percy gained a system before enrolling into yancy, at first he thought he was going insane... but who knows. even his dreams are so different... if only those mongrels didn't exist.
"so it's supposed to be like this," Percy said as he drew the rune.
"No, you're drawing it wrong. Like this Perseus," hel said as she guided Percy's hand.
"I see," Percy said as he narrowed his eyes. He then drew the rune again.
"Return," he said, and the stick flew and hit him in the face.
Hel snorted, and Sally wasn't far behind. Percy was going to need to get used to using this rune.
It would prove extremely beneficial for him in case he lost his weapons.
Percy pulled out his dagger, carefully traced the rune, and then bit his finger just enough to draw blood.
"Yes just like that," hel said as Percy finally finished his masterpiece.
Percy rolled just in time as Eileen stomped where his head was. Eileen gave him no time to think as she pushed him further.
Percy's knife met Eileens and Percy's other hand clasped onto Eileen's second arm as she was about to pierce his stomach.
"Good you're learning," she said before headbutting Percy.
But since physical attacks don't work on Percy, he attacked back.
"Just because you can't get harmed by physical attacks, doesn't mean you can outlast your opponent. You need to work on your stamina," Eileen said as her blade knocked Percy's away.
Percy's eyes narrowed as he listened to her, but his blade did all the talking. Percy was able to incorporate Eileen's combat style into his own.
A second dagger appeared in his second hand, and likewise, Eileen used twin daggers like him.
To pull a fast one, Percy threw his dagger slid between Eileen's legs and lifted her up. Only for Eileen to put Percy in an arm lock.
"I admit, you surprised me with that one. And I promise you, that will not happen again," Eileen said.
"Re... Return," Percy said as Eileen's boot was against his face.
Eileen's senses kicked in, and let go and rolled back into a stance. Percy's knife was back in his hand.
Eileen laughed.
"Well aren't you full of surprises today," she said as she stretched.
"You're ready for the cathedral ward," was all she said before she put her weapon away. The next second she was gone.
Man, Percy wanted to move that fast. That just meant more training.
Percy got up from the ground with a groan, although he couldn't get harmed, his body would be extra sore.
Percy gazed at the moon as he made his way to central yharnam. Percy's gut was giving him a dangerous feeling about it. Like something was observing him.
As Percy headed into the cathedral he took a long breath, the incense drastically calming his mood.
"...Hmm? Oh... you must be... a hunter. Very sorry, the incense must've masked your scent. Good, good. I've been waiting for one of your ilk. These hunts have everyone all locked up inside. Waiting for it to end... It always does, always has, y'know. Since forever. But it won't end very nicely, not this time. Even some folks hiding inside are going'bad. The screams of womenfolk, the stench of blood, the snarls of beasts... none of em's too uncommon now. Yharnam's done fer. I tell ya. But if you spot anyone with their wits about 'em... Tell'em about this here Oedon Chapel. They'll be safe here. The incense wards off the beasts. Spread the word... tell 'em to come on over. If you wouldn't mind... Hee hee..." the chapel dweller said.
Percy's blade hesitated, but upon gazing upon this man's soul, he noticed it was pure. he really was doing this out of the goodness of his heart. and as much as Percy wanted to find him at fault he couldn't.
people's souls don't lie about them. if he was pure, that meant he was a pacifist. everything else in yharnams was red. with "bosses" as Eileen called them, being black. eileens were purple, which Percy had to assume was fondness, as his mother was also that color, but also black.
hels soul... looked off. lt showed her as half black, a quarter of purple, and a hint of red.
Percy Souls was...
(teehee cliffhanger)
Percy entered his new area going insane. quite literally.
here he was dealing with the people holding lanterns, and he went and picked up this drip he found. when suddenly a portal-type thing picked him up and caused him to go insane... a bit.
Percy's screams were heard through all of yharnam as his frenzy grew before causing his head to explode.
Percy awoke back in the dream hyperventilating. His eyes were wide and desperate.
"Are you well good hunter," the doll asked.
Percy's body relaxed upon hearing her voice. Percy's mind, which was once driven insane, finally returned to normal.
[You have undergone the requirements for skill.
Mental fortification has been obtained]
Percy's mind was more calmer, and finally, his anxiety went away.
"Yeah... I'm okay," Percy said getting up from the ground. Percy looked up at the doll and for once Percy was thankful.
She had tea already prepared.
"I think... Maybe I will take a break from the hunt tonight... Maybe this was a sign," Percy said as he sat down on the brick next to the doll
"If that is what you prefer good hunter," the doll said, and the smile she gave was genuine.
Percy's eyes felt droopy and he leaned his head leaned on the doll's shoulder.
"Goodnight doll," Percy whispered as he fell asleep.
"Goodnight good hunter," the doll said as Percy's mind went fully unconscious.
(End of chapter)
Question for everyone. Should Percy's personality be more akin to solaires, or should we make him just a tad bit more insane?