

SAMUEL: His friends see him as the luckiest man on earth because of the virtous woman God has blessed him with. He loves his wife so dearly and can’t even imagine his life without her, but does he have any other option than divorce when she suddenly became a thorn on his flesh because of a little misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what she saw him doing in his office with his P.A? EVA: Young and beautiful woman who loves her husband greatly, her top priority is her husband and beautiful kids. All she wanted was to build her home with trust and love. She thought she was doing the right thing until she goes to a marriage counselling with her husband and he files for a divorce. Will she sit down, fold her hand and watch the marriage she has been building for over eight years end just like that? _________ What?! He actually thinks I will cook so easily? That young man has forgotten me so easily. “Sam!!” I called in the highest and most serious voice I have and there he comes. “Yes? Is there anything you need me to do for you?” he answered immediately he ran into the kitchen. I flipped my hair, lifted a chin, braced my shoulders and supported my hip with my left hand before replying stubbornly. “Oh yes! There are a lot of things you will have to do for me, after all, this is your house….I mean….you don’t expect me to stress myself cooking for your son’s birthday while you just chill outside” “I don’t understand, I am busy attending to the guests and….” “Are you going to do my bid or should I get out of your house?!” I cut him off and he mopped at me. “Okay, what…do you want me to do?” he asked calmly. “Good, that’s more like it. Just stay right here and give me anything I ask you to” I bossed.

Sha Ron · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 17


"I love you, Sweet Eva" I said to the phone and dropped the call all smiles.

Christmas is seven days from now and with her coming home tomorrow morning and Bob's birthday party approaching, it's going to be fabulous.

I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I looked out the window of my room and smiled at the stars, there's no difference between them and Eva.

My mother came earlier this evening and when a knock sounded at my door, I don't need to be told it's her.

"Mama, you are not yet asleep?" I asked as we sat down on the bed after I opened the door for her.

"How can I sleep while you refuse to talk to me" she stated flatly.

"Mama, ah ah! I thought we have already died that matter? She will come home tomorrow" I assured her smiling broadly.

"What I want to know is what and why she left in the first place? Which work did you say she does again?"