
Chapter 19

Percy looked at the yellow and orange jelly bean between his fingers and groaned, "I so hate you."

Fleur laughed, "itz your turn! Ztop being a whimp!"

"It looks like piss Fleur!"

"And? You made me eat pepper flavour!"

"This might be piss flavour! Hows that fair?!"

The french veela rolled her eyes, "I don't think that's pozzible Perzy."

"It say 'every flavour beans' doesn't it? Why wouldn't there be every flavour?"

"Quit ztalling!" Fleur shouted. Kelly even yelled out as she cheered Percy on.

Percy sighed, "fucking veela," he closed his eyes and swallowed the bean whole. He chewed it slowly, waiting for it to kick in. He crushed the bean and suddenly was hit with a wave of fish. Percy's eyes went wide, he put his head over the window and spat it out.

"It was fish!" Percy cursed, "I ate fish! Gods I hate this game!"

Fleur laughed, "you were the one who zuggezted it!" They were sitting on the fifth floor corridor one one of the open window rails. They sat on the rails side by side with the steep fall behind them, but neither of them seemed to mind.

"Well I was clearly mad when I suggested it," Percy groaned as he looked at Kelly who was grinning up at him, "and don't even get me started on you! You were supposed to be on my team!" Kelly shrugged, she pointed at Fleur and motioned to her hair, "oh so because she's a veela you're suddenly on her side now?" Kelly nodded.

"I must say Perzy, I am beginning to like Kelly," Fleur stroked Kelly's hair, which Kelly allowed to happen. It seemed she was finally getting used to having Fleur around.

Percy shock the box of every flavoured beans in his hands and gave them to Fleur, "your turn."

The french veela sighed, she turned to Percy and pouted, "do I have to?"


She deepened the pout, "but I might get zomething icky!"

"And? So did I!"

"It waz just fizh!"

"I hate fish!"

"Sacre bleu! You are missing out on a lot! Fish is one of the best things that has even come out of the zea!"

"No Fleur the best thing that has ever come out of the sea is me," Percy smirked, "now eat tweety bird."

Fleur huffed, "I 'ate the fact that you are immune to my allure." Percy laughed as Fleur closed her eyes and pulled out a green and brown bean. She opened her eyes and nearly gagged at the sight, "oh my God! Not this again!"

"What flavour is it?" Percy asked excited.

"Tree bark," Fler spat out. She turned to Percy once more and pouted, "do I have to do this?"




"I'll do anything!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? Anything?"

Fleur suddenly turned red as she realised what she sounded like she was implying, "I-I only meant that I would eat zomething elze!"

Percy grumbled, "I see….well in that case, no! Now eat up!"

Fleur sighed, she looked at the bean once again and groaned. She sighed and threw it into her mouth. She chewed slight and immediately spat it over the railings, "I hate tree bark!"

Percy laughed, "who does?!"

Fleur groaned, she used a charm to clear her mouth and turned to Percy, "I am glad we got to zpend time like thiz together. It waz fun."

Percy nodded, "yeah, who knew we would actually have similar free periods?" It had just been a coincidence, Percy had been wandering the halls trying to get to The Forest when he ran into Fleur. They decided to spend some time together and next thing thy knew they were spitting out beans into the lake below.

"Zo what were you doing 'ere Percy?" Fleur asked as she laned up against the window sill looking out into the grey English sky.

"Honestly, I just come here when I feel lonely," Persie admitted, he looked into the hall and saw the door to The Forest a few feet down, "and you? I figured you would be with Camille or Jasmine by now."

Fleur sighed, "they wanted to go flirt with Hugo and the otherz. And zince boyz were going to be there..."

"They want you to 'steal' their men," Percy made sure to emphasise the steel part to make Fleur know how ridiculous he found that notion.

"And the worze part iz I can't blame them," Fleur sighed as she looked down saddened, "I have never been able to control my allur, it's not my fault, yet I can't blame them for not wanting me to ztay."

"Hey now don't say that," Percy put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "I'm sure one day you'll find friends who will understand what you are going through. I mean when I meet Catherine she and the Bulgarians got along great! She admitted she had trouble at first, but no friendship is without difficulties! Yours just happen to be the fact that all men and probably some women want to sleep with you."

Fleur chuckled, "you 'ave a way to make even the most life threatening izzuez zeem zmall Perzy."

"And you said I make inappropriate jokes."

The french veela laughed again as she nodded, "then I am wrong. Thank you Percy, it makes me happy to be able to talk like thiz with zomeone, ezpecially a man."

Percy nodded, "hey, no problem. I can understand how it feels to be alone, believe me I know. So if I can do anything to make you feel more normal you just ask away!"

Fleur smiled, "really? Do you mean that?"

"Yeah, every word. Why? You have something in mind?"

"Well, you know most normal girlz do-"

"-Ah excuse me," a small squeaky voice called out. Percy and Fleur turned to see a small Ravenclaw girl looking at them with scared eyes.

"Yes? Can we help you?" Percy asked gently.

"P-Proffesor Dumbledore asked me to bring you to the wand weighing ceremony," the little girl squeeked.

"Oh is that today?" Percy blinked in surprise. He turned to Fleur, "did your headmistress mention this?"

