
(I can carry this)

I guess the fish saw me as their god, but I told them to let me have space.

so Lucatiel, sif, and I began exploring the ocean. sif was chasing around the fish, excited to chase a living thing.

Lucatiel meanwhile was amazed that something like this was possible. I had a smile on my face as we explored the ocean.

finally, when the day ended we went to the surface and took a rest. I managed to find a blanket in the ocean, so I used my water powers to dry it instantly and now we all got into our cuddle session.


I went to sleep, but I woke up on the mountain again. this time however instead of drop-kicking I crouched near the blonde-haired girl.

the monsters couldn't see or hear me due to the rings I had equipped.

[Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring and the ring of fog]

I gently pushed her from under and gave her spare rings that I had to turn her invisible.

I felt a crushing pain on my back, but I held steady. I was carrying it while I managed my breathing.

I began calmly holding the sky, even as the damp wet clouds tried to make my hands slip from under.

I gripped the sky as I closed my eyes, the pain I was already used to. dying over and over in gruesome ways made bearing this weight easy.

that being said, I did have to carry this for who knows how long, and luckily the people are idiots and didn't notice the blonde girl was long gone.

I was holding the sky for days, but the silver-haired maiden I met the last time tried to take my burden. but I held fast, unwilling to give up my burden.

my hair had long turned silver, but my eyes glowed with power. the other people seemed to finally realize my presence after capturing the silver-haired woman.

they chained me down with these bronze chains, I could easily break these but too bad I was carrying the weight of the sky.

I adjusted my position so that my stamina could recharge faster. my grass crest shield and Cloranthy Ring were making this task bearable.

"what's your name," I said through grit teeth as I asked the silver-haired maiden.

"Artemis," she said. she was also chained next to my position.

"...Percy," I said. I unequipped my helmet and let her see my face.

her eyes widen but then showed confusion.

"time and space were distorted enough for our worlds to collide, the blonde summoned me," I said.

"...two Perseus?" she said, she ignored the golden glow that was around my body.

"Trust me, I've been through worse than this. I could carry this thing for years before my body will give out," I said.

I summoned a dagger, but it was on my waist.

"...how long do you think you can carry the sky for?" I asked.

"...days at most," she said before finally catching onto what I was saying.

"...can you win?" she asked as she looked at me with determination in her eyes.

"I can," I said.

Artemis then grabbed my dagger and silently cut her chains, then she cut mine. she then got under the sky with me, and finally, I slipped under as the weight crashed down on her.

I equipped my jester outfit and grabbed my shield and threw it with deadly accuracy and impaled itself in Atlas's chest.

I then kicked the shield again and it dug deeper.

"attack," I heard the blonde boy shout as the other monsters charged.

learning from past experiences I quickly snatched Artemis silver knives and began going ham. I was slashing and stabbing, I was also cornering atlas.

I finally had Luke and Atlas, but I slid between Atlas's legs and then proceeded to tackle him. I pushed him into Artemis and finally caught her before she slammed into the floor.

however, coming up from the mountain was our favorite squad.

Peter, Annabelle, Grover, thunder thighs, and zoe nightshade.

they saw a man surrounded in monster dust and blood and he was currently dipping Artemis.

no, but that wasn't the shocking part. Artemis was flustered, and the man seemed to be confused about this.

"my lady?" Zoe called out.

the attention of both Artemis and me snapped to them. however the next second they were both right in front of them.

Percy had crossed the span of the distance in less than a second. this surprised even Artemis.

I looked over Zoe who was now uncomfortable with my stare. I pulled out my catalyst and healed her.

with a smile, I took a bow, and then I disappeared.

"...he was kinda hot," Artemis said quietly.

"my lady?" Zoe asked nervously.

"Don't worry about it, Zoe. he's not coming back sadly," Artemis sighed before she remembered her duty

(the end)