
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · Derivasi dari karya
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54 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

So this is where they drop the rejects, huh? I thought for a second but stopped when I realized that I was one of those rejects.

When we entered the Hermes Cabin, everyone stopped whatever activity they were doing and glanced in our direction. After a brief pause, one of them approached us. He was about nineteen or so, with blonde hair and the usual orange t-shirt that screamed "CAMP HALF-BLOOD."

"Hey Annabeth," he greeted us with a friendly smile.

"New guy?" He then turned his head to me and spoke. Annabeth nodded at him and introduced me.

"This is Marcus Phase, Janus brought him just this morning, and he's going to be Hermes Cabin's new addition," she introduced.

"Welcome to Hermes Cabin. These are my siblings, but I guess you'll be mine too," he said, smiling and pointing at the other campers who had stopped what they were doing.

"I'm Luke, by the way. Pleased to meet you," he extended his hand for a handshake, and I shook it for formality.

"Marcus," I replied curtly.

"Hey Luke, is he our new sibling?" One of the younger Hermes campers approached shyly.

"Umm, I don't know about that yet. He's still unclaimed, but you could say he's our new brother, so treat him well, okay?" Luke responded to the younger Hermes camper.

"Well, I guess that's it. I'm going to have to leave you here to settle. I still have things to do at the Athena cabin," Annabeth said before saying her goodbyes and leaving.

Luke helped me settle into the cabin, assisting with unpacking my clothes and introducing me to the other campers. Once I finished unpacking, I left the cabin to get some fresh air. The cabin was cool, but it was too packed with kids, not really my style since I don't like things getting cramped.

I sat on one of the logs, taking a deep breath, and watched the campers go about their daily activities when one of the Centaurs, supposedly the only one in camp, approached me.

"How's the camp?" he asked me. I had to look up to see his face because, you know, having a horse for half of your body makes you tall, not just tall, but freakishly so.

"It's cool," I replied.

"I'm glad you think of it that way," Chiron said.

"So this place is kind of like a safe zone for demi-gods, right?" I asked him.

"Correct, but to be more precise, this place teaches young demi-gods like you to fend for themselves in the outside world against monsters,"

"Monsters? Why do monsters go for demi-gods anyway? Are we some sort of delicacies?"

"Haha, kind of, young demi-god. Monsters always go for demi-gods because they consider you a peak delicacy. That's why the camp teaches how to fight or survive against monsters so you don't get eaten."

"Makes sense, but there's just one thing that bothers me," I said skeptically.

"What is it that bothers you?"

"Aren't we supposed to be children of Gods? Shouldn't monsters be afraid of the consequences of literally angering a God by eating us?"

"You've got a point, young demi-god, but you see, Gods aren't meant to interfere within the mortal world. They have many limitations within the world. That's why they sometimes use powerful demi-gods to help, as their influence is limited."

"Well, aren't they lame?" I commented with my usual impulsive remarks. Suddenly, a thunderclap erupted upward in the sky. There was no thundercloud present, in fact, it was clear, so the sudden thunder startled me.

"That, young demi-gods, are the Gods. I suggest you refrain from commenting negatively about them since they are quite, ahem, sensitive," Chiron said, hushing on the last part, practically whispering.

I nodded at him, realizing that Gods were quite sensitive beings. Well, nothing strange about that. Not gonna lie, but if I were on the same level as them, I'd be butthurt about insults too. I mean, if I had their position and achievements to back it up, I'd want respect from people, especially mortals.

After answering more of my questions, Chiron said his goodbyes, mentioning the feast we'd be attending later that night. Left to myself, I stood up and decided to watch one of the spars to see the skills of these so-called demi-gods. I walked to one of the fields where many campers were gathered around wearing Greek armor and holding short swords, which I assumed would be a gladius, to match the Greek theme.

I positioned myself at the back of the crowd, giving myself a full view of the spar.

"Get in position, you two," the referee called out.

The two combatants got into position and distanced themselves. They waited for the signal, and when it was given, they pounced at each other with their swords.


The two gladii collided, creating a deafening metallic sound that resounded through the field.

"Wow," I let out a sound of surprise.

I was impressed by the power of this camper, just from the sheer force of their collision, creating such a loud sound. It was impressive, and as expected of demigods. I was also capable of performing such a feat, but I had never seen anyone do it, so I was quite impressed.

As I watched the spar with great entertainment, the two continued to dance with their blades against each other, creating sparks from their clashes here and there. Their fight went on for about a minute, and when they finished, another pair stepped up to the field.

Before the next fight could even start, a brilliant idea came to mind. I looked at the kid next to me, eating a hot pocket while holding an untouched Pepsi.

"Pst!" I nudged my elbow at him, and he looked at me weirdly before asking, "What?"

"Wanna bet? Your Pepsi and my sour patch," I pulled out the unopened sour patch kid from my pocket and held it out. The kid's eyes perked up when he saw my sour patch and excitedly asked, "Okay, you're on, but what kind of bet?"

I answered, "Which of the two will win."

"Okay, let's do that!" He basically shouted, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

"Can I join the bet too?" one of the campers near me asked, holding out his snacks.

"Hey, me too!"

"ME too!


More and more campers flocked to our corner and joined our betting game until it soon became a gambling den, with, of course, me as the perpetrator.

"Okay, people, get in line and put your bets properly!" I shouted, gaining their attention.

"Don't you dare start that fight until we're done betting!" I screamed at the referee, giving him a "DON'T YOU DARE" glare.

"NOW PUT YOUR BETS IN! WHO IS IN WARRIOR NUMBER 1?" Half of the crowd raised their hands, and I gestured for them to step up.

"Put your bets on this corner!" They placed their bets on the empty table where I pointed

to their places.

"THEN HOW ABOUT WARRIOR NUMBER 2?" The same as before, the other half of the crowd raised their hands and placed their bets on the other corner.

"Bet's done! You can now start the fight," I declared, feeling the excitement in the air.

The two combatants squared off, and as they clashed their swords, the spectators eagerly watched, cheering and gasping with every strike. The intensity of the battle heightened, and the crowd's energy was infectious.


Hey there! If you like this Ff then please make sure to save it in your library.

I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

There's about 5 chapters in advance there :)

Have a good day!