Fleur nodded, "yez zhe did, but zhe zaid it would be later in the day, not now."

"Well we better get going either way," Percy turned to the girl, probably a second year, and smile, "thanks for telling us..."

"Jina," she squeaked, "my name is Jina."

Percy nodded, "well thanks Jina. Can you tell us where to go?" She nodded and quickly took Percy and Fleur to a classroom on the sixth floor. She wished them luck before running off, probably to rejoin her own class.

Percy motioned to the door, "ladies first."

Fleur rolled her eyes, "zuch a gentleman."

Percy nodded, "yeah, that's me, the gentleman," his eyes moved down looking at Fleur's shapely behind as she walked ahead of him. He nearly gasped in surprise, 'there is no way that ass is natural! She has to be using magic or something to make it so bloody round!' Each step she took sent a little ripple up her silk robes and her behind, 'and it's so perky! Gods damn you veela!'

Fleur looked back and noticed Percy's doing his best to not look down, she smirked feeling confident about herself and walked inside.

"Ah Ms. Delacour, Mr. Jackson, glad you two made it," Dumbledore greeted them inside. The classroom had been changed, the benches and tables all pushed to the side with four chairs and a single table was kept in the center.

Percy walked in and noticed that everyone was already here. Krum gave the two a small node while he returned to talking to his headmaster. Maxim was with Dumbledore, they were obviously discussing something before they came in. Bagman and Crouch were also here, with an unknown man standing in the back, cleaing what looked to be a giant camera from the 1800's.

"Fleur come here, I wish to speak with you," Maxim called over the veela who wished Percy goodbye and went to her headmistress.

Percy walked over to Dumbledore and nodded, "good morning sir."

"Good morning Mr. Jackson," Dumbledore wished in good spirits, "I suppose you are wondering why you are here yes?"

"I think I got the jist of it from Fleur," Percy nodded, "we are all here to check our wands right? Kind of like a testing ceremony?"

"True, the wand weighing ceremony is exactly that, on paper," Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, "but in reality they are so much more. It is the public's first appearance to our champions, an interview with you four to better understand you traits and abilities."

"Oh, so like a panel at comic con?" Percy asked.

Dumbledore blinked, "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the muggle term."

Percy waved it off, "it's cool, it's an American thing anyway. Say professor...is it true you have a Pheonix?"

The headmaster's eyes started to twinkle as he smiled and nodded, "yes, his name is Fawkes."

"That is so cool!" Percy's eye started to twinkle as well, "can I see him? I've always wanted to see a phoenix!"

Dumbledore chuckled, "of course my boy. But unfortunately Fawkes is currently away on one of his many hunting trips. I'm afraid he may not return for some time."

Percy shrugged, "I don't mind waiting."

"Then when he returns I'll be sure to call you, I'm sure Fawkes would love to see you," suddenly Dumbledore smile dropped as he jerked his head to one side and narrowed his eyes. It was like he could see something past the room door and he sighed, "excuse me for a moment Mr. Jackson, it seems young Harry has been sidetracked."

Percy blinked in confusion as Dumbledore walked out of the room only to return moments later with Harry in tow and a older looking witch with bright lime green robes curly blonde hair and a strong jaw line. She wore thick glasses with cheesy rhinestones embedded in them and long nails painted crimson.

Percy shivered at the sight of her, she looked so bloody cheesy! She had a notepad and a acid green quill out that was taking notes for her, Percy recognized it as a quick quote quill, a failure in every word of magical quills. It was highly inaccurate, the semi sentience it possessed was useless. Ether the woman was an idiot for using it or she enjoyed the way the quill worked.

Percy waved Harry over, the two quickly moved to one side of the room as Dumbledore and cheesy woman started talking. "Who's the blonde?" Percy asked Harry.

"Rita Skeeter," Harry said with a shudder.

"Skeeter? I've heard about her, nasty writer, apparently she has ruined many a life with her writing," Percy grumbled, he noticed Harry looking uncomfortable, "what happened? Did she push you into a broom closet and start to make out?"

Harry looked like he was about to puke, "ew! No! She just...she just wanted an interview."

Percy winced, "I think you would be better off having her tongue stuck down your throat."

"No! Are you kidding?! Susan would kill me!"

Percy smirked, "I see, so you're afraid your girlfriend would kill you huh? So that means if you weren't with Susan you wouldn't mind making out with Skeeter?"

"No! Merlin Percy that's not what I meant!" Harry growled.

Percy laughed loudly as Harry kicked in in the shin only for his toes to pain. The two continued to talk for a while before Dumbledore told them all to gather around.

The champions sat down on the four chairs before the table. Percy at the far left, Fleur next to him and Harry next to her. As usual Krum chose to sit away from them all near the right end, choosing instead of close his eyes and wait for when he was called.

Bagman came up and gave a long boring speech about what the wand weighing ceremony was about, going on and on about how it was a way or the public to meet the champions. If anything Bagman himself looked bored, he was probably forced into this by Crouch.

"Now, I hand the ceremony over to our wand expert, Mr. Ollivander!" Bagaman exclaimed. Percy turned and was surprised to see Ollivander walk out off one corner of the room. 'That's impossible! I didn't even see him! Does he have some kind of invisibility cloak or something?!'

