
Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

A demigod with a bloodline that transcends back into ancient times. With power that was thought to be lost to time. His strength unrivaled. He sees the horrors of the world. He is Atem, the son of (You need to read to find out) Sea of Monsters Complete Titans curse Complete Battle of the Labyrinth In progress

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34 Chs

chapter 12

When I reached back to my "camp", I immediately laid down to rest. It may not look like it but using my powers takes a lot out of me. It felt as if my body was lead.

I have been building a resistance for it but it is still there. That was why I had been focusing on using my powers so they won't fail me when I need them.

'Build the cushion, so when you fall, you know you're ready to pop back harder.' I thought as I feel into my slumber.

I awoke in the dead of night, my senses alarming me of a threat. I quicky roll over, my heart racing due to the unexpected awakening. 'The fuck?' I thought as I stared at what can be described in 3 words.

"One ugly motherfucker." I said to the leopard, err snake, well it was a combination of both. The leopard had a long head of a serpent and the body was one of a leopard. It stared at me with hatred in its eyes.

It hissed at me before lunging at me. I was now on my feet so I quickly jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the beast.

I conjured wind in a effort to slice the creature's neck, but I only managed to do a slice of damage before my vision turned red and I fell to my knees.

I rose my hand and felt my eyes. I pulled back to see blood. I was bleeding from my eyes. The cost of using my power when I had no energy to give.

The abomination of a house pet didn't let this chance slide and the serpent head lunged out, biting me in my arm.

"AHH!" I shout out in pain as I punch off the snake. I felt woozy and tried to move my other arm to no avail. It seemed like the bastard was paralyzing me.

Then it rushed at me, claws exposed, ready to cut me down. I thought I was screwed but suddenly I felt my arm again. So I socked the bastard right in the jaw and leapt back.

The beast roared in anger at not being able to skewer me. "Yeah yeah fuck you, you ugly son of a bitc-" I was cut off as the beast suddenly appeared Infront of me.

My hand was forced. I had no weapon, nectar, nor ambrosia on me. In other words, I was screwed. I had to force my body above the limit. "AHH!" I roared out and a wall of flames sent the leopard snake thingy flying.

My happiness was cut short.

"Cough cough!" I began to cough out blood . I felt my body weaking, It felt as if I was carrying the world on my shoulders. I had to do everything in my power to not fall unconscious. I stared at the monster with hatred burning in my eyes.

The beast slowly crept towards me before it lunged at me, claw extended ready to take off my head. Would I really die here? Why is life so unfair. No... IT JUST GETTING ME PISSED OFF!

"AHHHA!" With all the force left in my body I threw my mouth towards the creatures snake neck. It looked at me with shock. I couldn't help but wonder why it didn't kill me. BUT I DON'T CARE.

I bit down on its neck and ripped it off. The leopard snake burst into golden dust as I fell down. I felt something running down my shoulder.

It was like lifting a car to move my head to check my shoulder. It was bleeding. The beast did land its hit. But it never went through. My skin...

It was bronze? I had no time to dwell on it as I felt my conciseness slip away. My body felt like a stone that was tossed into a lake.


I awoke feeling stiff and I smelled something horrible. I slowly open my eyes to reveal bags of something. I turned my neck around and there were more bags of stuff. I AM IN A GOD DAMN DUMPSTER! I came to the realization that I was in fact, in a dumpster.

Someone must have put me in here after I passed out. I got up but struggled due to the garbage bags being mushy. I tried not to think about as I crawled myself out.

"I am going to fucking kill the person that threw me in this dang dumpster." I grumble to my self as I check my pockets and surrounding. Noting besides trash and pockets were so empty that I would imagine a little fly coming out of them.

'So I was robbed, thrown in a dumpster, and all of my nectar and ambrosia gone. I am going to kill someone.' I thought barley containing me rage. It was like grinding your teeth togeather, or biting your togue to stop in insult. That is the what I feel like right now.

It felt as if I was burning. I needed to do something. So I began to walk outside the dumpster alley. Every step I tried to control myself from not punching anyone that looked at me weirdly.

I kept walking until I pasted a sketchy looking Wendy's. It was int he back of 3 buildings. The buildings were shaped like a U with the Wendy's in the back of the U. It was quite long and alleys were like mazes there.

This was also near a Thrift store so I decided to make Shady's Wendy's my base for the current time being.

I walked into one of the alleys and walked a few turns until I found a nice spot. I sat down and began to take a count of what had happened plus what I had.

'Clothes. That's all I got for the time being. Now into the important stuff. I fought a weird creature that I never seen in the Greek Monster class. So either that was a new creature or an unknown one.' I look towards my skin, now bronze. I stared at it for awhile before coming to a conclusion.

"Do I have armor as skin?" I said out loud. I suddenly hear something so I get on my feet preparing for monsters. Something turned the corner and I saw a man with a gold chain walk out.

I stared at the chain before coming to an idea. Feeding into my rage...

"Oho a brat, seems like a homeless one-" He couldn't finish as I dash towards him, throwing my fist out into his face.

"CRUNCH!" The sound of a nose being pushed into a skull sounded out. The man fell into the ground, back first. I walk over to his face. I bring up my leg and brought it down hard. The man didn't move.

I snatched his chain and headed to the thrift store.


"You sure you didn't steal this, kid?" The dude who I guessed was 18 asked me again. He had black hair and blue eyes. He wore the "thrifteses" shirt, it was the thrift store logo.

"Yes and I have to ask, do you really get paid enough to ask these questions?" I asked with an eyebrow raise.

He sighed and handed me 5 thousand dollars. "Do me a favor and don't end up on the news."

"Yeah sure I won't." I headed back into the depths of the store. I grabbed a pocket knife, 2 cargo pants, 1 black, 1 brown, 3 T shirts that were green and 1 that was black. And lastly a backpack with 2 first aid kits plus a blanket.

I paid for my stuff and left. I headed back to the alley to relax. I got back and laid my stuff out. I wrapped myself in a blanket that I bought from the thrift store.

I set my focus to my skin. Why was it bronze, was it like armor? It protected me from the leopard serpent. But what was it and how did I get it? Was it a gift from my parents?

I wanted to know. I traced my hand across the scarless skin of my neck. It was wrong. There should be a scar. It was where I was attacked but there was noting to indicate that I was injured there. I didn't drink nectar or ambrosia. So how did I recover from this?

I wanted to know. No.. I NEED TO KNOW!

Unknown POV

With a crazed look on his face, Atem reached over and grabbed the pocket knife. It was quite small but it was sharp. Sharp enough to cut your finger off.

Atem placed the knife's edge between his index finger and it went up from his middle finger. And with one cut. The finger's skin barley cut. So with a crazed smile on his face, Atem began to saw through his finger.

Blood spewed across the blanket and ground. But Atem didn't stop from the pain or the blood. He needed to know how strong his skin was. He needed to know what he could heal. He needed to know and wouldn't stop at noting.

And with one last saw, the finger fell to the ground. No clean cut. It was like how chainsaws leave the stump of trees. Atem looked at his finger with wonder. He began to shake as he picked up the finger and threw it on top of a building. He grabbed some bandages from the first aid kit and wrapped up his stump of his finger before laying back down on his backpack to rest. For this day, marked the uprising of a monster...

Taisho secret

Atem posses a insane recovery ability. So a simple lost of a finger would take a while to recover, but it would heal.