughts, Hyang-gi left the shelter and dashed toward the center of the deserted street.


"Hey… You will catch cold!" I shouted.


She disregarded my words and lifted her head to the sky, extending her arms and beginning to spin. The rain poured down and soaking her wholly.

"Hey… Come back! You will catch cold!" I shouted again.


She ceased spinning, turned toward me, and sprinted in my direction.


[Okay! She is coming back. Did she forget she catches cold quickly?]


She stepped into the shelter.


"What were you thinking, running to the middle…?"


"Promise me!" she interposed.


"Promise you? About what?" I looked at her, puzzled.


She grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me out of the shelter with her into the downpour.


[It has always been this way... ever since the day I first met you. You press on with a smile regardless of the circumstances. This sudden rain shower is just one of those circumstances. I promise... I promise to walk your path with a bright smile like yours.]



"So… I suggest we visit the aquarium tomorrow."


"I am sorry, but I am not available tomorrow. Can we meet on Sunday?" I say.


"We only have a week to complete our project. We can't skip a day," Ye-jun replies.


"I am sorry… but… even if we do meet tomorrow, I won't be of any help," I reply solemnly.




"I am sorry… I am also not available tomorrow. My friend covered my shift for today… but I cannot have her do it again," Ha-eun interposes, and interrupts Ye-jun.


"Okay!" he pauses for a moment, "make sure to keep your schedule free for the upcoming week."


"Thank you," Both Ha-eun and I express our gratitude at once.


"So… that's then…" Ha-neul adds.


"You are not going with us," Ye-jun interjects Ha-neul.


"Why! I presented the idea. So, it is natural that I should go too," Ha-neul objects.


"You will distract all of us."


"I won't."


"I do not mind," Ha-eun grabs everyone's attention, "if Miss Ha-neul comes with us."


[I suppose she feels at ease around Miss Ha-neul.]


"I also do not mind," I repeat Ha-eun's words.


"Yay! Now when do we meet?" Ha-neul rejoices.


"Are both of you fine with Sunday evening?" Ye-jun inquires of us.


I reply 'Yes' while Ha-eun nods her head.


"Then I'll text you the time and place," Ye-jun replies.



After the conversation, Ha-neul extends an invitation for lunch with them. But I decline and take my leave. Meanwhile, Ha-eun finds it difficult to refuse and stays with them.


On my way home, I find myself walking through the arcade street.


[It has been a long time since I have been to one.]



"What! The rain stopped… Achoo!"


"I did tell you catch cold quickly."


Hyang-gi pulls out a towel from her bag and begins drying herself.


"Why did you bring one with you?"


"Two!" she poses two fingers.


She pulls out another one and hands it to me.


"Dry yourself quickly. We have to go to the movies next."


I in awe follow her lead.



Hyang-gi appears before me, standing, and repeats in a chilling, haunting voice, "Forget about me! Forget about me! Forget about me!"


She continues to repeat it. My hands start trembling, and I feel intense pain in my head and chest. I collapse to the ground on my knees, and cover my ears.


"Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!"


"Please, stop!" My phone rings and snaps me out of this nightmare. I gather myself, straighten my clothes, and pull my phone from the cargo pants Ye-jun lent me. I glance at the caller's name.




I answer the call and bring the phone closer to my ear.


"What happened? You didn't pick up the call immediately?" she inquires.


"Nothing…" I pause, "was just finding my phone in these cargo pants."


"Nothing you say, but your voice tells a different story," she adds, "anyways, you're still coming over tomorrow?"


"Yes, I am."


"Ok, then I'll take a leave from school."


"I will come in the evening. Don't take a leave from school."


"Then I won't be free in the evening. I'll take a leave and do the morning shift. I'll text you when I'll get home."


"Alright then, I will see you tomorrow."


She ends the call. I put the phone back in the pants and head home.


[What should I bake for tomorrow? A strawberry cake or a chocolate cake? Guess I will do both. Both do serve different purpose.]



"Here," I hand Ye-jun his cargo pants in a paper bag.


"You could return it to me tomorrow," he takes the paper bag and adds, "You didn't have to come when you were busy."


"I wanted to ask you for a favor as well," I reply.


"Favor? Go ahead."


"Can you write me down the recipe of the chocolate cake up on that wall?" I point towards it.


"You do know I can't…" I interject Ye-jun, "Please!" I bow my head in earnest pleading.


"Okay, wait here. I'll write it down and bring it to you."


"Thank you."


"But you must promise that you will burn the written recipe right after making the cake."


"I promise."



[Today is the time of year I dreaded the most. Today is the day to uphold my promise more than ever.]


I ring the doorbell at Ae-cha's home.


"Wait… I'm coming."


After a moment, she opens the door.


"Come in," she welcomes me in.


[An apron... oh, she was cooking.]


While entering, I ask, "What are you cooking?"


"Baking! Sis's favorite strawberry cookies and my favorite chocolate cookies," she adds, "anyways, sit in the living room. I'll be done in a while."


I hand both cakes to her and walk to the living room. I settle in comfortably and glance at the pictures on the wall. I grab the one including me, Ae-cha, Hyang-gi, and their grandmother.


"It was the first time you came over... you were quite awkward," Ae-cha walks into the living room and comments.


"You cannot blame me for that. It was my first time meeting a friend's family," I look towards her and reply.


"Yeah, and sis invited you over any of her close friends for the celebration of her surgery," she hands me a soda can and sits down.


"Yeah…" I deftly pop open the soda can.


"Hey, but we did welcome you warmly. It still took you quite some time to get comfy," she says while failing to open her soda can.


I place my soda on the table.


"Pass it to me, let me open it," I move my hand forward.


"Thanks," she hands it to me.


I deftly pop open her soda can as well.


"Here you go," I hand it back to her.


She grabs it and takes a sip. You'll be opening a lot of cans this evening. The fridge is full of them. I'm going to get drunk on soda tonight.