The man smiled as he stepped behind the desk, "hello all. Let's begin. May I have Mr. Jackson up first?"

Percy smiled as he got up and drew his wand. As he placed it in Ollivander's open hand and he prayed to Hecate that they wouldn't detect Poseidon's hair she had placed inside.

Ollivander examined the wand with a smile, "ah, I remember selling you this. It was just a few months ago if I recall. English Oak, the very same wood Merlin was rumoured to use. 15 inches, larger than ordinary in order to compensate for the extra power put through it, with a phoenix feather core, rare and very unique. Very rigid, unchanging. And what's this?" Ollivander's eyes went wide.

Percy's breath hitched, 'please don't notice my dad's hair!'

Ollivander smiled as his continue, "you have already won it's allegiance! Well done my boy, well done! Aguamenti!" Ollivander yelled as he summoned a fountain of water out off Percy's wand tip. The wand maker nodded and gave the wand back, "very good my boy, very good. You have maintained it well, though I would recommend you polish your wand more often."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, okay, I promise I'll polish my wand tonight." Percy gave him a node and quickly sat back down. Harry looked across to him and raised an eyebrow. Percy shrugged as he mouthed 'what?' Harry shook his head and they both waited for the ceremony to be over.

Fleur's wand was 9½" rosewood, with a Veela hair core. The hair was donated by Fleur's grandmother, which Ollivander called highly volatile as it is known to have a very negative effect on other users. He also called the wand inflexible, which Percy believed was a jab at Fleur herself. But the veela held her head up high and didn't let him get to her, though she did glare at him a lot.

At this point Harry was frantically cleaning his wand using his robes, Percy chuckled at that but said nothing. As Fleur sat down Harry went up next.

"Stupid old man, what does he know," Fleur spat out like venom.

Percy chuckled, took Fleur's hand and squeezed it, "relax tweetie bird, you know how the British are, to quote Ollivander, 'very inflexible'."

Fleur laughed, "you are correct Perzy. Thank you."

Percy nodded, he let go of Fleur's hand as they waited for Harry and Krum to finish their turn. After the wands were done Skeeter had insisted on taking photos. Harry and Fleur groaned, apparently they didn't like the attention. Percy and Krum couldn't care less, though the cameraman had to repeatedly tell Percy to stop making funny faces at the camera and pose seriously.

After many pictures, mostly because Percy's ridiculous poses kept ruining the older ones, the champions left. Fleur had to leave with her headmistress, but she promised to talk to him at dinner. Krum gave them a node before leaving to Gods know where meaning Harry and Percy were left alone.

"So you and Fleur huh?" Harry teased as they walked towards the Great Hall for lunch.

Percy rolled his eyes, "hold your horses Harry, we are just friends."

"Really? Just friends? Don't think I didn't notice you guys kept whispering while the ceremony was going on. Plus you were holding hands."

"Right because holding hands means you are dating, that's totally how it works," Percy said sarcastically.

"Fine, then what are you tow? Friends? Best friends?"

"Honestly? I don't know. She's a nice girl and all, but I don't really think she likes the idea of being with me. I'm probably too immature or something."

Harry snorted, "clearly you didn't see the way she was looking at you." Percy rolled his eyes but said nothing as they quietly walked back to the Great Hall.

They moved to the Gryffindor table to eat when a blonde Slytherin walked up to them with a grin on his face. "Well Potter cozying up to the real champion I see. It's truly sad to see you two losers act as our champions."

Harry growled, "shut your mouth."

But Percy on the other hand just blinked in surprise, "hey you look familiar, have we meet?"

Draco looked startled, "ah, yes! Of course! We meet on the train!"

"Right...and you are?"

"Me?" Draco looked like he was about choke on a lung, "I'm Draco Malfoy!"

Percy tilted his head to the side, "I'm sorry?"

"Draco Malfoy! You meet me on the train!"

Percy blinked, "Oh...right….I totally remember you. Anyway what do you want Drake?"

"Not Drake! Draco! My name is Draco!"

"Right, Meko, got it. Didn't realise you were japanese Meko, small world huh?"

"My name is Draco Malfoy you filthy mudblood! And you best remember it!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "right, totally going to happen. Anyway what do you want?"

Draco snorted, "I was just coming here to make sure our champions wouldn't be a disappointment. Potter is already a glory seeking tool, I'm sad to see you are the same. Hogwarts really has sunk so low if we have to have you, an American as our champion."

Percy raised a single eyebrow, "I'm sorry I think I misheard you. Would you repeat that."

Draco smirked, "gladly. I said-"


Percy sent a wandless banishing curse at Draco sending him flying off into the Ravenclaw table. Harry blinked as he turned to Percy, the demigod was glaring hatefully at Draco, he hissed, "don't test me ass, or the next time I'll use my fists."

Draco picked himself up, holding his stomach in pain. He looked at Percy with wide fearful eyes as he ran away, the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors watching him hobble back to his table in shame. Percy looked around, the professors were looking over at them curiously, but it seemed none saw what happened, or even if they did couldn't prove it was Percy who used that spell thanks to his wandless magic.

