
Percy Jackson: Adventure of Adan

The life of Adan from Dallas takes a sudden turn when he realizes he is destined for something greater. Driven by an inexplicable longing for another universe, he discovers that he is a demigod, a son of Apollo and also has secret that he has yet to be discover. Despite his young age, Adan feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His journey begins as he confronts his destiny and sets out to embrace his fate as a demigod. ----- If you don't like the first chapter, skip to chapter 2 where the journey really begins. ----- Preface: This fanfiction is primarily focused on plot and action, which means that the MC's actions will not be extensively detailed. ----- This fanfic is mostly written by an AI but all ideas are brought and shaped by myself because I’m not a native english speaker. My main goal in writing this fanfic is wish-fulfillment and I hope it brings good entertainment :D ----- I will update this fanfic if I want to so there is no schedule… ----- Image was created by postermywall.com

Edgar8 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 4: Guided by Light

Adan made his way to a nearby skyscraper, a nagging feeling urging him to ascend to the rooftop of the towering structure. Unsure of the reason behind this impulse, he paused to catch his breath before the imposing building. It was then that he realized he couldn't enter the building in his current state, so he ducked into a nearby alley, scouring the dumpsters for anything that might help with his wounds.

Rummaging through the bins proved fruitless, leaving Adan feeling desperate as he slumped against the alley wall. But then, a glimmer of light caught his eye. Intrigued, he followed the beam, a sense of trust guiding him towards its source. At the end of the light, he found a set of fresh clothing and a bandage lying on the sidewalk. Grateful for this unexpected bounty, Adan couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious benefactor who had left these items for him. With his wounds tended to, he made his way into the lobby of a nearby high-rise, pretending to belong there to avoid arousing suspicion from the building's occupants.

Taking the elevator to the 22nd floor, Adan ascended a small staircase to the rooftop, where he settled on the ground, the wind whipping around him. Despite the events of the day, he felt oddly at peace, basking in the warmth of the sun's rays. Suddenly, a carriage appeared in the sky, drawn by creatures that Adan couldn't quite make out from a distance. His first thought was that Santa Claus was flying overhead, though it was nowhere near Christmas. The carriage landed beside him, startling Adan as he instinctively stepped back. From the carriage emerged a youthful-looking man with golden locks, dressed in a red leather jacket and jeans. Standing at about 6 feet 2 inches tall, he approached Adan with a calm demeanor.

Adan was shocked and bewildered by the sight before him, wondering how this person could fly through the air with such a carriage, and who this individual even was. The man spoke, his voice soothing and reassuring. "Adan, I know this must all seem a bit strange, and you don't even know me, but I know you quite well." Adan recoiled slightly, his mind reeling with questions. "Who are you? Who am I? What was that monster that was chasing me?" He knew that what the man had done seemed otherworldly. The young-looking man responded calmly, "You have nothing to fear from me. I won't harm you. I am Apollo, the god of the sun, light, arts, healing, and much more. The monster that was pursuing you this morning was a Lamia. You are my son, a demigod, whom I had to abandon due to a pact among us gods that forbids us from raising or visiting our children in their infancy."

Adan took a moment to process the information, sinking down to the ground as he contemplated his newfound reality. In his mind he processed that there is literally a god in front of him.

As Adan grappled with the revelation of his divine lineage, Apollo continued to speak, his voice gentle yet firm. "I understand that this is a lot to take in, but you are not alone, Adan. I have been watching over you from afar, guiding and protecting you as best as I could."

Adan listened intently, his mind racing with questions. "But why now? Why reveal yourself to me after all this time?"

Apollo sighed, his expression pained. "I wish I could have intervened sooner, but the laws of our kind are strict. It was only when the threat to your life became too great that I was able to step in."

Adan nodded slowly, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of disbelief and acceptance. "So what happens now? What am I supposed to do?"

Apollo smiled warmly, his eyes filled with pride. "Now, you begin your training. As my son, you possess great potential, Adan. You have powers that you have yet to understand."

Adan's heart pounded with a mix of emotions as he absorbed the weight of his newfound destiny. His father's revelation filled him with both excitement and apprehension, knowing that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't yet comprehend.

"I'm ready," Adan affirmed, his voice filled with determination despite the uncertainty that still lingered within him.

Apollo nodded approvingly, a proud smile gracing his lips. "Then it is time for you to go, Adan. Your journey to Camp Half-Blood awaits, but you must embark on it alone. Before you ask, Camp Half-Blood is a camp filled with my and other gods children. There they learn to train on their own and fight the monsters that want to kill them. You will get to meet other of your kind and form bonds with each other."

Adan nods and with a sense of purpose driving him forward, Adan took a deep breath and stepped towards his father. They embraced briefly and shortly, the bond between them strengthened by the knowledge of what lay ahead.

As Apollo stepped back, Adan felt a surge of gratitude and determination but also uncertainity of what lay ahead of him. With a final nod to his father, he turned and walked towards the path that would lead him to Camp Half-Blood. He didn't know the exact path but he was told that if he walks east he will find the way.

As he disappeared into the distance, Adan couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He was stepping into a world of myth and legend, where his abilities would be honed and his destiny shaped. With each step forward, he grew more certain that whatever challenges awaited him at Camp Half-Blood, he would face them with courage and determination, guided by the light of his divine heritage.