
Perfect Human in Marvel

Jin is reincarnated in Marvel "MCU" with the perfect body of Daniel park with his limiter removed. Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than my personal character. I don't own The profile picture. English and I don't have any close relation, I wasn't "friendzone", but "acquaintance zone" by her.

Monarch_Ruler · Komik
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11 Chs

Ch 9 Unexpected encounter I

It's been 7 days since he started training.

The game became a hit, it wasn't a global hit, but it was loved by a mature audience because of not being flashy and being astress reliever.

The problem was that his stats weren't growing, they stopped at just below 10. It was like a bottleneck, he needed a superpush.


Name : Jin Grey

Race: Human$#$ "Evolving"

Status: Perfect (peak)

Energy : 9.2

Strength : 9.9

Dexterity: 9.8

Defence : 9.6

Speed : 9.8

Intelligence: 9.2

Abilities: energy absorption (mid level)

Potential- unknown(level 10 required for upgrading)

: Untapped potential



Either he needed weight heavy enough to work his muscles, to break the limits or something stimulating for his body.

The jym he wanted to join will only be available by the start of next month. To have it all for himself, the time he decided was from 3 to 5 in morning.

It doesn't mean that he wasted time.

These days he reads all the books he can get his hands on. Outside the time used for training and resting which wasn't much, all that was left was just reading. He didn't finish the engineering book, he didn't even start to read it.

He only read medical books, already having a medical background helped him.

He didn't read all, but the one he read already gave him a clear idea about the world medical system.

Comparing the research Done on the human body in this world, with that done in his old world also was helpful in clearing some of his doubt.

The body of people of this world was very tolerant of mutation.

Genetically the people are the same as normal humans, but they are more tolerant to mutation, his guess about that is the presence of magic or energy from different dimensions.

You don't need to be a sorcerer to come in contact with magical energy. Being a sorcerer means you can control the magic energy on a superior level.

The people of this world don't know this difference so they just consider everything normal.

After going through all the things that have happened till now he considers that with the mixture of his body and abilities, he can go through this mutation without worrying about the consequences.

The easiest to find is Spiderman power giving spider. He may not gain power from that directly because of the special requirements.

But if he can get a way of producing the spider and its genetic information, then he can modify it and make it better.

He can also create it by himself but that will take time and there is already someone who uses his own time, why will he waste his own.

With all those thoughts, he closed the door of his house and locked it.

It was around 9 o'clock in the evening. He chose this time because now most of the family people are already at home.

What he was going to do now was just running, the area he chose for this was a park.

The park wasn't anything special, it's just that it was near hell kitchen.

But it was just near it, it wasn't part of it. He is going there for the last 2 days and nothing significant happened, today will also be the same way.

He completed his run by 10:30. On the way back home, he suddenly felt an urge to drink a cold drink. To satisfy his urges, he directly brought one from a convenient store which was open during this time.

After buying it, he stood against a wall around an alley. He wanted to finish this drink before leaving.

While he was drinking, he suddenly heard a sound of someone crying from the other side of the alley.

He thought he was wrong, but this doubt was removed when he heard the sound of someone who was being beaten, there was also a painful and pleading cry in between.

He wanted to go there and see what was happening, he was confident that with his current capabilities he wouldn't be found easily, even if he was found, he could fight or run.

Maybe a sudden increase in power was reducing his logical thinking.

With confidence in himself, he went towards the place from where the sound was coming.

He saw 4 boys and a girl, surrounding a couple.

They all looked around the same age, they looked like college students.

~~~Omni POV~~~

James:" Ha.. hahahaa. Didn't I say I will have you bitch. "

"You should have just listened to me, and should have slept with me."

"Now you have nowhere to run, I will have my way with you."

Other three boys also laughed at it.

Person 1: "Boss after you, will we also get chance "

Person 2 and 3 also looked at James hopefully with lust filled eyes.

James: " Hmmm, we will see. "

Looking at Ken who was Kathy's boyfriend.

Ken was beaten black and blue by them

Looking at Ken's eyes which were filled with hatred.

He sneered

James: "sure, after me you can also get some"

Mia who was looking at all this conversation coldly, he didn't become a part of it, but just looked at Kathy.

Mia: " I told you not to cross my path bitch"

" Ohhh.. Ken, you should have also followed me back then"

"Nothing would have happened, but now you will also suffer"

Ken and Kathy looked at Mia with disgust.

Mia looked at their eyes, sneered and coldly ordered James.

"Don't waste my time idiot, quickly take them to the warehouse"

James also followed her command and ordered his men to do the work.

In his heart he wanted to do the same he was doing with Kathy with her. But he knew his level.

Jin, looking at all of this, didn't stop.

First: he wanted to see what they were going to do.

Second: he wanted to finish them inside the warehouse, he didn't want to fight them in the open.

Third: He hate rape, this is his bottom line.

He didn't think these garbage can harm him.

(*** He didn't know Author want him to be beaten, So lord God mode "Ui mode" can enter the picture***)