Soon everyone returned to their meals, Harry sat down besides Percy who growled, "I don't like him."

Harry nodded, "yeah, most don't."

The next day was the week end once more and Percy did his normal routine of flying outside on his hoverboard for a while before letting the younger kids have a go. After that he walked in and found Harry, Susan and Hermione sitting together for breakfast.

Percy popped down next to Hermione, "hello all! And how is everyone's favorite couple doing today?"

Susan and Harry blushed red while Hermione chuckled. "I think you might have broken them Percy," Hermione teased.

"Oh they are big kids, they can handle a little teasing from me," Percy chuckled as he quickly filled his plate up with food.

"So when is detention Harry?" Susan asked.

"Ron told me that it's tonight," Harry sighed.

"Wait I'm sorry, detention?" Percy asked.

"Harry and Ron got detention with Snape," Hermione said sadly.

"Why? What did they do?"

"They were defending me, from Malfoy," Hermione glared.

"Oh great, what did the stupid blonde do this time?" Percy sighed.

"I guess he didn't like what you did to him yesterday at lunch. He came and started another fight before potions, he then insulted Hermione and Ron and I fought him but Snape decided we were the only ones who deserved detention," Harry turned around and glared at the boy who was laughing at something Krum said, "stupid git."

Susan smiled sadly, "it's okay Harry, he'll get what's coming to him."

"Yeah," Harry nodded as his anger seemingly vanished the moment Susan touched his arm in support.

Percy chuckled, "well on the bright side at least Ron and you have detention together. Maybe you can try and talk to him again."

Harry perked up hearing this, "yeah, you're right!"

Percy scoffed, "of course I am. I'm always right."

Just then the morning owls came in dropping a paper down for everyone with a subscription. Hermione got one herself as she quickly began reading it. Her eyes went wide in surprise, "Harry! Percy! You two are in the paper!"

Percy did a spit take, "what?!" Hermione handed him the paper and Percy and Harry quickly read the front page article;


Report by

Rita Skeeter

As our readers all know last Halloween marked beginning of the triwizard tournament. The tournament is being hosted in Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry this year for the first time in two centuries! This tournament was meant to harbour friendly competition between the three schools, displaying the best of the best the schools and their respective countries have to offer.

However this year there has been a change in tradition. Only students above the age of 17 have been allowed to compete, though that rule has already been broken (See below article about the fourth triwizard champion for more). This time however it isn't even a British student chosen to represent Hogwarts and England, no, this time the chosen champion is one Percy Jackson, a half-blood from America!

It is true! Percy Jackson, sixth year in the house of Hufflepuff is from America. He has moved here from the colonies just this past summer with his squib aunt and has just completed his OWLs, a year later than is expected. While his OWLs score is impressive, one would hope that a man at the age of 17 do no less.

But in the end it is not a matter of merit, but a matter of country. Must a boy from America really be the one to represent the greatest school in England itself? He may be a student of Hogwarts, but he just joined this year! He has only been a member of our nation for a few months! And Hogwarts for even less than that!

This reporter believes that choosing a champion who wasn't even a real Brit is unlawful and should be against the rules in the first place. We must be represented by a true champion of the people, not this foreigner! But alsa I am just one voice in the flood gate on millions. And the tournament has already started, there is nothing we can do to change it


Report by

Rita Skeeter

The next piece of tragedy that comes out off the triwizard tournament revolves around a Britain hero, Harry Potter the boy-who-lived. While this one is a British citizen, his involvement with the tournament violates the very rules upon which it was set up on.

Unknown to everyone, even the great Albus Dumbledore, Mr. Potter has somehow managed to enter himself into the tournament as the fourth champion. He was not allowed to participate in the first place, as he is only aged 14, something the new rules do not allow, and yet he is still expected to participate.

While this would be unusual, Mr. Potter's entry might actually be a blessing in disguise for us all. The official champion of Hogwarts is in fact not even British! (See the above article, An American Champion for Britain for more details) So Mr. Potter might be the true face of Britain in this tournament!

But then comes into question the legitimacy of Mr. Potter's claim to said title. While he is more deserving of being Britain's true champion, he is still in violation of the rules as he is still underaged.

So this reporter asks you dear reader, is this the fate of our country? To be represented by an America (See above article for more details) that hasn't been a citizen in our country for more than a few weeks or by an underage school boy with delusions of grandeur? Surely we can do better than this? This reporter certainly believes so.

The report then continued to call Harry a frightened little boy that wished to live up to his parents love and sacrifice and that he was doing all of this in order to grab more attention for himself.

Percy read it all, and he felt angry. Very very angry. "That bitch!" Percy cursed.

Harry looked equally pissed off, "I never said any of these things! She's lying!"

Percy looked around and slowly felt all eyes turn to them. They were glaring at him, they believed what she wrote, that he didn't deserve to be a champion.

"What did I ever do to her?" Percy asked with a growl, "I didn't even speak to the bitch!"

"I think that's why she got angry," Susan supplied.

Percy gave the paper to Hermione, "here, keep it. I suddenly lost all interest in reading."

