
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Komik
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754 Chs

Kirisu Mafuyu is very talented at cooking

"What should I do now?"

Sitting on his bed, Ren began to ponder what he should do today.

It's finally summer vacation, so of course he wants to do some meaningful things.

Like... going out.

It's become very meaningful to him.

But before that, there's one more thing he needs to do, which is to find a place to put the photo.

Taking the group photo from his school bag, Ren waved his hand, and the photo was framed.

Then he placed the photo on his desk, next to the black kitten statue eating the fish he exchanged with Itsuki.

After calming his mind about Gabriel's departure, Ren walked out of the house, ready to start wandering alone.

However, as soon as he stepped out, he met Mafuyu who had just come out too.

"Good afternoon, Kirisu-sensei."

Ren took the initiative to greet her.

"Good afternoon." Mafuyu replied, then asked, "Where's Tenma-san? Has she returned?"


Ren answered honestly.

"In that case, come to my house tonight, and I'll cook for you."

Mafuyu didn't forget her promise to take care of him.


Ren didn't refuse.

"What would you like to eat today? I just bought some new cookbooks. It shouldn't be a problem to make some basic dishes."

As they walked down together, Mafuyu asked for his opinion.

"Anything is fine."

Ren never fusses about food.

"In that case, I'll buy something and make dinner."

Mafuyu didn't feel any emotions due to his relaxed attitude, but rather became more confident.

Therefore, she could make some simple dishes to prove to him that she's not a useless teacher who doesn't know anything and change his perception of her.


Ren looked forward to what Mafuyu would do.

"In that case, I'll go to the convenience store first. You can just come to my house later tonight."

After giving him a heads-up, Mafuyu took the initiative to bid farewell.

"Yeah, I understand."

After saying goodbye to her, Ren continued to walk down the street.


Time passed, and night fell.

Ren stood in front of Mafuyu's house and knocked on the door gently.

In the past, he knocked on Gabriel's door, but today it's Mafuyu's door.

This made him slightly uncomfortable.

A few moments later, Mafuyu opened the door, seeing that it was Ren, she made way to let him in.

"Please come in."


As he entered the room, Ren smelled something burning.

"Quick, wash your hands, or your food will get cold."

After taking off his shoes and reaching the living room, Mafuyu urged him to wash his hands.


After washing his hands and sitting in front of the table, Ren looked at the disposable chopsticks and barbecue rice in the disposable lunch box in front of him, and couldn't help but ask: "Kirisu-sensei, may I ask if this is what you made?"

This combination doesn't look like a homemade meal, but more like takeout food.

Moreover, when cooking at home, no one would use disposable lunch boxes, right?

"No." There was also a piece of barbecue rice placed in front of Mafuyu, "This is food I ordered. Please eat."

"But didn't you say you wanted to make dinner yourself during the day?"

He remembered clearly what Mafuyu had said.

"There was a small accident; you don't need to worry too much." Mafuyu coughed and said guiltily, "It was just a small accident."


Ren didn't care what accident happened, as long as he had food to eat.

"Um... Kamikawa-san, if possible, I hope you can help me clean the kitchen after dinner."

After a moment, Mafuyu asked.

"You know, I'm not good at this."

"Okay." Ren agreed.

Since the other party provided food for him, cleaning the kitchen made sense.

Seeing him agree, Mafuyu didn't say anything else and just bowed her head to eat silently.

"I'm done eating."

Putting down his chopsticks, Ren walked to the kitchen, intending to see how messy it was.


As he entered the kitchen, the strong smell of burning hit his face, which directly triggered his body's protection mechanism to automatically filter out the unpleasant smell.

In the kitchen, the only word "tragic" that could be used to describe it.

"Sensei, do you still want this pot?"

After observing the specific situation, Ren came to the stove, took the burnt pan, and asked Mafuyu, who bowed her head slightly deeper.

What did she do until the pan was burnt?

"No, just take care of the things in the kitchen, as long as they can be cleaned again."

Mafuyu felt she couldn't face Ren anymore; it was truly embarrassing.


With his words, Ren handled the kitchen calmly.

Putting down the pot, he found an unknown black object on the cutting board.


He poked it curiously, but there was no change at all in the unknown black object.

Ren took it and shook it slightly with both hands. There was no change in the unknown black object.


This made him interested.

Although he wasn't using much strength now, it wasn't something an ordinary object could withstand.

However, this unknown black object didn't change its shape at all, which showed its sturdiness.

So Ren used a little more force to open it, revealing its center.

"Slices of steamed bread?"

After studying its internal structure for a while, Ren finally understood what the unknown black object was.

He seemed to know what caused the pan to burn.

He had to admit that Mafuyu was somewhat talented in cooking.

Of course, he wasn't talking about the taste.

Soon, half an hour passed, and Ren came out of the kitchen with three trash bags.

"It's been cleaned."

Putting the trash near the door, Ren told her.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll buy a new pan tomorrow and keep trying to cook."

Thinking about the burnt pan, Mafuyu made a decision.


After hearing this, Ren took out his wallet, took out his bank card, and placed it in front of her.


Mafuyu didn't quite understand the meaning of his actions.

"My bank card." Ren replied, "There's a lot of money in it."

"Why are you giving me your bank card?"

Mafuyu became even more confused.

Ren said seriously: "Kirisu-sensei, you can use my money to order takeout food."

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