
Percy Jackson: The Wolf Curse

Cursed by an old foe. Percy Jackson now travels on four legs instead of two. Picking up a daughter a long the way and settling into the hunt in secret. love, confusion and battles await him. includes mature content in later chapter (is optional and clearly marked)

KingKiellNickiell · Derivasi dari karya
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36 Chs

Chapter 1: Capture and Rescue

Percy's Pov:

Intense pain filled my body with every bone crunching change. Kronos stood there laughing maniacally as he faded. What was happening? I was being cursed into a wolf. This is how it all happened.

Grover had told me of a disturbance just a ways out from Camp. So I went out to check it out. It turns out kronos had returned, looking for me. He flashed us to hades knows where. Before saying.

"Percy. I'm fading now thanks to you, but before I do. Let me leave you with a small present fit for a pathetic demigod like you. I'm going to curse you to change into an animal for eternity" and the he laughed before shooting a ball of black straight into me. Somehow I could feel the curse inside choosing an animal. And then came the pain so strong I would prefer to fight gaea and kronos twice over.

When the agonising pain finally subsided, Kronos was gone. Faded forever. Remembering the curse, I looked at myself in a near river only to find my human body no longer looked back. Instead wolf With black matted fur and a sea green Toning across my belly stared back with eyes a now a darker animalistic green.

Having thoroughly checked my body to ensure everything was there, I left the river in the direction, hopefully, of camp half blood. Even if I'm a wolf now I can write in the ground or something right? Well if they give me a chance to.

Arriving at the camp borders I try to walk in, Only to feel my face smack the barrier head on. Why couldn't I get in? I'm still a demigod right? I started pacing back and forth hoping to find someone near the boarder. After having realising that no one really goes near the boundary anymore, I left. No point sitting around waiting for someone to leave. I took my chances and headed home. If I'm no longer a demigod then surely I've no scent left.

After entering the forest, I heard an unruly growl from below, signalling hunger. "Great now I have to learn to hunt" I grumbled at myself. So I started searching for prey to eat. After about an hour I found a deer eating away at some grass, my instincts guided my steps keeping me low and undetected. I slowly approached from behind before pouncing at its neck, delivering an fatal and what I hoped to be painless blow. As it died I began to tear at its flesh, my instincts driving me to forsake manners and just gorge on the tasty meal before me. After I had my fill, I left the corpse for the scavengers to enjoy and reset my sights... and snout on home.

After having completed my long tevk back to New York, I arrived in a alleyway near my home l, here I, once again, realised something. I'm a dam wolf. I don't even know how I got this far without being seen but how do I explain all this to mum without being able to speak as well as looking like a ferocious wolf which definitely doesn't help that. Oh well I've come this far might as well try anyways I thought to myself. I trotted along to the front door taking note that it was left ajar. I was now beginning worry as I made my way inside I found no signs of well anyone. And it looked like no one had been here in a week at that. I went upstairs to find an empty crib where my new little sister should have been.  And some of the drawers emptied. My Mum and the family was gone. That hurt. They didn't even tell me.

I left the house leaving the door as I found it, who knows they may have done it on purpose. Don't want to lock em out or anything. I retreat back to the nearby alleyway only to find it occupied by a new scumbag who thinks girls are tools to his disgusting desires. Naturally I'm going to throw away this trash and it ain't recycling either, I always wanted to say that, I pounced at the unexpecting asshole dragging him off the poor little girl.. after having seen her frail body not to mention resemblance to the man. I quickly figured out that this scum was her father. And yes, I mean was, seconds later I crushed his neck in my jaw leaving him to die. Dam shouldn't have done that in front of her.

I faced the girl who was shocked and more scared than you'd believe. I instantly felt connected to her as if I had to protect her. My body screamed at me saying pup. I walked over to her frail body and started licking her clean on instinct. Hey, you try resisting wild instincts it's like resisting yourself, it don't feel right. Surprisingly the girl began giggling. I took this chance to see her features. A brilliant rainbow of colours I guessed her age to be roughly 4.... 4. That scum was gonna rape a 4 year old? Oh hades is gonna have a FIELD trip with you. If not. Wait till I get there. Her hair was a tamed brown with tinged of colour splashed in them. She was beautiful and I would protect her from any boys or girls who also thought that. No one would touch my new daughter. That's right my daughter. "This child is my daughter!!" I shouted it as loud as I could, of course all that was heard was growls, barks an howls. As soon as that was said or well barked, an iris message came up with Iris herself on the other end. "Hello Young wolf? Wolf? Why has a wolf claimed my daughter? No matter your claim was pure and filled with true fatherly love so I shall accept it.. and bless you with the ability to communicate with gods and goddesses or those above them, it seems I cannot grant you the ability to talk to mortals or demigod other than my own, oh and You shall no longer need to pay me drachme for iris messages either.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. It seems she understood me as she smiled at me. It felt as though I wasn't directly speaking with my mouth more like having my growls and grunts translated in her head. "So this is your daughter? Great choice picking the sperm doner by the way" she gained a look of pain at the mention of the the male meat sack.

"There was no love or consent, that is all I wish to say" I suddenly regretted my words, but seriously how does a mortal rape a goddess? Must have had some kind of circumstance for them to have even met.

"Very well, Lady iris I swear upon the river styx to try to make the best choices to protect her and treat her as my own" the sky thundered in recognition of my promise.