The table became silent after that as they all ate breakfast while avoiding the glares everyone was sending them. Even the Hufflepuff table seemed unsure of what to do or say as they simply avoided Percy's eyes completely.

After finishing his meal Percy excused himself and quickly walked up to The Forest. After making sure no one was around he entered his haven and got to work. He quickly carved the next batch of quickly quills and then continued to check up on the Felix Felicis. The full moon was tonight, and according to the recipe Percy had to heat the potion up underneath the light of the full moon. Guess that means his night was full.

Percy then checked up on the map, it was honestly not going anywhere fast. It just got more and more complicated as time went on. Percy had effectively given up on the project, but he made sure just to look it over once in awhile just to tugg out a new idea once in awhile.

The demigod then went to his latest project, using his feathers to create a flying cape. Like Superman! Percy wanted to fly as a human, the only way he could do that was by partially transforming, which he can't do in public unless he wanted people to start calling him a fallen angel.

The properties of a pegasus feather allowed for flight. Percy at first wanted to turn it into a potion and use it to gain flight. But anything he would make would only grant him temporary flight and would probably wear off in about an hour. He could have used it for a ritual, but he wasn't nearly competent enough in that branch of magic to even attempt such a thing. That left only one option, using runes.

This was incredibly difficult of course. Percy didn't even know where to begin. But over the past week he got an idea while Flitwick was lecturing about flying carpets and their properties. Percy realised like his hoverboard he could make something with the feathers that could fly, except he can't use a board or a carpet, he didn't have that many feathers, it had to be only for a single person. So Percy decided to make a cape.

Percy had Fred and George smuggle in two capes for him from Hogsmeade, they would usually charge money for things like this, but they didn't have a choice, after all Percy did win their little bet by becoming triwizard champion.

Percy had insisted the caps be blue or black, but the two couldn't resist getting a little prank in so instead the capes they bought were Gryffindor red and gold. Percy was pissed, but the twins refused to get him any other colour. And since Percy didn't want to fly all the way to Hogsmeade just for a stupid cape he relented and decided to use what he had.

The first thing Percy did was carve runes into the stem of his jet black black feathers. They were control runes that would be linked to the cape. Percy then stitched the feather into the gold cape while carefully writing runes from the steam of the feather to the collar of the cape. This would allow the wearer to control all the feathers via mental thoughts while wearing the cape as all the feathers were connected via these rune chains.

It took Percy the entire week to come up with this. He had spent most of his free time drawing this down. Even in class the teachers almost caught him several times working on the runes instead of paying attention, luckily it seemed being champion allowed one a little leeway in class.

Percy did nothing else that weekend other than work on his cloak and his potions. He didn't feel like talking to anyone and he most certainly didn't want people talking to him about not being British enough to represent Hogwarts.

When he did go out of The Forest for food people kept glaring at him, whispering when they thought he couldn't hear them. His friends kept telling him to ignore it, but he couldn't. He needed to do something, a plan to win back their confidence.

But Percy's wasn't that devious, or patient. So he choose to stick to what he was good at, being unapologetically blunt.

Monday morning Percy walked into the Great hall, they all noticed him enter, but none of them said or did a thing.

He smiled and quickly applied the sonorus charm on himself, "may I have your attention please!" the hall turned to Percy, most looked hatefully at him with envy or pure unfiltered anger, the Hufflepuff however looked concerned, unlike the rest of the school they didn't give a damn that he wasn't british. It was then when Percy realised he picked the right house.

"Now let's address the giant white elephant in the room," Percy began, "you all believe the article that bit -" Percy stopped as Sprout coughed and raised her eyebrows dangerously, "-that woman Rita Skeeter wrote about me being an American and not being good enough to represent Hogwarts. But you see….if I'm not good enough, what does that make you idiots?"

The school gasped as they blinked in wonder at Percy's blatant insult. They weren't expecting that. The Slytherin's looked furious, the Gryffindors embarrassed while the Ravenclaws seemed to have opted for a look of anger hidden behind a mask of neutrality.

Percy laughed, "what? Did you expect me to beg for forgiveness and ask for a chance to prove myself? Get bent, I didn't bribe the Goblet, it choose me over all of you. Meaning if I suck, you suck worse. So get over yourself, don't use Rita's article to hate me, have the guts to do it because you're jealous. But I understand if you aren't brave enough to do that, after all that's why I'm the champion, an immigrant from America, and not one of you."

Percy canceled the sonorus charm and walked up to the Hufflepuff table and sat don between Gordon and Heather. He filled his plate up with food and looked around to see them all staring at him. "What?" Percy asked, and they slowly started to laugh.

"That's one way to do it," Juan commented causing everyone to laugh louder. Percy smiled, he definitely picked the right house.

The week went slowly for Percy, the classes were a bit boring, but he managed to pull through. He spent most of his free periods at The Forest working on his cape and potion or with Fleur, if they happened to have the same period free.

On Wednesday Percy sat down with Harry and Hermione at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. As Percy ate his plate of toast he spoke, "so what happened to Susan?"

"Nothing, I told her to go sit with her friends," Harry replied with a shrug.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "why? Getting tired of her?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "hardly. I just didn't want her spending too much time away from her friends. It's not fair that she has to sit with us every morning just to make me feel good."

