
Percy Jackson and the Dark Prince

Harry James Potter murdered on Halloween 1981. The war is over. Life goes on. Then everything changes. War is raging, hope is fading. He shows up, his right hand. The Prince. Sudden news shock the wizarding world. Demigods are getting involved. But is this enough? Are the tides going to change? It's my first novel and the first time I'm writing in english. My native language is not english it's german so please have mercy on me. Enjoy.

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22 Chs

Wizards and Halfbloods

Jason Pov.:

Yawning, I entered the bathroom, discarded my boxers, and stepped into the shower. Today was the day, another mission to save the world. I'm sure this mission was the fastest to be prepared, in fact, we almost completely deciphered the prophecy within a few hours and created a plan with the wizards in just two days. Still thinking about the upcoming departure, I stepped out of the shower. With a towel around my waist, I quickly picked out fresh clothes, put on my glasses, and headed towards the pavilion.

I sat with Percy, Piper, and Annie at the Zeus table and ate. Nico and Will didn't show up for the meal. Percy had disappeared with Annabeth towards the end, while I was still sitting with Piper at the table. Just as we were about to leave, Chiron made an announcement. "I ask for your attention for a moment. The strike team should be in the main house in five minutes, there's something else to discuss." Chiron galloped away again. Quickly, I got up from my seat, with a quick glance at Piper, I noticed that she was following suit.

"Okay, you get Annie and Perce, while I grab Nico and Will." "No problem." She quickly gave me a kiss on the lips and moved towards the Poseidon cabin. Oh, how I loved this girl. I quickly made my way to the infirmary.

"Why aren't they here?" I asked Austin. "Will was here briefly, but Nico practically dragged him out, and since then, I've been alone. I think they headed towards Cabin 13." With a thank you, I rushed out of the door, I had two minutes to be with both of them in the main house. Without even thinking about knocking, I stormed into the cabin. I can only say it was a mistake.

Silently, I entered the main house, the others were already there, waiting. Behind me, Will entered with still reddened cheeks, next to him, a embarrassed and completely redeared Nico di Angelo. The latter grumbled, "What are you staring at? Let's get this over with." Silently, I sat down next to Perce, he looked at me with a mischievous smile. "You didn't by any chance..." "I can't get rid of this mental picture be glad you didn't see it, bro," I whispered back to him. He laughed out loudly, and Chiron, who had already started speaking, stopped abruptly. "Hey, Ms. Know-it-all, I won the bet." I hadn't expected that, obviously, neither had anyone else. But Perce didn't respond to the questioning looks, he just continued to grin. So, Chiron ignored him and continued. "Chiron, are you done? And why is Bill Solntse here?" Mr. D entered the room and looked critically at Will, who had just asked a question. Again, I noticed how little Mr. D and Bacchus resembled each other. Mr. D was disinterested, undisciplined, and often mean to the campers. His Roman form was actually the complete opposite of the Greek form. "Have you told them yet, Chiron, because we need to talk urgently, so hurry up!" With that, he left the room again. And shortly after, Chiron dismissed us from the briefing room.

As I made my way to my cabin, Percy asked Annabeth in passing, whispering, "What exactly did he say?" "Well, Seaweed Brain, among other things, he mentioned that there would be a change of plan, we'll be picked up by wizards in about half an hour and travel to London with them."

Exactly 25 minutes later, I left my Zeus cabin with a backpack on my shoulders. In front of Thalia's former pine tree, just outside the boundary, Piper, Will, and a grumpy son of Hades were already waiting. "Why so angry, bro?" I asked Nico, who, with a growl, indicated that he was not in the mood to talk. Grinning, I turned to Piper. I quickly bridged the gap between us and kissed her passionately. She giggled and asked with fluttering eyelashes, "What did I do to deserve this?" "You're the sweetest, most beautiful, and best girl I know, and I love you more than anything else in the world, so you deserve only the best." With flushed cheeks and an adorable smile, she pulled me down to her and kissed me with such passion and love that it sent my blood racing. Breathless, my love whispered, "I love you too, Jason, since the first moment and forever." Now it was my turn to lean down and kiss her, behind me, I heard Will accusingly ask Nico, "Why can't you be this sweet, Sunshine?"

