
Percy Jackson: Adventure of Adan

The life of Adan from Dallas takes a sudden turn when he realizes he is destined for something greater. Driven by an inexplicable longing for another universe, he discovers that he is a demigod, a son of Apollo and also has secret that he has yet to be discover. Despite his young age, Adan feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His journey begins as he confronts his destiny and sets out to embrace his fate as a demigod. ----- If you don't like the first chapter, skip to chapter 2 where the journey really begins. ----- Preface: This fanfiction is primarily focused on plot and action, which means that the MC's actions will not be extensively detailed. ----- This fanfic is mostly written by an AI but all ideas are brought and shaped by myself because I’m not a native english speaker. My main goal in writing this fanfic is wish-fulfillment and I hope it brings good entertainment :D ----- I will update this fanfic if I want to so there is no schedule… ----- Image was created by postermywall.com

Edgar8 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 7: Escape from the Manticores

As Adan stepped out of the bus station, he made his way to the nearby Waffle House. Along the journey, he navigated the streets of Atlanta cautiously, aware of the lurking danger posed by hidden monsters. True to his suspicions, as he passed the Georgia Capitol Museum, he spotted two creatures lounging in the shade of a tree. They possessed the body of a lion, the head of a human, with red eyes gleaming ominously, and the tail of a scorpion. Initially unnoticed, they rose to their feet as Adan's gaze met theirs, instantly aware that he could see them. Adan's heart raced as he made the split-second decision to distance himself as quickly as possible from the menacing creatures. Thoughts raced through his mind: "What rotten luck! If only I hadn't looked their way, they wouldn't know I'm here, especially after dousing myself with another round of perfume following the bus ride."

Fate, however, seemed to have other plans, as Adan sprinted down the street, the two Manticores gaining ground rapidly. Adan darted into a side alley in a desperate attempt to shake off his pursuers, hoping to conceal his whereabouts. Yet, this proved to be a fatal misstep. With no dumpsters in sight for cover, Adan's eyes fell upon a manhole cover on the ground. Just as he moved to lift it, the Manticores arrived at the alley entrance. Adan's heart sank, but he summoned all his strength to pry open the manhole. He succeeded, but with the Manticores closing in, his lower body descended into the depths while his upper body remained exposed.

A Manticore reached out its claws toward Adan, who knew he wouldn't make it in time. With a desperate instinct, he raised his hand in defense. Suddenly, a brilliant light erupted from his palm, blinding the Manticore and buying Adan just enough time to slam the manhole cover shut, narrowly escaping the creatures' grasp. Once below, Adan took a moment to catch his breath. The stench of sewage filled the air, but that was the least of his concerns. Fear gripped him, the fear of the creatures he had barely eluded making their way down.

Uncertain of where to run next, Adan ventured in a direction he chose randomly. Along the way, he encountered several rats, which repulsed him. Yet, he soon concluded that facing rats was preferable to encountering monsters hell-bent on his demise. Suddenly, he spotted a ladder on his right leading upward, accompanied by a sign reading "101 Piedmont Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30303, United States." Without hesitation, he ascended, hoping to regain his bearings. After a while, he realized that if he headed back in the direction he came from, he would find the Waffle House. However, unwilling to risk another encounter with the Manticores, he opted to head towards Jesse Hill Market, a more logical choice, given its proximity to a hospital across the street.

As Adan made his way through the bustling market, his senses heightened, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as he caught sight of the hospital, a beacon of safety in the midst of uncertainty. With newfound determination, he quickened his pace, eager to put as much distance between himself and the Manticores as possible.

Yet, even as he sought refuge within the hospital's walls, Adan knew that his journey was far from over. The threat of monsters still loomed large, and he would need to remain vigilant if he hoped to survive what that lay ahead of him.

Adan strode through the hospital corridors, attempting to exude as much confidence as possible as he passed by the people coming his way. He ducked into a supply closet upon arrival, closed the door, swiftly gathering bandages, syringes, and anything else that might prove useful, including painkillers like opium. Additionally, he changed his attire, stumbling upon lost items in the closet that provided him with fresh clothing.