
Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

An orphan gets reincarnated as the Son of Hades, as his mother a powerful witch, with such a powerful lineage how will his fair in the Percy Jackson Universe, well read and Find out. ... Fair warning I'm closely following the books, while changing some things like how strong their abilities actually are and how strong the God's actually are since they're in fact Gods and stuff.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Derivasi dari karya
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157 Chs

Chapter 4

I stir awake as a ray of sunshine hits me in the face, 'don't they have curtains in this world Jesus'. I thought as I opened my eyes, I then started to notice something strange.

I can actually see pretty well, babies who were just born shouldn't be able to do that. Either it's a special case for me since I'm a reincarnator or this is normal for people of this world… what is this world anyways, is this like a world I know or is it a brand new world?

'Sigh, so much to think about and so much to discover. I guess that's part of my life, I'm getting quite excited', but before my thoughts to dwell further a beautiful woman came into view.

And when I mean beautiful I mean simply divine, she is Thee most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Flowing dark hair, beautiful black eyes, while wearing a beautiful long black dress, with red painted nails and jewelry enhancing her beauty.

She reached out and picked me up from where I was laying, and looked at me with a smile full of motherly love… 'Yup that's it, this is the moment, I have officially became a mama's boy, there's no denying it'

She then started humming a strange tone while softly swaying me in her arms. She then plopped out her boobs and started to breastfeed me, which is such a weird experience.

And just like that a month quickly passes with my new mother following a routine, she would pick me up and breastfeed me and walk around the sound humming. She would sometimes bring the cradle next to her as she would start reading stories about different heroes and their tragic lifes.

But thanks to that I was able to confirm that this is earth indeed or something similar due to the familiar stories that Mother would tell, she would talk about gods such as Zues and the likes…

Although she wouldn't say their name for some reason, it was heavily implied that that's who she was talking about, as she mostly used their titles as reference.

Did I mention she could magic, cause apparently she could do freaking magic. When she would need something she would just motion it with her hand and it would start levitating towards her hand.

When it was finally a month since I was born, my mother, who I still didn't know the name of, finally took me out of a wooden cavern.

Once outside I noticed that the entire area is surrounded by woods and trees, we were completely isolated… 'weird' I thought while looking at the surroundings.

"Oh, why aren't you always just a curious little thing?'' My mother said, looking at me turning my head everywhere to get a better view. She then walked around the perimeter of the house with me in her arms.

There was a large empty field, and in that empty field our little cabin stood right in the direct center of it, it was pretty big.

Mother then pointed at a tree and started following along with her finger going in a circle "Although you can't understand me I feel like I owe it to your curiosity to explain. The tree's in front act as a ward to keep monsters from ever detecting your scent, my little demi-god"

'WHAT' I shouted in my own thoughts 'A fucking demi-god, I'm a demi-god? Talk about an upgrade, now I'm curious who my father is. Are the Gods like the ones told from different mythologies, I mean they have to be right?

After all the stories my mother has told, some of them I know from my past life, and she did sound like she was speaking of events that actually happened and not just some heroic story…'

After that shocking revelation, time went by smoothly, the months went by, by the time I was 5 month old I was already crawling and grabbing onto things to stand up on my own, by the time I was 6 months along I was walking smoothly by myself, by the time 7 month I said my first words.

"Mama" I called out to my mother while stretching out my arms to hold me, which I strangely came to really enjoy…

Oh it seems I forgot to mention, my mother just so happened to be Medea the witch of betrayal, I was so scared when I heard that I almost pooped myself. Now the reason I was so scared… She didn't hesitate to kill her two children by stabbing them in the heart just to be petty, I mean slay queen, but I don't want it to happen to me, I just got here.

By the time I was 8 months along I started trying to learn how to read and learn different languages, since most of the books my mother owned were mostly in Greek and in other languages that weren't English due to how old they were.

Key word trying, it was easy to learn Greek, so not so much the other languages. It would seem I have dyslexia in this life, even reading English has become a task.

It was actually thanks to that I was able to learn that my father probably belongs to Greek mythology… which is not good, my mother wouldn't tell me who my father is even when I tried my ultimate weapon called puppy dog eyes.

In all honesty I really hope it's not Zeus, I really don't want a rapist father and a vengeful stepmother. Now who I want it to be most likely, it has to go to my favorite God Hades, the most unbothered and underappreciated of the gods.

While I was sitting down on my mother's bed with a book lying flat in front of me, my mother lay on her side while resting her head on her palm. She was playing with my hair while smiling at me watching how much I was struggling to read.

I could feel my face scrunch up trying to read after a while I started to unconsciously pout as I muttered "This is difficult" in a tiny cute baby voice.

My mother hearing me broke down into giggles while ruffling my hair, "Aww, is my little genius having a bit of trouble reading"

"It's not funny" I pouted some more, which just caused her to laugh even louder. Watching me look at her with a pout made her stop laughing for a bit but her smile that was filled with amusement never left her face.

She then held my face and gave it a kiss, "wait here a sec, I made something just for you"

She then got up and looked around the house while muttering "Now where was that I put them…"

After a few seconds she then exclaimed "Ah-Ha here they are"

She came back into the bed while carrying a small rectangular black box that looks like the one you would get when getting glasses.

She laid back in bed and opened the box, and it was just that a pair of black frame glasses

I looked at her with confusion "Glasses? I'm dyslexic not blind" I said.

"No silly, it took a while but I was able to make them just for you with a little bit of magic. These glasses will help you with your dyslexia, here but them on"

As she put them on my face, she started laughing again. I would be laughing too if I saw a baby with large glasses covering his face.

I just sighed and turned back towards the book, the letters which were once floating around my head slowly moved back to where they belonged, they shook for a brief moment before stopping and staying in place.

"So how is it?" She asked with a smile.

"Woah, these are awesome… Thank you mama" I said.

She just continued smiling while giving me a loving look which never fails to make me blush. She went and kissed my cheek once again as she says "I'm glad"

I then went back to trying to read about different languages…

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