"Did you tell her that? Because she looks kind of worried," Percy motioned to the Hufflepuff table where Susan kept giving Harry nervous glances. When their eyes meet she gave a nervous smile and a wave which Harry copied.

"Wait, why is she worried?"

Hermione sighed, "oh for God's sake Harry! She probably thinks you are mad at her!"

"What?! That's stupid!"

"Not in the mind of a love sick idiot it isn't," Percy chuckled, "she's probably thinking just that along with a dozen other things."

"B-but I didn't mean it!" Harry yelled out frantically as he looked over to Susan's table in concern. She looked sad, she had her head hung, not even joining in with her friends.

"Doesn't matter, remember what I said about lovesick idiots?" Percy chuckled as he sipped his morning tea, "you want my advice? Go to her and tell her you're sorry."

Harry didn't waste a second as he jumped out off his seat and ran to the Hufflepuff table. Susan saw him coming and looked concerned, instead of saying anything though Harry just sat down and began to talk with her. Before long Susan let out a hearty laugh that seemed to make Harry let out a sigh of relief.

Percy chuckled as he and Hermione returned to their meal, "what would he do without me."

"You certainly seem to know what to do when it comes to dating," Hermione said as she took out a giant tome, "personal experience?"

Percy chuckled, "dear Gods no, I have never been on a date in my life. In fact the only thing that would even come close is the day I spent in Hogsmeade with you."

Hermione blushed, "m-me?"

Percy nodded, "yeah."

"Then how are you so good at giving Harry advice?"

"Well I'm good at understanding people, so maybe that's it," Percy shrugged, "plus Harry and I are somewhat similar, I know what he would do and I know how people would react, because believe me they have reacted the same way to me."

Hermione nodded, "you are a strange man Percy Jackson," Percy chuckled and simply nodded. Hermione began to read while Percy focused on finishing up his breakfast. Just then the morning owls came in and a small white bird dived down and landed in front of Percy with a letter.

Percy feed it a piece of bacon as a treat and untied the letter letting the owl fly away freely. He saw his name written in the front in Hecate's handwriting, he quickly opened the letter and began to read;

Dear nephew,

YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME! You should those British tossers who's boss! Congrats on getting selected for the tournament kiddo! Sorry I haven't written to you sooner, you know how Gods are, we always have some world ending event to take care off. In this case Apollo lost his lyre and started a little fight with Hermes, who he thought stoel it. I was kind of pulled into it as an impartial judge, thought between you and me Apollo's kind of a douche. Anyway long story short we found the stupid thing, seems Artemis had hidden it away as punishment for Apollo flirting with one of her Hunters.

Now back to you, I hope you are excited for this as much as I am! You get to show off your stuff! Oh and maybe if you want you can even use this as a way to advertise your stuff! Show off a little using your new toys! It will bring huge amounts of brand recognition! Hehe, money!

Right back to the life threatening tasks. Want my advice? Stick to what you are good at and you'll be fine. Try not to show off your demigod powers though, don't want those wizards getting suspicious.

Also I read that article Skeeter wrote about you. I didn't like it one bit. She attacked you, my favorite disciple! That bitch doesn't deserve to live! But I know how you get with things like this, probably want to handle it yourself or something. But I am going to give you one piece of advice, be merciless, people like Rita are a snake in the grass, you need to kill them fast or break their teeth.

Anyway enough about you, what about Harry?! My poor baby! He got his cute pinchable butt into trouble again didn't he?! Why can't he get a break?! At this rate he'll probably die before he becomes 17 when I can legally bed him without being called a pedophile. Sigh. Listen up Percy you better look out for him okay? I know I don't have to say this, but by the Gods that boy is too cute to let die! If you let him get killed I will banish you into Antarctica!

Anyway good luck with the tasks, I'll be rooting for you! The first task in on the 24th right? Well I'll be in Hogwarts in the stands cheering you on! Look for me okay?!

Say hello to Harry for me! And give his bum a pinch for me!

Your ever so loving aunt,


Percy couldn't help as a smile came on his face the more and more he read. He carefully folded the letter and put it away, he could always count on her to make him mood happier. He had actually become a littler nervous about the upcoming tasks, he just didn't show it out. The first task was in a week's time, and he had no idea what he was going to do. But like Hecate said, he would stick to what he did best, act awsome.

"Something good?" Hermione asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah, it was from my aunt, apparently she is very proud. She wants me to kick but and take names. She also told me to keep an eye on Harry, make sure he doesn't die or something."

"Your aunt knows Harry well?"

Percy looked up and smirked, 'pranking time', "oh yes, they know each other very well. In fact over the summer I caught Harry sneaking out of my aunt's room several times at night. His hair was a mess and his shirt was often missing buttons. Make of that what you will."

Hermione's went wide with shock, "what?!"

Percy got up and ran, "got to go! Bye!"

"Percy Jackson get back here!" Hermione yelled as she she got up.

"Hermione what happened?" Harry asked as he came back and picked up his school bag, "is everything alright?"

Hermione looked at Harry concerned face and slowly she became red. She was unable to meet his eyes for the entire day. Poor Harry was left confused, Hermione refused to even talk about what made her act that way, no matter how many times he asked.