"Thank you young wolf, I have one more thing for you before you leave, will you become my champion?" She asked as if I were to even consider turning her down.

"Of course lady Iris. I will protect the mother of my daughter as well as my strength permits." Dam. Becoming a wolf made me way too regal... at least my sea puns and sass are still there at least I'm shore I am. Testing testing. Is this dam thing on? Hello water you doing... yup puns still working. Iris smiled a beautiful smile before swiping through the mist ending the call. I turned to my new daughter seeing her features slowly change and gain my traits. Her hair went from a base brown to black still splashed with colour. Her rainbow eyes gained a stronger sea green, I felt a sense of pride overwhelm me.

"My daughter.. what is your name?" I asked her hoping shed accept me.

"My.. my name is Aria.. Are you my daddy now?" She asked with pleading laced in her eyes. My god my daughter is cute. I'm going to have a hard time killing all that try and be with her in future. The very thought made me stifle a growl.

"Yes, I'm your father and I will always look after you" I said curling my big body around her as her tears of both joy and pain leaked out. She had been through too much.

After 15 whole minutes of crying she calmed down. I asked her to climb on my back before making my way home it was far too dark to do any long distance travelling now. Good thing I left the door ajar. We finally arrived at my abandoned home, making my way inside I once again realised a few things.

1. How do I feed a 4 year old with no hands to cook?


Dam I really did it now. Does adopting someone's child count as cheating? Does she even want children? What if she dumps me for this?!? Are blue pancakes better than blue waffles? Hmm so long as its blue I guess... Seems becoming a wolf didn't get rid of this dam ADHD... Sighing I decided to focus on the more important problem, food. How am I going to feed this starving child? I can use my mouth to pick up utensils and cook this time.. but how will I do that in future? Sure I can hunt, but I don't think paws are made for making fires and I'm definitely not gonna try teach a 4 year old that. 

Leaving that thought train aside I began the painstaking process of cooking without hands occasionally burning, cutting or dropping things on my poor paw. Heh. Poor paw. Eventually I finished the spaghetti bolognese and to be honest it looked rather tasty and obviously blue. I brought the food out careful not to let my teeth or saliva touch the food. Placing it on the table, I watched as my precious daughters face lit up in shock an awe.

"YOU CAN COOK?!? THAT IS SOOOOO COOOOOLLLL and it's Blue that's even cooler" she shouted with a grin soo bright it'd put apollo out of business. Grabbing her fork an spoon she literally attacked the food shoving mound after mound into her mouth. I couldn't help but wonder if she could even taste any of it, still she was 100% my daughter if she found a love for blue foods. I turned to my on bowl of food and gave it a taste. Meh, not as tasty as raw meat guess wolf taste buds are different then. We both ate in a comfortable silence.

Having finished our food I took the plates back to the sink and rinsed them off. This is my mothers house after all. I took my baby girl upstairs to my old room and tucked her in gently with my teeth.

"Goodnight my little rainbow fish" I whispered to her. The name just felt right. S nice mix of silly and sweet just like I want her to be. Her response warmed my heart.

"Night daddy. .. love you..." and then her eyes fluttered to sleep. I will protect her. It is my pride. That said, can I really care for here properly? I can barely secure food for her let alone care for her as a wolf. She is smart I probably could teach her to make a fire, but even then she'd only end up being isolated from people seeing as I can't talk to other demigods and being a wolf on top of that. Perhaps I could take refuge with one of the gods or goddesses? Hestia? No she lives on Olympus wayy too risky with drama queen shooting or fucking anything with legs and or power. That would rule out the other Olympian gods/goddesses as well. I guess there's Artemis, but I think being a wolf is better than a jackalop. That said she would be the best option to protect my daughter... fine we'll go there when the sun reaches the morning horizon. And with that I let myself slip into morpheuses realm.

The following morning I woke to find my daughters head buried in my fur as if I were an all in one wolf percy pillow and quilt set. I smiled at her cute antics before nudging her awake "Wake up, it's time to leave" having no response from the tiny ball of cuteness I moved on to my secret weapon. Tickling, it was difficult with no hands but possible. And soon enough she awoke squirming in laughter.

"HAHAHA STOP IT DADDY! HAHA ST..STOP HAHAHA" I smiled at her joyous laugh so happy her smile hadn't been destroyed by that bastard. After I dealt the finishing blow I took her to my little sisters room to get her some clothes cause if I knew my mother right, she had clothes prepped for up to 5-6 years from now And sure enough there was. Aria picked a set of necessities and placed them into a bag alongside a rainbow style t-shirt, a seahorse one (that made my well up proud), she also picked some trousers and a nice set of rainbow coloured trainers that luckily just about fit.

After doing a compulsery mini fashion show that I definitely wasn't biased in, we left to find the hunt. I was hunting the hunt, if they ever heard me say this I'd end up a silver arrowed pin cushion.

"Dad? Umm... What's your name?" She said twiddling her thumbs. At the sound of that I stopped dead in my tracks... Dam I hadn't even told my daughter my name yet.

"Sorry my lil rainbow I must've forgot... My name is Percy. Percy jackson" I spoke trying to sound as cool as a wolf could be.

"Does that mean my name is Aria Jackson?" She replied making my heart bleed. This level of cute should be a crime.

"Yes if you want it to be..the" before I could finish my words she jumped at me hugging me tighter than Tyson. It was obvious she wanted the name. Having gotten that out of the way we set off for the hunt. Again.