
Perfect Human in Marvel

Jin is reincarnated in Marvel "MCU" with the perfect body of Daniel park with his limiter removed. Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than my personal character. I don't own The profile picture. English and I don't have any close relation, I wasn't "friendzone", but "acquaintance zone" by her.

Rudra_D_Voldigoad · Komik
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11 Chs

CH 11 Facing the UI darkside 1

Seeing kin and Kathy leaving.

Mia screamad " catch them before they run away"

Koi and James also followed, they ran towards the gate of the warehouse.

But Jin wasn't going to let them leave today.

He punched James, James was also expecting the attack, but what he wasn't expecting was the force and speed of the attack.

He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't, so in despair he Let It hit him.


As the hit landed, James was thrown away, his body sliding backward toward one of his men.

Person 1 just stood up from the surprise attack from before, but what he wasn't expecting was another attack, he wasn't able to defend himself and hit, he didn't even know what it was, James also felt the pain of colliding with another person.

Koi didn't even look at James being punched, for him these people were just weak shit who didn't matter.

What he wanted now was to catch the people who ran away and beat this kid standing before him, he wanted to take revenge for the embarrassment he felt for being hit from behind.

Koi didn't waste any time, he jumped towards Jin.

He punched Jin, aiming for his face, what he didn't know was that Jin wasn't a normal person, for Jin this punch was very slow, he can see everything in this very movement.

From the minute emotion on the face of koi to the details of the moment of others.

He didn't have any fighting experience in these street fight style fighting, but he didn't need those, with the current capabilities of his body, beating these people is easier than taking candy from a kid.

In the midst of the fight, the boy marvelled at the newfound strength coursing through his veins, a fusion of his own essence and the formidable power inherited from the perfect body.

He now felt that his strength was more than he expected, maybe he needed a fight to truly understand his strength.

As he effortlessly dodged an incoming strike, his senses heightened, allowing him to perceive Kai every movement with almost preternatural clarity.

With a swift motion, he retaliated, a surge of raw strength propelling his punch. The impact sent shockwaves through the body of Kai.

Others were momentarily stunned, regrouped, realising they faced an opponent beyond their expectations.

He wasn't a person trying to be a hero, he really was a hero.

They still attacked him, cause they didn't have any choice, either the oppenient die here today now, or their life will be over, they didn't have any background like Mia.

Jin, still adjusting to this extraordinary amalgamation of abilities, grappled with the realisation that he was still in between a fight, he needed to beat these scums.

His every move echoed with the resonance of growing fight or calling it a fight will be wrong, this was a one side beating.

A dance of power that unfolded against the backdrop of the warehouse's gritty atmosphere.

After the beating stopped, Jin moved towards Mia, he wanted to teach this father's princess a lesson she will remember for life.

Just then…..

Amidst the silence of the warehouse, a new sound emerged, stepping into the flickering light. A formidable figure, clad in a mysterious suit that gleamed with a deadly aura. The air crackled with the sear presence of the person, this wasn't just power, but killing intent which was being unleashed.

With a swift movement, the mysterious opponent closed the distance, his movements fluid and precise.

He directly punched Jin in the stomach .

Jin, not expecting a new arrival, wasn't ready for this punch, the second reason is because the opponent's strength was equal or higher than him.

He was still adjusting to his enhanced abilities, he was normal with the physical power but using these in a fight was something new for him.

The blow from the new opponent carried the weight of experience and an uncanny strength that matched, if not surpassed, his own.

"I just came here, cause I heard that little princess was here, we thought that this was a good time to catch her"

"Her dad will pay a good price for her, but who knows that I will find a kid with powers here."

"Now I will take you both with me."


Jin didn't know what this person was upto, but this situation wasn't something he wanted, he just wanted to beat some scum and leave but now he was in trouble, running wasn't a choice so fighting is all he can do now.

He attacked the person with everything he got, as the opponent was experienced, he needed to take the initiative.

As the battle unfolded, the warehouse seemed to shrink around them, the clash of powers resonating against the cold, metal walls. The boy, now facing a genuine threat, realised the enormity of the challenges he'd encountered.

Despite his best efforts, the tide turned against him. The mysterious opponent's attacks became a relentless barrage, exploiting any opening in the boy's defence. A surge of pain coursed through him, a stark reminder that even with his current strength, victory wasn't guaranteed in this unpredictable realm.

Bruised and battered, the boy faced a moment of reckoning. The warehouse, once a battleground, now held an air of uncertainty as he grappled with the realisation that not every confrontation would end in triumph.

The new opponent, a powerful enigma, stood over him, a silent proclamation that he lost.

The opponent didn't give him any more chance and kicked him in the face, making him directly go unconscious.

"Hmmm.. hmm…. "


"Where am I?"

Jin found himself inside a dark space.

With no light.

"Am I dead? "

Suddenly there was a movement from his front.

He saw someone coming towards him in the darkness.

When he was able to see the person or the man properly.

He was shocked beyond core.

"Who are you?Why do you look like me?"

The opponent didn't reply, but just looked at him and replied in a cold but sinister tone.

" Nobody harms my body, nobody!!"

"I will take control from here on"

The eye of the man which were black till now, were giving a purple - red colour light now.