Percy spent that day in class. But by the next day he started to get nervous again. He couldn't even eat properly in the morning. The mystery of the first task was getting to him, hard, he couldn't focus on anything. He told his friends to inform his class teacher that he would be skipping that day to train for the first task and promptly made himself scarce.

After a quick and light breakfast Percy immediately went to the Forest and continued working on a strategy to win. Hecate had been right to suggest he show off using his toys, which is right now the one advantage he had over everyone else.

He had a box of potions he could use, strengthening potion, dream away potion, grand pepperup potion, invisibility potion and even a few more he kept just in case. If he could use them to brew himself out of the jam it would be great.

He also had his hoverboard, if needed he could use it to fly away quickly, though it is somewhat slow. That was why Percy was working on it's replacement, the pegasus feather cape, it would be faster, more agile and would look super cool! The colour had grown on Percy, though he would never admit that to Fred and George.

Percy also had one more important toy in hand, his watch, which Hecate had charmed to turn into a sheild able to withstand a blast from Zeus himself. If that couldn't protect him from whatever he had to face than nothing can!

Percy returned to preparing the cape, he finished sewing the fathers into the golden cape and finished carving the runes in as well. He then flipped it around and proceeded to stitch the second red cape over the gold one, sealing the feathers between the two capes. This way to the outside view it looked like a simple thick double layered cape with red on the outside and gold on the inside.

After he was done with that Percy casted every single charm he could think off in order to boost the capes defense and durability. He made it so that it was tear proof, fire proof and very hard to destroy by mortal means. Magic would still do a number on it thought, maybe he could Hecate to look it over for him later.

Percy also applied a semi sticking charm on the top neck pieces so that instead of having to tie it around his neck and risk having it ripped off him mid flight it would instead be stuck onto whatever he was wearing, unless he himself removed it.

When Percy was finally done he took a step back and smiled at his new creation. He held the cape in his hands and raised it into the air. He then let go of the cape, instead of falling it levitated on the spot, swaying gently in front of Percy.

Kelly whined, she didn't look happy. Percy turned to her and smiled, "it's okay Kelly, I know what I'm doing." The mini veela still didn't look happy but she nodded regardless.

The demigod took the cape and wrapped it around himself, he felt the rune he carved into it heat up as it connected to him mentally. Percy closed his eyes and gave out a single command, 'up!'

The cape billowed, and then suddenly it shot him upward. "AWWW!" Percy yelled ripped through the air like a bullet going straight up into the sky light, "stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"


Percy's head went through the cieling light as he soared into the air above, "STTTOOOOOOPP!" Percy yelled as suddenly the cape jerked to a halt. Percy started to pant as he shock the glass out off his head. He looked down and found his hogwarts robes sheared into pieces thanks to the glass.

Percy sighed, 'down, slowly this time,' the caps then suddenly flew down, Percy kept calm, he mentally told himself over and over again to go slowly, and just as he was about to hit the floor the cape slowed down and Percy was able to land on his feet.

Kelly cried out as she ran to him and pulled on his robes. Percy sighed, "guess you were right to worry huh Kelly?" He picked the mini veela up and patted her, "I'm sorry, guess I was just too excited."

Percy took out his wand and repaired the damaged skylight. He also repaired his robes, and once everything returned to normal he took off his cape and threw it to the side. The cape levitated in the corner as Percy quickly packed up all his stuff and walked away to the Great Hall, walking through the fifth floor entrance this time, he had enough flying for the day.

Percy sat down at the Hufflepuff table with Gordon to his left and Fleur to his right. He groaned as he put his head down. Gordon chuckled, "what's wrong buddy? You look like shit."

"I was preparing for the first task," Percy groaned.

"You know what it is?" Fleur asked surprised.

"No, and that's the worst part," Percy growled, "if I knew what I was going to face I can plan for it, but now...I'm thinking the best thing to do is be prepared for everything."

"Where were you all day anyway?" Heather asked, "we told the professors you were preparing but they didn't really look happy."

"Yeah well I don't give a fuck what they think," Percy spat, "I never realised how much is riding on this stupid thing! ARGH!" Percy smashed his head on the table letting out a low groan.

Fleur chuckled, "see, I told you it wasn't a game."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, guess you were right. Here, have a prize," Percy took a slice of lemon pie and put it in front of Fleur.

"Really? Is this all I get? I expected more," Fleur huffed playfully as she smiled and began eating the pie.

"Huff, veela," Percy rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You know what Percy you sound like you need to relax, you are wide up tighter than a clock," Gordan spoke up, "you need a break mate."

"Hm...sounds nice," Percy agreed, "what did you have in mind?"

"Well we have a Hogsmeade trip coming up, what do you think?"

Percy shrugged, "sounds good," he turned to Fleur, "hey Fleur, you want in on this?"

"Well like you zaid I too am realizing the zeriouznezz of thiz tournament, and not knowing what I am to face iz very...ztrezzful. I 'ave 'eard many good thingz coming out of 'Ogzmeade, perhapz we can take our mindz of thiz tournament by zpending a day there." Fluer said nodding as she finished her lemon pie.

