
Close Quarters Combat

I moved away from my previous position. The bow combined with the skills was impressive. But now it was time to test out the other weapons.

I was already testing the enhancement the Battle set gave me. I was jumping and running across the rooftops and softening my landing by guiding the wind to gather below me.

I came by a small group of zombies, about five of them, and engaged them in combat.

These zombies were slower than me but had the advantage of numbers if I wasn't using my Autumn's Reckoning.

I sped into the range of the first one and punched its head. It snapped back with a loud crack, but otherwise it appeared to be fine. I stepped back while dodging another zombie that had closed in.

The Battle Tracking had allowed me to know of its attempt.

This time I grabbed the second zombie by the neck and yanked it back. Away from the others. Now after being held for a few seconds frost started to cover it. I decided to punch the frozen part and shattered it's neck. The zombie died instandly. But I had to move to the side now. The first zombie had caught up and was now trying to scratch me. I thought I could take it out like the one before it but things changed.

The other three zombies had now entered the fight aswell. Two came from the back, one from my right and the last one from the front. I dodged to the left as it was the only opening.

Suddenly my shadow moved and the chains flew out. They pierced through two zombies and left them crawling on the floor after they had broken their spines from their blund force. I stepped back into close quarters with the remaining zombies and started punching, blocking and deflecting their attempts. Over time frozen patches appeared on their bodies where I had hit them repeatedly or just touched them with the Gauntlets. Their movement became slowed and then, after they weren't even able to move my chains rose from behind their backs, they wrapped themselves around the zombies and constricted.

The zombies were shattered not unlike the one I had hit with the first arrow before.

I moved to the crawling zombies and stomped on their heads. The enhancement of the battle set was enough to pop them like watermelons.

[Congratulations host on getting the following skill: CQC-Unarmed]

I decided to continue with my experiments by trying the last skill of the Gauntlets.

Once I had reached the wall of a building I placed my hand on it and tried to crawl up. But I got stuck as soon as my feet touched the wall.

I disengaged the skill and slit the wall down.

Once I was back on the ground I activated the skill again and put my foot first. After that I followed with my opposite hand and pushed myself up.

Now I was sticking to the wall like Spiderman. I crawled to wall up with small jumps in between to speed up the climb. I was on the roof within a few seconds. It wasn't really a wonder as it was just two stories high. I decided to get a little crazy with the Gauntlets and pressed myself against the wall with my back. Then, after feeling like I was properly stuck to the wall I let go with my hands and feet.

<Huh, the skill is not limited to Gauntlets. That could be useful.>

The it was time to use them toghter with a Core-Domain. I wondered which I should use for this but ultimately decided to stick with Autumn for now.

Once I had connected to it again, with the itch in my eyes and the twitch in my ears accompanying it, I could feel new and familiar affinities connect to them.

This time the weapons while also decorated with depictions, only showcased slight manifestations.

The tips of the chains seemed to be glowing from heat. It appeared that the fire had connected itself to the chains.

The Gauntlets were now really covered in frost.

Both weapons were dripping with darkness and what could only described as liquid disease.

The darkness lured me in. Promising to bring me where I was needed, where I could cause the most harm to the enemies. So I did as my instincts told me.

I crossed the Gauntlets in front of my chest and allowed myself to fall backwards. It felt like I had fallen into a sea made out of liquid darkness only to resurface within seconds somewhere else. I was immediately aware of my surroundings and jumped into battle.

The chains ripped through the zombies like they were made out of warm butter and grazing some of the other ones. Those soon developed a sickly yellow-green glow in their eyes and started to attack other zombies around them. While that was happening I was jumping over zombies and kicking them around like they weighted nothing.

I hadn't noticed something until now. My mask was also glowing with a violet and yellowish tint while my glasses were now black in color.

I decided to use the breath attack on a gathering of zombies that hadn't been affected until now.

A cloud of yellow and violet flew from the filters. It hid me from their sight and flew towards them. As they were hit by the cloud their reaction was immediate and obvious. The yellowish-green glow appeared in their eyes as parts of their bodies began to turn black and fell of soon after.

They immediately attacked more zombies and once they scratched others the effects spread to them aswell.

The darkness mixed into all of the attacks didn't seem to do anything at first but I soon noticed what it was actually doing as the zombies, atleast those still standing, ran out of targets and started to look around.

Their skin started to display black veins and their shadows grow more agitated even though the zombies themselves couldn't even move because of their frozen insides.

Soon the black veins reached their head and their eyes, previously Grey and dead, were now as black as the night. They grew even more still but still seemed to be alive.

I decided to end them by testing one last skill on them. The skill: Hounds of Horror, was able to summon wolves of considerable size with the ability to melt and travel great distances through shadows.

I used it and the shadows began to pool around my feet. I felt the darkness connect to it and soon the wolves stepped out of the shadows. They were big. Their shoulder hight was atleast two to three meters. They were absolutely dwarfing me. Their eyes glowed in a deep violet and their teeth were big enough that even their smallest one would be able to pierce my thigh and come out of the other side.

They immediately fixated on the frozen zombies and as soon as the first one of the hounds stepped forward, it was on.

The zombies were thrown through the air. You could hear bones and necks snap at every second and their ripped of limbs were flying everywhere.