
People Are In Konoha, Start Binding Orochimaru

Traveling to the world of Hokage and becoming a student at the same time as Sannin, Xuming didn't panic at all. Because he has a cheat, after choosing an object to bind, whenever the opponent's strength becomes stronger, he will get ten times the benefits! Xu Ming binds Orochimaru without hesitation! "Orochimaru, you have to work hard, as long as you work hard enough, I can live the life I want!"

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116 Chs

Chapter 83

For a moment.Xu Ming felt a slight numbness in his heart. He couldn't help but scratch his head and looked away.This kind of thing where someone expresses your love by directing the ball is really offensive.Xu Ming felt that he had lost half of his health all of a sudden."Why do you like me?" He took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and asked."Does this kind of thing need a reason?" Tsunade had doubts on his face."It's really not necessary." Xu Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Then can you tell me what you like about me?""I like it a lot." Tsunade thought for a while and said."for example?""You are completely different from others.When eating, you will put my favorite dishes in front of me.When walking, you will let me walk on the side close to the wall.You will not let me be responsible for making tea as a matter of course, and you will not talk about it.As a girl, I need to learn how to cook, and when I drink, I won't laugh at my lack of girlishness...There are so many, I can't count them all."Tsunade clasped his fingers and looked at Xu Ming seriously."..."Xu Ming was a little dumbfounded and said helplessly: "Isn't this what Teacher and Mito-senpai would do to you?""Different."Tsunade763 frowned and said: "Because they are my elders, others will still point fingers at me, but you are the only one who is completely different from others. You are the one who...won't ask me What, you won't let me do anything as a matter of course...Tsunade rubbed his head and said that he was confused.But Xu Ming understood what she meant.In essence, it is the attitude towards the relationship between men and women.Xu Ming's thinking comes from the moral culture of the earth in the past life. It respects the opposite sex and does not take women's contribution as a matter of course, nor does it require women to naturally sacrifice themselves for the family.Because in terms of personality, everyone is equal.But the culture here in Japan... Needless to say, everyone understands this.But these things that Xu Ming seems to take for granted are indeed a completely different style and habit in the world of Hokage.Tsunade felt respected like never before.This kind of respect is not temporary. It is integrated into Xu Ming's daily life. It does not need to be maintained deliberately. It has always been like this."So, it's just... you're different from other people." Tsunade concluded."Is that why?" Xu Ming scratched his head harder."Isn't this enough?" (aich) Tsunade's eyes widened."Uh, that's enough..." Xu Ming retreated under her gaze.The air fell silent again.Xu Ming scratched his head, looked at the mountain scenery in the distance, and sorted out the complicated emotions in his heart.Being liked by someone, especially by an excellent person, is a very happy thing.Tsunade is undoubtedly an excellent person.B..."I promised Master Jing that I would be engaged to Uchiha." Xu Ming said with some embarrassment."Does it have any impact?" Tsunade asked."No... no impact?" Xu Ming's voice suddenly weakened."At least I don't think it has any impact on the fact that I like you." Tsunade said with a straight face.The air fell silent three times.Xu Ming exhaled a long breath and said with a wry smile: "But why, you never seem to like me in front of me.""What does it look like? Is it like this?" Tsunade leaned over."sex"4…Caught off guard, Xu Ming felt something warm and cool touch his lips, which was very soft, and Tsunade's face was very close at hand.He could even see the tiny fuzz on Tsunade's face.a long time.Tsunade stepped back and sat back on her stone, her face slightly rosy.She turned her head unnaturally, looked away, and said, "Are you going to do this? Kissing or something like that between lovers...""Sorry, I have never been interested in these things before, and I have never understood them.""I don't know how to express that I like someone."Xu Ming was stunned and his consciousness was in a trance.He actually...Being attacked by a twelve-year-old girl!?"so..."Tsunade took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say: "Whatever you think you should do, just do whatever you like. I will study hard and cooperate with you well.""For example?" Xu Ming asked in a strange way."For example, here..."Tsunade looked down at himself, shyly grabbed Xu Ming's hand and pressed it on a mountain."Although I don't know what's so good about this thing, it's completely cumbersome for practice, but I heard that boys like it here, so if you want to touch it, you can do it at any time. This should be what lovers do, right? "At this moment, Xu Ming's mind went blank.The touch is so wonderful.Moreover, compared with other girls, the gap is too big!This is already the size of an average adult woman!"Ah, I read in the book that boys also like to taste with their mouths, is that true?" Tsunade said and reached for the knot behind his back."Stop! What kind of books are you reading?" Xu Ming hurriedly stopped and asked.Some... bad reading materials confiscated by Grandma Mito. Tsunade thought for a while and said, then looked down and frowned in discomfort, "Don't use too much force, and don't keep bullying Jianjian there." ""Ah, ah, sorry." Xu Ming moved softly in embarrassment."It doesn't matter. This is also the first time for me to do this. I may get used to it if I touch you too much in the future." Tsunade waved his hand magnanimously.Xu Ming was speechless, but his movements did not stop.At night.Tsunade left, and Xu Ming soaked in the pool to cool down.Recently, Orochimaru has to maintain the form of a giant snake, so he can't come here, so this place has become the exclusive place of Xu Ming."Why can't I help it?"Xuwu looked at his hands and let out a sigh of relief.Of course, I won't reach the end, I'll just get started...but I'll basically take advantage of it."It's over, I can't help but look forward to the adult Tsunade."Xu Ming held his head in pain.I feel like I have to be a scumbag.Senju clan.Uzumaki Mito sat at the dining table, waiting for Tsunade to come back and start the meal."grandmother!"As soon as Tsunade came back, he happily ran to Uzumaki Mito and said in a sharing tone:"My relationship with Xu Ming has taken a further step!""Ah?" Uzumaki Mito's kind smile immediately froze, and he hurriedly asked: "What happened?""Just... I did some book stuff with him in the afternoon." Tsunade said a little embarrassed."Books!? Could it be those..." Uzumaki Mito was furious, eyes burning with fire."Well, those are the ones you collected to burn, grandma." Tsunade nodded.Uzumaki Mito suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and the world around him started to spin.A few minutes later.Uzumaki Mito's angry roar came from the Senju clan."Xu Ming, you damn bastard!!".