"Oh that zoundz lovely!" Camille spoke up, she turned to Hugo, "we are going there thiz weekend too, perhapz we can all go together?"

Heather shrugged, "hell the more the merrier."

"Maybe I'll invite Fred and George as well," Percy said as he poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice, which he had to admit was starting to grow on him, "if we need a laugh then they are definitely the ones to help."

The others agreed as Percy began to chug down his drink. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he stopped, "what the hell?!"

"What's wrong?" Juan asked.

"This tastes weird," Percy pointed at his drink, "like...like ivy and….oh fuck," Percy's mind went into overdrive as he listed all the ingredients he was tasting in the drink. The sweet juice masked several of them, but a few did stick out, like motherwort, a particularly sweet root that was used to create potions to help with women's periods, it was a highly feminine product and that plus the other ingredients Percy tasted gave him an example of what was about to happen.

His hair began to grow longer ending near his lower back. It was smooth like a waterfall of black silk. His eyes grew bigger, his lashes longer. His finger became thinner, more delicate, his frame reduced in size and his face grew more delicate.

Percy felt his chest change as suddenly to large masses of flesh grew out, his back carried the weight of the size 'D' breasts growing out of her as the demigoddess looked down in horror.

"No...no no no!" Percy felt his groin finding a particular male appendage missing, she gasped, "no!"

"Woah," Juan gasped as they all watched Percy Jackson transform into a drop dead gorgeous woman.

"What the Hades is going on?!" Percy conjured a mirror and looked at it gasping at what she saw. She was beautiful, like daughter of Aphrodite beautiful. She looked down at her breasts and gawked, "why are they so big?!"

"Genetics?" came Gordan's dumb answer as his eyes were glued to said mammaries. As were the rest of them, the men looking in want while the girls sewed in jealousy.

Percy got up immediately and realised his pants felt tighter. He looked down and found his hips had gotten wider and his ass had gotten bigger as well.

"Mate, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm in love," Juan said with an open jaw.

"Perzy, you make me feel jealouz," Fleur whistled looking Percy up and down.

Percy's face grew red, "h-how-what… WEASLEY!" Percy turned around with her wand drawn, the twins jumped off their tables laughing as they ran towards the door.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Percy roared as she sent off stunners out of her wand. The twins jumped to dodge the spells, as they rounded out running to the stairs.

"Accio Weasley twins!" Percy roared sending as much magic as she could into the spell. The twins suddenly came flying back into the great hall. Percy grinned as she banished them into the wall knocking them to their knees.

The twins rubbed their faces, "that hurt."

"Well it's going to get a lot worse," growled Percy as she stood over them cracking her knuckles, "now then, let's see how much pain you two can stand yeah?"

"Wait!" one twin cried out holding up his hands, "before you kill us! Can we just say one thing?"

Percy raise an eyebrow, "what?"

"Now Harry!" the other cried out.

Percy's eyes widened as she turned around, just in time to see a pink beam hit her in the gut. Suddenly her hogwarts uniform changed, gone was the tight fitting jeans and shirt that was being stretched to the seems by her breasts.

Instead Percy now stood in a very fetching red evening dress that reached her toes, with a slit on her left side showing off her leg. Her hair and makeup were done and now standing before them was nothing short of a woman who Aphrodite herself would raise an eyebrow at.

Harry stood before Percy, his mischievous smile gone replaced with a look of pure awe. He looked Percy over, "mate….you're hot."

Percy looked down, the red dress highlighted off her cleavage, pushing them up, even Fred and George, now on their feet, stood in awe.

"We didn't expect-"

"-You to look so hot!"

Percy stood stunned, she blinked several time, her brain slowly reworking itself and then she met Harry's eyes and growled, "you're going to die."

Harry gulped, "h-hey Percy, it was all a joke mate! Don't take it too seriously!"

Percy lifted his wand and suddenly Harry couldn't move, she turned it on Fred and George and stunned them as well. She brought the three pranksters together and glared at them, she flicked her wand and suddenly their pants and shirt disappeared.

"Shit!" Fred and George cried out.

"Fred, George, let's see if you two really are that close," Percy made them face each other before applying a permanent sticking charm and sticking them together. She stuck them onto the wall a good twenty feet off the ground.

When she was done Percy turned to Harry who looked like he was really regretting his life choices at the moment. The demigoddess growled, "I'm going to get you for this."

And the Gryffindor had the audacity to smile, "well, for what it's worth you're really beautiful."

Percy growled as she flicked her wand sticking Harry to the wall before stamping out of the Great Hall. Everyone blinked in surprise as suddenly Cedric called out, "did someone take a picture of him in that dress?"

"I did!" came the small cry of Colin Creevey, a third year Gryffindor. Suddenly Percy walked back in and summoned Colin's camera out of his hand before smashing it under her heels and setting it on fire.

She then left growling about finding a cure. Everyone looked disappointed before Colin took out a film roll and smiled, "I still have the negatives."

Everyone quickly began asking the young boy for copies, the boy's especially, who really did have mixed feeling about the whole thing, Percy's female form was too sexy enough for them to forget she was actually a he.

Harry grinned as he turned to Fred and George, "worth it."

They nodded, "totally."