A loud popping behind us made us all turn around, I had Gladius, Piper had Katoptris, Will, behind Nico, had the taut bow that had previously hung on his shoulder, and Nico had his sword made of Stygian iron in front. In front of us stood three men, all relatively the same height, with strange cloaks, one had curly, shoulder-length black hair and gray eyes, not the same piercing ones as Annie's, but a sparkling darker shade. The other two, a tall man with hazel eyes and black hair, and one with red hair and blue eyes, regarded us with suspicious glances while the one in the middle smiled and said, "These are the famous species of half-blood sword-wielding wizards." The three laughed, but we kept an eye on them, our weapons still raised. "Well then, we are the wizards who are supposed to pick you up, I am Sirius Black, and this," he pointed first to the other black-haired one, "is James Potter, and Arthur Weasley." Slowly, we lowered our weapons, and somewhere, I recognized the name Black but couldn't remember where. Without bothering to think about it further, I informed the wizards of my name, "Jason Grace." "Piper McLean," "Will Solace," "Nico," he grunted. "Hey James, shouldn't there be six of them, according to Albus?" Sirius looked at us, "Mmh, yes, according to Albus, but I think Perseus and Annabeth are still missing." Just as I was about to mention that he shouldn't use that name in Percy's presence, he sounded dangerously calm behind me, "Percy, Percy Jackson, not Perseus. Don't you dare use the name again." James audibly swallowed and nodded, now it was Arthur Weasley's turn to speak, "Now that everyone is present, we can leave." "No offense, Arthur, but we just apparated to a different continent; I don't think we'll manage it with more baggage and without stops. Let's take a break and eat something." It was Black again who spoke, grinning, James turned to Sirius, "Always thinking about food, Padfoot, and oh, shame, what would your mother think if you, a noble pure-blood Black, shared the table with hundreds of half-bloods." Sirius laughed loudly, and then I remembered.


I was already Praetor and was walking alone through the camp, lost in thought. I arrived at a quiet part of the camp, rarely visited, except occasionally by couples looking for a quiet place. It happened to me as well, fortunately, no one was there at the time. Still lost in thought, I stared at the lonely tree next to the small but flawless house. Time passed, and I slowly returned to myself, realizing that I was staring at a tree. I wanted to turn away and leave when something carved caught my eye. Normally, it wouldn't have bothered me, after all, couples often came here, so a carved tree shouldn't be anything unusual. Still, I couldn't look away and read the inscription. '1848 - Regulus Black - Pureblood'

Flashback End

"A Black," I murmured, Sirius, who had just been discussing with the others, fell silent and looked at me with a cheerful look. He had heard me. "Yes, that's me. Is something wrong?" "No, of course not. I just know someone with the same name." The previously cheerful expression disappeared from his face, instead, a slight suspicion adorned his face, "Where did you hear the name?" I didn't want any trouble with him and didn't really want to reveal where I knew the name from. "Ah, just my old teacher had that name, I briefly suspected he might have been a wizard too." He laughed and winked at me before turning back to his friend. I also turned away from him and went to Percy. "Hey Bro, can you do me a favor?" "What's wrong?" He smiled at me. Percy was somehow happy since he knew we were going to London, and I knew why. Even though I didn't like his reason, I was glad to see him in a good mood. "You have to ask them to make a detour to Camp Jupiter, please." "Why me, ask yourself." "Please, after your outburst during the Iris message and then your sudden change of mind, the wizards probably already think you're weird, please do it." "Tsk, okay."

"Hey you wizards, before we leave, we need to go to Camp Jupiter. I still have something to do there."

