
Percy Jackson: Adventure of Adan

The life of Adan from Dallas takes a sudden turn when he realizes he is destined for something greater. Driven by an inexplicable longing for another universe, he discovers that he is a demigod, a son of Apollo and also has secret that he has yet to be discover. Despite his young age, Adan feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His journey begins as he confronts his destiny and sets out to embrace his fate as a demigod. ----- If you don't like the first chapter, skip to chapter 2 where the journey really begins. ----- Preface: This fanfiction is primarily focused on plot and action, which means that the MC's actions will not be extensively detailed. ----- This fanfic is mostly written by an AI but all ideas are brought and shaped by myself because I’m not a native english speaker. My main goal in writing this fanfic is wish-fulfillment and I hope it brings good entertainment :D ----- I will update this fanfic if I want to so there is no schedule… ----- Image was created by postermywall.com

Edgar8 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 8: Journey Continues

As Adan stepped out of the supply closet, he took a moment to adjust his new clothing, ensuring he appeared inconspicuous. Satisfied with his disguise, he slowly opened the door, peering cautiously outside to ensure no hospital staff spotted him leaving the supply room. Once the coast was clear, he ventured into the bustling streets, his mind focused on continuing his journey.

However, before he could proceed, Adan realized he needed sustenance to fuel his travels. Reluctant to leave the safety of the hospital grounds, he opted to dine at the hospital cafeteria. After securing a meal, he realized that making his way directly to the bus station would draw too much attention. Instead, he decided to call a taxi using the payphone conveniently located within the hospital.

Stepping outside, Adan patiently waited for the taxi to arrive, his thoughts consumed by the challenges that lay ahead. The taxi driver, sensing Adan's somber mood, attempted to engage him in conversation during the ride. However, Adan remained reticent, unwilling to divulge the true nature of his journey. As they traversed the city streets, the radio provided a comforting backdrop of music, breaking the silence between them.

Lost in his thoughts, Adan contemplated strategies to evade detection by monsters while pondering the extent of his newfound powers. Recalling the encounter with the Manticores, he resolved to hone his abilities, determined to defend himself against future threats. Upon arriving at the bus station, Adan paid the taxi driver before bidding him farewell. With a parting wish for a safe journey, the taxi driver returned to his duties, leaving Adan to navigate the next leg of his journey alone.

Once again faced with the challenge of securing transportation, Adan approached another mother at the bus station, fabricating yet another story to secure his passage. With his destination set for Charlotte, North Carolina, Adan boarded the bus, resigning himself to the monotony of the four-and-a-half-hour journey ahead.

During the uneventful bus ride, Adan found a rare moment of respite, allowing himself to relax for the first time in what felt like ages. Upon reaching his destination, he applied another layer of his protective spray before gathering his belongings and disembarking from the bus. Surveying the sprawling cityscape before him, Adan made a mental note to avoid large cities in the future, opting instead for smaller towns to minimize the risk of encountering monsters.

Deciding to make only a brief stop in the bustling city, Adan headed towards a nearby diner, keenly aware of the need to maintain a low profile to avoid attracting unwanted attention from lurking monsters. After finishing his meal, he left the diner and made his way back to the bus station, preparing to continue his journey toward Fayetteville, North Carolina.

As he walked, Adan couldn't shake the nagging feeling of uncertainty that plagued him. With the Atlantic Ocean drawing ever closer, he couldn't help but long for a sign to guide him on his path. "If only someone would send me a sign," he muttered, his voice tinged with desperation.

Bear with me, I know the chapters have been a bit short, but they will lengthen in the upcoming ones. Wishing you all a wonderful day ahead!

Edgar8creators' thoughts