
Percy Jackson: Adventure of Adan

The life of Adan from Dallas takes a sudden turn when he realizes he is destined for something greater. Driven by an inexplicable longing for another universe, he discovers that he is a demigod, a son of Apollo and also has secret that he has yet to be discover. Despite his young age, Adan feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His journey begins as he confronts his destiny and sets out to embrace his fate as a demigod. ----- If you don't like the first chapter, skip to chapter 2 where the journey really begins. ----- Preface: This fanfiction is primarily focused on plot and action, which means that the MC's actions will not be extensively detailed. ----- This fanfic is mostly written by an AI but all ideas are brought and shaped by myself because I’m not a native english speaker. My main goal in writing this fanfic is wish-fulfillment and I hope it brings good entertainment :D ----- I will update this fanfic if I want to so there is no schedule… ----- Image was created by postermywall.com

Edgar8 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 17: Revelations

Upon Adan's inquiry, "Can I at least learn your name?" the woman's enigmatic smile deepened, and she replied cryptically, her voice carrying a melodic lilt that seemed to dance on the air. "Perhaps, dear Adan, it is not my name that you seek, but rather the essence of who I am. Names are but labels, and my essence transcends such mundane constraints. Seek within, and you may find the answer you seek."

Adan's brows furrowed in confusion, but before he could respond, the woman continued, her gaze piercing yet gentle. "But I digress. I appeared before you not to reveal my identity, but to witness firsthand the catalyst of change that you embody. Your soul, Adan, is a symphony of contradictions—pure yet troubled, curious yet burdened with the weight of destiny. It is a rare and wondrous melody, one that has stirred the heavens themselves."

As the woman spoke, Adan found himself entranced, her words resonating deep within him. He tried to make sense of her cryptic remarks, his mind racing with questions yet finding no answers.

Suddenly, a figure materialized behind the woman, stepping into view with an air of quiet authority. He was tall and imposing, with golden curly hair that cascaded in untamed waves around his shoulders. His piercing eyes bore into Adan's, holding a depth of wisdom and power that sent a shiver down his spine.

"What are you doing here, beloved?" the man's voice rumbled like distant thunder, his tone gentle yet tinged with concern. "You know the laws forbid our interference with the affairs of mortals, especially demigods like Adan. He must chart his own path."

The woman, undeterred, turned to face the man, her expression unyielding yet tinged with a hint of defiance. "I know, my love, but I had to see him up close. His soul is so unique that I couldn't resist. I'm not revealing his future, I merely wished to bear witness to the dawn of a new era," replied the woman.

Adan listened in silence, feeling as though he were an outsider to a conversation that spanned realms beyond his comprehension. He longed to interject, to demand answers to the myriad questions swirling in his mind, but something held him back—a sense of reverence, perhaps, for the divine beings before him.

When the woman addressed him again, Adan's voice trembled with uncertainty. "What is my destiny? Why am I so special compared to others? Because I am a son of Apollo?"

The man regarded him with a mixture of pity and understanding, his gaze softening with compassion. "Your destiny, Adan, is yours to carve, your path to forge amidst the chaos of fate. As for your heritage, know this: the blood of gods flows within you, yet your true worth lies not in your lineage, but in the choices you make and the deeds you perform."

Adan absorbed the man's words, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders even as new questions bubbled to the surface. Before he could voice them, however, the woman spoke once more, her voice carrying a note of finality.

"We must depart, my love," she said, turning to the man with a wistful smile. "Adan's journey awaits, and we cannot linger in the realm of mortals any longer."

With a nod of understanding, the man reached out to the woman, and together they vanished into the ether, leaving Adan alone with his thoughts and the lingering echoes of their words.

For a long moment, Adan stood in silence, grappling with the revelations that had been thrust upon him. Then, with newfound resolve, he squared his shoulders and turned his gaze towards the horizon. His journey was far from over, but with each step he took, he knew he was one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of his destiny.