Fortunately, no one asked exactly why we had to go to Camp Jupiter first. The wizards just asked for an approximate location, and we apparated there. Terrible, if you ask me, even worse than shadow travel because it felt like I was being squeezed together, and my individual body parts were leaving me. Luckily, my stomach held up to the short journey, which couldn't be said for Annabeth or Will. After everyone had calmed down, we headed towards Camp Jupiter. Percy marched alongside me, "Hey Bro, why exactly did you want to come here?" "I just want to confirm something."

We were almost at the camp, just over the river, and I could visit this spot again. One by one, we crossed the river. Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Will, and Pipes were already on the other side, and Sirius was just crossing the river, and I quickly urged the other two to run across. James went to the river, but one meter before the water, he just bounced back, and Arthur tried the same, but he couldn't get through either. "Fascinating, some kind of protective spell, but why can't we get through?" The redhead seemed to be examining the invisible wall. I should have expected it. Mortals don't get through. "Ha, you losers can't get in. I'm going on a city tour while you can't even get in. Just watch me." I could see the confusion on the faces of his two wizard colleagues. "Which city?" Of course, they couldn't see anything; they hadn't crossed the river. Confusion broke out among the wizards. Dakota suddenly appeared next to us. "Oh, hi guys, long time no see." He approached us smiling with a Kool-Aid in his hand. "Who is that? Uh, guys, why the hell do you want to take the two mortals into the camp?" Dakota pointed to the redhead and the bespectacled man. "Well, uh..." I could see Percy stuttering noticeably and repeatedly looking at me. "I'll explain that to you, Dakota. The others can go ahead and do what they came for." Fortunately, Annabeth stepped in. I nodded gratefully to her and went towards the building cluster. "Okay, so I have something to do. Maybe Piper, Will, and Sirius can explore Camp Jupiter or something. Jason, maybe you can visit your Praetor friends, and Nico, you can go to Hazel in the meantime. In about 10 minutes, we'll meet here again, okay?"

Silently, I thanked Percy before setting off. But I didn't visit Reyna.

Silently, I walked a bit away from the buildings. In a slightly secluded area, I could see only a small but still flawless house, next to it was a small group of six trees, but only one was particularly interesting to me. A tree stood closer to the house than the rest. As I approached, I heard a faint moan. Oh, dear God, today I don't want to catch another couple. To draw attention to myself, I cleared my throat loudly.

After the embarrassed couple had disappeared, I sighed in relief and examined the tree more closely. A little above my eye level towards the house, I could see the carved inscription again. It looked exactly like I remembered it, as if it had just been freshly carved. I gently stroked over it. Was this Regulus Black related to the strange Sirius Black, or whatever his name was? If so, why was he here? I couldn't find answers to my questions, so I did the only thing I hadn't done so far. I entered the house.

As far as I knew, the house was rarely entered by anyone, but it was much too clean for that. Dust was practically non-existent. In the only two rooms, there was nothing to be found, there weren't many pieces of furniture. A bed, a couch, and a small desk were the only pieces present. Despite my search, I found nothing in the house that could give me clues about Black.

Slightly dejected, I made my way back to the meeting point.

At the river, everyone was already gathered, and Dakota was already gone. "Now that we're all back here, let's move on."

"How far is it from here to London?" Piper asked, Annabeth replied, "It's about 5550 km from here to London." Piper nodded, and our companions asked if they could handle the journey. Arthur explained, "Probably not, apparating is draining for a wizard, and we only managed this way because we practically divided it up. First James apparated, then Sirius, then me. It could be difficult now that you're here. I think we could make it to Canada at most." "Okay, then you'll apparate us to the northernmost point in Canada in St. John. From there, we'll mostly travel the distance by sailboat or something similar. Once we reach the coast of Britain, hopefully, you'll be fit enough to apparate again," speculated the daughter of Athena aloud.

The plan was good, and no one objected, so we executed it.